Chapter 1

Skinny Girl


Straight-A student, top of the class, beautiful and shy was what _____ represented – but wait, she was also cold-hearted and anorexic. She used to be cute, fun and popular; now the short-shorts, crop top and low-cute shirt popular, but the cute, reserved and sweet one that the whole school loved. That all changed until one of her best friends, SanHee, texted to the whole school that _____ was overweight. Now this was in middle school, where everyone was immature and believed what the most popular students said. Students and friends made fun of _____, calling her ‘fat’ and ‘chubby’. Feeling embarrassed, hurt and angry, _____ completely changed. She stopped eating and became so skinny that she just became invisible.

It was an understatement that Jo Kwangmin was hot; he was a GOD. All of the girls swooned when he walked by. Some sent him confession letters, some were brave enough to tell him in person.  He has dated a handful of those girls, and broken all of their hearts.



The first day of school arrived and Kwangmin and the other kingkas, Donghyun, Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Youngmin (his older twin), and Minwoo sauntered to the front gates. The handsome group of boys walked with such poise that the girls – and boys – watched in awe at them. Following the other students’ gaze, _____ looked and scoffed.

“Pshht. Kwangmin has another girl… Ha! SanHee is so going to get her little cold heart broken.”

She walked past the pathetic crowd, crossed her bony arms over her chest and went to her locker that was so conveniently near the lunch room. Sniffing the wonderful aroma coming from the cantine, _____’s mouth watered. I’m not hungery, I just had a carrot for breakfast, she thought. The bell rang signally that first period was about to start in three minutes. Clutching her books, _____ strolled along the crowd of groaning and students.

Coming to a halt at the door, _____ noticed the group of handsome boys that were leisurely sitting atop their desks, texting and chatted to one another. Shaking her head at Kwangmin and SanHee making out in the corner, _____ her heels and gracefully and silently strode to her assigned desk. Although she was unnoticeable to the rest of the students, Kwangmin, from the corner of his eye, saw the quiet and beautiful girl sit down.

“Hey, babe, stop. Songsaengnim Soo is coming in.” Kwangmin whispered to his ‘girlfriend’.

“Ugh, fine. But we are continuing this later.” Smirked SanHee and clanked her high-heeled, make-up caked face to her own desk right across from Minwoo. As Kwangmin ignored the lecture that the teacher was giving, he was intently gazing at _____’s complextion.

Huh, she’s not that bad. Delicate and cute face… but she’s way too skinny… Kwangmin daydreamed as the second period bellrang.

Everyday since then, Kwangmin has been quietly stalking _____. He knew almost everything about _____; her address, school ranking and her no eating appetite. I guess that’s why she’s so skinny, he thought one day while at lunch. At his table, all of the Kingkas sat, laughing and talking about the upcoming weeks’ plans. SanHee was annoyingly tugging at Kwangmin’s sleeve saying how she has wanted some ‘alone time’ and why he has been so ‘distant’ lately. Forcedly shaking off her hand, Kwangmin turned to Youngmin, his brother to ask about the skinny girl.

“Hyung, do you know that girl? _____? Why is she so skinny?” he quietly asked.

“Ah, her? Well, let’s just say that she, obviously, doesn’t eat and stopped eating after the seventh grade okay? Just… anorexic,” Youngmin replied back shrugging and quickly glaring at SanHee sulking in the corner.

Skip a few weeks

“Hey _____,” Kwangmin strolled next to _____.

“Ermm… hi?” _____ amswered back.

Getting quite interested in _____, kwangmin started ditching his group, making up excuses that he had ‘too much homework’ or that he was sick. As his friends were easily gullible, they shrugged it off, except Youngmin. Everyday, the kingka tried engaging a conversation with _____. And everyday _____ and Kwangmin unknowingly started growing attracted to one another. 






OH GOD..... THAT WAS SO BAD >______< 

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