Heart Attack

When I Was Your Man
Key's P.O.V

I walked into my room and fell on my bed, tired from shopping with Nicole, Minho and my model friend from Daegu. We'd gone on such a long shopping spree, that Minho ended up complaining half way through.

Even though he ended up buying half the store anyways.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. Jonghyun was practicing a song next door by a new band called "Luna Fly." I closed my eyes and let the lyrics sink in, the words paining my heart as I remembered all the things he did to me.

Irked, I put my head phones in and tried to sleep. When I was near practically falling into a coma from exhaustion, I heard giggles and whispers outside my door.

It sounded like Taemin and Jonghyun. These days they'd been closer than usual. Now that Taem was growing up, he'd broken away from me and started hanging out with him instead. Constantly going out together drinking and practicing their vocals and composition.

It was relieving. Seeing Taem finally grow up these days and mature, his strengths expanding with each new talent he was getting. It was nice.

"A promise r---" the end of his sentence was muffled following an attempt but large fail at a quiet "shhh."

I couldn't hear much afterwards and brushed it off, as the front door slammed closed, I opened my eyes, searching for the clock.

"11 pm..."

"Hey hyung!" Taemin shouted, jumping on top of me with his small but now rather heavy body. "I'm home~~"

"Welcome home." I whispered, thoughts filling my head again.

If Taemin wasn't the one who left, it was Jonghyun. Exactly where was he going at this time?

"What's wrong, hyung? You look ... weird?"

A throb hit my chest and I swallowed hard, trying to push aside the jealousy that was filling up inside me.

"Onew hyung won't be back tonight, but where's Minho? Wasn't he with you earlier?"

"Went out on a date." I replied.


"..... a-and Jonghyun?" I cursed myself for sounding so obvious. Damn my voice for breaking like that.

A twisted smirk formed on his thick lips and he gave me a curious look.

"Hyung went out. Said he won't be back till late." He replied simply.

I rolled my eyes at the fun he was having by teasing me, placing my headphones back in my ears as I adjusted myself, turning away from him.

"You're no fun~~" he sung.

After a while, the songs on my playlist ended and all I could hear was Taemin snoring on the bed next to mine.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, rinsing my face off. Looking up at my reflection, I flinched. Why was I getting jealous anyways? I swore I wouldn't go through this again. I swore I was finished, that I'd burry all those ignorant feelings I had for him away.

"Gotta keep your walls up, Kibum. Don't let him get to you." I said to myself, slapping both my cheeks to give myself a bit of reality.

"Bummie?" I heard outside the door.

My heart sunk and I shook my head, attempting once again to shake away the feelings. After patting my face dry, I opened the door knob and saw him drenched, his jacket covering up a big bag.

"Here!" He shouted, only loud enough for me to hear, holding the bag out.

"What is this?" I asked, reaching out for it.

"Just look!" He shouted again, a large smile plastered on his face.

I rummaged through the bag, finding nothing but couple accessories and a fox ring at the bottom. Rolling my eyes, I shut my lips hard. There was no way I was going to let him see me smile over something like this.

He giggled and leaned in close to my face causing my heart to start racing. "I want to keep wearing couple things with the person I like. Remember we did this a few times in the past? Let's do it again." He explained. "And let's where this hat, tomorrow!"

I stared at the simple hats that were totally not even my style and laughed out loud. Seriously, who would wear these things? But well I could rock anything. . "Wait... tomorrow? Why tomorrow? We don't have schedules till late tomorrow."

"Exactly. So let's go on a date, Kibummie." He said, my heart skipping at the next name I loved the most only when he called it.

"A date?" I repeated.

"Yeup! Date."

"Where to?" I asked, still reluctant.

"Uhm, who knows. We'll just go places." He replied, and I looked at him confused. He looked so happy, it was creeping me out.

"Alright, I guess." He sneezed and it dawned on me that he was drenched because the news had mentioned there would be heavy rain tonight.

I smiled at his idiocy. It was 11 degrees outside and it was raining but he still went out to go buy this stuff. I handed him a dry towel as I walked out the bathroom and told him he should shower before he got sick. He gave me a smug grin and pulled me in, sitting me down on the large sink causing my make up bag to fall over.

"HEY!" I shouted, startled when I looked up and our foreheads touched.

"Wanna shower with me?" He asked, his now crescent shaped eyes glistening in the bright lights.

"Are you stupid? Who would shower with you?" I heard him groan as I pushed him off and fell back on my feet. "Make sute the water runs warm enough. I'll go get you some hot tea ready."

I saw his bright smile off the reflection of the mirror while I picked up all my make up and put it back in the bag. My hands stumbling over my eyeliner and I prayed he didn't notice.

"Bummie" He called.

"Unless you want to see me , you should get out now. You know, if you're done." He told me as he started taking off his jacket.

My eyes shot wide open and I ran out, slamming the door behind me. "STUUUUPID!" I screamed. Embarrassed by my childish behavior, my face ran hot and my heart was beating so hard I could hear it pound in my ears.


I woke up on the couch the next morning with Jonghyun fast asleep on my lap, air smelling like an English breakfast.

I rubbed my eyes and shook him so I could get up, but when he stayed put, soft snores escaping his mouth, I decided to just let him sleep longer. I looked down at his long lashes and started brushing them with my thumb, they felt so soft and wet, like a puppy. Giggling at my reference, I moved the back of my hand down to his half open lips.

My heart began to race again as I drew closer and closer to them. Realization hit me as my lips were merely 2cm away from his own and I shot up causing him to fall and hit the side of his head on the foot of the table in the middle of the living room.

"O-ow, ow, owwww~~" He cried, eyes opening slowly with furrowed borrow, his hands both placed on his new injury.

"Oh, good. You're awake." I said, coldly.

"Ah, bummie. Sorry, did I fall asleep? I was actually trying to wake you up but... yeah. Uh, breakfast is ready!" He shouted excitedly, his face a bit red.


"Yeah! I made you breakfast."

"OH MY GOD YOU MADE BREAKFAST?!" I asked, screaming as I turned quickly to expect a burnt kitchen. Much to my surprise, it was spotless.

The only thing in site was a single rose in a vase, the couple mugs we bought in Japan last year and clear plates filled with eggs, a bagel, bacon and little octopus cut sausages that weren't even the type you use for it with sides of strawberry and grape jelly and butter on tiny little holders. There were no chopsticks, just forks and a knife.

"Taemin left early this morning with Minho and Onew, seems Minho went out drinking with Onew late at night and they both had hangovers so Taemin purposely begged them to go out today. That kid is evil, I swear." He explained, laughing.

"He can be, sometimes." I replied almost inaudibly.

"Come on, let's go sit~" He sung, pushing me lightly towards the table. He pulled out the chair for me and walked over to the coffee pot I had bought during my stay in England and poured me hot coffee. Everything was still pretty warm, steam coming out and all.

It made me wonder how long he'd even been asleep on me and if he felt me touching him....

My face turned red again and I cursed under my breath. I hated how he was getting to me again. When did this start again anyways?

Jonghyun's P.O.V

I saw Key walk out the shower to his room and chuckled at the fact that he forgot to close the door completely. I made my way to the small crack from my own room and watched as he bit his thumb lightly, nibbling on it nervously.

I looked down to see what he was so nervous about and saw 10 different outfits spread out on his bed. Outfits I had yet to see, they even had tags hanging off of them. He ran to his closet and grabbed 4 pairs of shoes and placed them on the floor beneath 4 other outfits he seemed to like the most.

I giggled into my hand as he walked to his body length mirror and placed each outfit over his towel, switching tops and bottoms when he didn't think it looked good. Finally, after about 40 minutes he smiled brightly at his reflection, accessories hanging off his fingers while his shoes were half on.

Closing the door, my heart skipped a beat. He was trying so hard to look good for me. Right? He didn't forget about our date and now he's gonna look good? I giggled again, walking over to my room and tried multiple outfits myself so I could suit his taste. Today, I was determined to become someone he would be proud to walk next to.

When I was done, I placed the black hat I bought yesterday on my flat hair followed by earrings and fixed my thick black jacket. I always had to wear black around him, otherwise people would take me lightly and I wasn't going to have that. Key was mine.

A ringtone played loudly close to me and I figured it was mine, as I reached for my phone I noticed it wawasn't mine. Then I heard Key talking and my heart dropped.

"Right now? A date? Where to?"

I clenched my fists and walked towards his room, shoes still untied.

"I don't really have any important plans, so I guess so."

Is he serious right now? I took a deep breathe and tried to stay calm. Who was I kidding, seriously? He'd rather spend time with his friends than someone he doesn't even trust. I sighed loudly and fell back into the wall, my head making a thud as it fell back and I swallowed my tears.

"Ah.." I heard. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing." I replied with a sad smile. "Nothing at all.. I'm, uh, going out for a walk. See you at our next schedule."

He left out a choking laugh and I turned around to see him roll his eyes and shake his head, reaching for his phone.

"Yo, Seop. Something came up." He said. "Nah, man. I just have a friend who gets jealous easily... yeah, yeah. Him. Yeah, I know. I'm not stupid... Alright, bro. Have fun with Cole then."

I stared at him, amazed and he took my hand. Dumbfounded, my mouth hung open, at a loss for words. I just didn't know what to say.. besides, the obvious. I didn't deserve his actions.

"So where are we going? I didn't spend this long getting ready for no reason. I mean, look." He said pouting his lips. "I even put my new lip gloss on, and this is the expensive kind."

Tempted, my lips fell onto his and I felt a forceful attempt at pushing me off as I began to open mine. I flinched when he bit me and he hit my shoulder.

"I'm only going out with you because you looked like a dog with his tail between his legs. Don't take it too far."

I couldn't help but smile as I reached for his hand again and grabbed my keys off the counter of my bedroom next to his. "Let's go then, shall we?"

"Right, whatever."


Our hostess led us to the table I reserved for us 2 days ago upstairs in a private room and Key gave me a knowing look.

"So you planned all this?" He asked rhetorically.

I knew I wasn't suppose to answer and I really shouldn't have but I was hardheaded to begin with so I pulled out his chair and whispered "I do all things, for you."

He grinded his teeth and let out a hiss as he sat down, scooting the chair up himself before I had the chance to and I giggled again. His behavior was so humorous but I knew I should probably start watching my actions better.

Our waitress came with a bottle of wine I had specified I wanted and she poured it into our glasses, while Key sipped it with a smug grin of approval the other waitress came with a cart, a large vase full of dozens of roses with a letter sticking out the middle and a small black box.

Choking a bit on his wine, he furrowed his brows as he turned to me and I gave him a small smile, making my way up and towards the cart. I brushed my jacket aside with one hand, grabbing a single rose gently and handing it to him.

He slowly reached out for it as his eyes squinted at me, confused and I turned back to reach for the letter and box kneeling down unnecessarily next to him.

"Okay. No. Get up." He said.

My laugh was followed by quiet giggles from the waitress and Key shot them a glare before they walked away, bowing.

"Don't be mean." I said.

"Just get up. This isn't funny. You're taking this too far."

Even though he protested, I stayed still opening the box and placing the small card on the top half behind the rings.

"Are you an idiot?" He asked after he read the note.

"I am, for you."

He reached out for the ring with small diamonds and smiled as he read our initals aloud that were engraved inside. He rolled his eyes as he stuck out his hand and said "okay." I took the hint and put the ring on him, shortly after he did the same for me.

"This doesn't mean I'm forgiving you." He said clearly.

"The card says 'forgive me, I promise to be yours only' what do you mean you're not forgiving me?" I asked jokingly.

"Don't press your luck, Kim Jonghyun. This only means I'll give you one more chance. ONE."

"Alright. You won't regret it!" I shouted, jumping up and pulling him out of his chair, embracing him tightly.

"Omg. Bear hug much?" He said through the loud obnoxious laugh I loved so much. "Okay seriously stop, it's hard to breath you freaking miniature hulk."

"Haah, sorry." I apologized bashfully. "Can I kiss you?"

"Let me think about it."

I blinked a few times, well a lot, waiting for his response before he leaned in grabbing me by the collar of my leather jacket. "Only on the cheek."

Standing on my tip toes, ignoring his request, I craned my neck up a little thanking the soles for making me so much taller and kissed his forehead. I pulled my own onto his and looked him right in the eyes, watching his face turn red as well as the reflection of my own tint changing.

"There's one condition though."

"What's that?" I asked, completely confused but kind of aware something like this would happen.

"The way you've been acting for a while now has been sweet and all, but I still need to know you're serious."

I tilted my head, wondering how in the hell I could seem anymore serious than now.

"You have to prove to me, publically that you're serious about it."

I laughed as I stared into his serious eyes and mumbled an "okay." Deeply searching for some way, some ways I could show it.


Key's P.O.V

I spit out my water as Minho told me what Jonghyun said at the radio broadcast and he laughed so hard he fell out of his chair.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted. "Is he stupid or just .. stupid?!"

"4 years and you're still his ideal type."

"Does he know that the fans all call me the fox type, that everyone is fully aware of that? That's not fanservice Minho, that's playing dumb."

"He wants to be obvious, idiot." Minho corrected me.


He looked down at my ring and I blushed, my head falling hard on the table.

"Do I need to explain or do understand?"

"Shut up. I get it." I said, shaking my head side to side.

"Hyung really is determined to make you believe him. I kind of feel bad for him since you're playing so hard to get. Giving in and then pulling away, it's gotta be rough for him."

"If you were me, wouldn't you be the same way? Imagine the girl you liked hurt you so bad you swore to yourself you'd never look at her the same but you loved her so much you really couldn't even help yourself and she won you back over against your will. At least understand why a part of me still can't trust him, why I still have to keep my walls up."

"I understand that, I never said I didn't feel bad for you either. But well, I guess love is funny like that. If you're meant to be, you're meant to be. He's fighting for you though, I just hope you see that."

I let out a heavy sigh and looked him straight in the eye, tears blurring my vision. "I don't know how to feel."

"If you're not ready, you're not ready. But don't lead him on either, you're gonna hurt yourself if you do that, because he's going to get his hopes up and you're going to get your hopes up with him the more time you spend together with that ring on."

I twisted my ring around and pushed it up, reading our initials aloud again. "You know he still makes my heart race like crazy?" I asked.

"You know that idiot calls your name out in his sleep at night followed by 'I love yous' and 'I miss yous' sometimes he even cries. It's starting to get on my damn nerves. I need sleep." He complained. "Make up or break up."

"Aren't you just the little prick?"

We both laughed at our jokes. Minho was my best friend and it was always good having a guys perspective about this, someone who knew Jonghyun as much as I did. It put me at ease. More than talking to my family about it, more than talking to Amber about it, more than Nicole, Woo, Seop. Even Taem. It was just so comforting.

I ran up and gave him a big hug, even though he only accepted for like two seconds before he proceeded to brush me off, but I wasn't having it. He was going to take this hug~~

"Ah, hyung!" Minho shouted through deep chuckles.

Jonghyun rubbed his eyes open and stared back and me and Minho unamused and both of us let go of each other instantly. I fixed my shirt up and scratched the back of my neck, a bit nervous for his reaction.

"Goodmorning~~" he yawned out, running towards the both of us and putting us in another bear hug.

"Seriously. You got to stop doing this." I said pushing him off as he clung to Minho and the two began to wrestle to see who could squeeze the life out of the other harder.

"Morning everyone.."

"...m..mmornin" Taemin mumbled.

Onew and him made their way towards the table and Onew scratched at his acne as he watched the table wobble like an airhead while Jonghyun and Minho fell to the floor.

"I'm uh' shower.." Tae mumbled.

"Oh right. We have a busy schedule today." Onew said, pulling himself out of his day dream.


I stood frozen, shocked that we won yet again. Reaching out for the trophy, I stumbled a bit and held it firmly in my grasp. I smiled at the camera as Onew gave the thank you speech and each member took a turn speaking, then I felt two arms wrap around me from the tip of me shoulder and in between my left arm. A tug pulled at my thumb and lips met my neck and I did my best to stay composed.

In reality I wanted to smack him with the trophy for what he was doing. He knew my neck was sensitive and even for fanservice this was too obvious.

He whispered something in my ear that I could barely hear and I turned over at Onew who was also trying to talk to me as the camera zoomed in.

The only thing I made out of what he was mouthing was "this" and "yesterday" before I nearly dropped the clear glass award.

"What would you give your beloved on White Day?" The DJ asked.

"I would give them myself." Jonghyun replied jokingly. A short while after he corrected himself and said "I don't have anything so you can have my kiss."

I stuck my tongue out at our leader and he laughed aloud, mouthing "He's possessive" as he shot his head to point at Jonghyun who apparently was staring hard the camera.

When we finally ended, my ears got so red from embarrassment I hid behind him. I couldn't believe I was being so girly but seriously who does something that cute?


"What's wrong with you?" Amber asked in the dressing room.


"Does it have something to do with what just happened on stage with your pet?"

I laughed. Amber knew how to kill a serious moment, and I was appreciative for it. "Who does that?"

"A guy who loves you and wants to show the world, I guess." She said, flinching at her own answer. "Oh, gross. I sound like some love guru. Stop." She joked.

"What would you do if you were me?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm not you. You're you. Listen to yourself. If you want him back, take him back. Don't fight yourself over it, it's only going to hurt you. Putting up these walls, Kibum, is it honestly working for you?"

"Not really, no." I replied.

"Then, let him tear them down. He knows he was wrong, so he's trying to make up for it. Anyone can see that, and anyone can see that he makes you happy. So, do you."

"Thanks." I replied as I got up from my chair and walked out the door, frantically looking for Jonghyun.

"Have you seen Jjong?" I asked the PD.

"I think he left somewhere with a girl." He replied.

"An idol or...?"

"I don't know."

Before I knew it, I was running till it hurt to breath.

"So what do you think about this?" A girl asked him, too close for my personal comfort.

"Yeah, that's good." He replied, giving her a big smile. He ruffled her hair and I stood there, unable to move anymore. A droplet of sweat falling down my forehead.

"Alright, so..." she leaned in closer to him, touching his cheek and smiled brightly at him.

"Stop!" I yelled.

"Key oppa?" She called. I took a closer look at her and saw that it was his sister. "Hey, it's been a while~"

Jonghyun looked at me worried and ran towards me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I just... I... I didn't know Song Dam was around and-"

"Omo! Oppa, did you think I was just some random girl?" She asked, shoked.

"N-no. It's just.." I couldn't explain myself and it annoyed me. I sounded so jealous, it was so not cute.

"Cuuuute~" they both called out in unison.

"I'll take it that my brother's hard work paid off. I'm glad, that's really all I came for honestly." She giggled and patted my cheek, giving me a kiss afterwards. "You're prettier these days. They say you look better when you're in love, but it doesn't seem to work for my oppa."

Jonghyun gave her a jokeful hiss and kissed her forehead, bidding her goodbye and she bowed politely to me apologing for the confusion before she left.

"So... you were jealous?" Jonghyun asked, a big smile on his face that was annoying me more than I was annoying myself.

"No way. There's cameras here, what if there were news casters where you were and didn't know it was your sister either? We'd have a scandal on our hands." I lied.

"Right." He giggled, his hands cupping my warm cheeks. "Does this mean you're mine again?"

"I'm still thinking about it." Ambers words replayed in my head and I shook my head, disappointed in myself. "I mean, I guess.. I still.."

"You don't have to say it, I already know and I love you too."

My heart raced as he drew closer to my face, and I thought back to all the nice things he's done for me since the incident. Realizing just then, that I had never stopped loving him from the beginning.

He knew me better than I knew myself. He completed me.

We were the perfect combination.


A/N: I don't know if I'm going to write more so this might or might not be marked as completed soon. Since it originally was suppose to be a one shot. But yanno, we'll see. This was just my perspective on how things might've went and how they got back together, so I hope you liked it. Comment, like it. Up vote it, jk. It's not that good. *shrugs* JK IS LOVE.

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Thank you!
I decides not to ruin the ending~ I might write another JK one shot though. For more JK fics check out my other stories. ^^


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jxoxnxgxkxexy #1
Chapter 1: It's so wonderful! This story is really great! Love every single thing about it! :)
Chapter 1: this is a perfect jongkey!!
love it so much.
ktshawol #3
Chapter 1: Omg that was sooo good! I wish ther was more but then again its a perfect oneshot, so sweet and so real >< loved it thank you sooo much
ktshawol #4
Omg i am so excited for this fic ahhhh ^^
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful...I really enjoyed reading :)
waaaaaah i loved this so much <333 i hope you decide to update another part! ^^ this needs a sequel - well, i need it to have a sequel XD lol
Chapter 1: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW *curls in pain cuz of the extreme cuteness overload and dies happy*
Chapter 1: Wahhh this is almost exactly how i saw things going down lol.
Good job with it, i think it'd be better left off as a one shot seems like a good place to stop :)
Omfg i love bruno man's "when i was your man" XDDDDDD its one of my favorite songs!
Update soon im looking forward to this :)