When I was You Man.....

When I was Your Man....

"Come on Kris! Let's just dance for once," she asked, with her arms around my arm and puppy eyes. "Amber, I am tired and I didn't want to come to this stupid party," I said, a little annoyed. "Please, Kris. Just once, okay?" she asked again. "Amber," was all I needed to say. Her arms dropped and stood beside me, and I wrapped my arm around her waist. We stood aside, watching many couples dancing on the romantic songs. Her eyes didn't meet mine and for once, with all the tiredness from work, I didn't care. 

"Kris?" her voice woke me up a bit, but not enough to focus. My half opened eyes looked at her. Her head on my chest, with a thin cloth covering our bodies. My bed feels warms, maybe because it's her. "Hmm?" my voice  mumbled a bit. "You love me right?" her voice asked me. I was too sleepy to answer. I hugged her tightly, bringing her body close to mine. "Hmmm," I said, and that's the last thing I said that night. 
Her leg broke today, and she had to rush to the hospital. She kept thinking that he would come, with a worried look and flowers in his hands. But, he never did because of some meetings he has. She should understand him and needs to believe in him. She misses those times when he wasn't the CEO. Their long dates, little fights, long kisses, happy times. Everything changed after he became the CEO. He became distant for her, like he is somewhere far away and she can't reach him. Who is she anyway? A normal tomboyish girl with a dream to become music producer. She blinked back her tears, and saw a man arriving with flowers. Even though he didn't come, he still brought her flowers, doesn't matter if it's not her favorite. But the man walked right pass her room, and entered some old woman's room. A tear escaped from her eyes but she quickly brushes it away. Her fingers circled the necklace on her neck. His first gift for her, a normal llama-shaped pendant. He always says that she looks like a cute llama, so he brought it for her. She wonders if she is the only one who finds this, everything, meaningful. 
"Like a G6! Like a G6!" Amber sang along the music from the radio.  She looked cute, but honestly, I was getting irritated. "Amber, will you please stop it?" I finally said. She looked at me, hurt written in her eyes. "But, it's like our song. We always sung it together," she said. "Amber, I have a really big meeting and I need to concentrate on my PowerPoint. So please, can you stop singing and just lower the volume?" She bit her lip, and returned back into her cooking. After going through my presentation, I grabbed my coat, kissed her goodbye and left. I didn't hear her saying anything, but I was too nervous to notice that. 
I came home after long hours of work. I yawned as I entered, and noticed that all the lights were out, except in the kitchen. There she was, totally dressed up and with full makeup. She was holding a mug of coffee as of her life was on it, with her knuckles turning white. She didn't notice that I was in the same room. "Amber?" 
She looked at me with a blank look, as if she didn't recognize me. "Did you go to a party or something?" I asked. She nodded and said,"Ya, I went for a dinner. Dinner that we were supposed to have. A dinner that you made reservation for yesterday. You said that you would be late and said to me to wait for you. I waited, but you never came." Okay, now I am confused. "We had a date today?" When I said that, her expression didn't change, and it scared me a bit. 
"You don't even remember it. You never forgot about our date," she said quietly, without looking into my eyes. "Amber, whats the big deal?" I asked, my voice raising a bit. "Now, our date is not that of big deal for you," she said. "Amber! Why are you being so dramatic! Why can't you understand me for once?" 
"I have tried to understand you all this time! Have you were thought about me?" Amber shouted. "Why? I have more work to do than you. I am a CEO and you are nothing," I shouted back. open, her eyes filled with tears as one tear fell down from her eyes. I realized what I said, those words hanging in the air. I could feel my mouth drying, my throat becoming heavy. "I am nothing to you, huh? Then I shouldn't be staying here," she said quietly, placing her cup on the table with shaking hands. I saw her leaving the kitchen, and heading towards our room. I couldn't believe that I said that, couldn't believe that I hurt her. The scarier part for me was that I meant it. With my mind still unclear, I went to the living room and sat on the sofa. Then, she came with her suitcases and her bag. I looked at her for the last time. The eyes that I love had tears in them. The smile that I want to kiss every second wasn't there. She wouldn't cry in front of me, she has too much pride for that. She looked at me, her jaws clenched from trying not to cry. She left, leaving me, my house, and my life. I can feel my cheeks getting wet, and feel my heart breaking into pieces. 
---------- Two Years Later----------
Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same
Cold was the only thing that I could think of when I woke up from my dreamless sleep. Even with my blanket wrapped around me like a shell, I still missed her warmth. I shook my head, trying to forget about her. After a long warm bath, I dressed up and headed towards my office. The car was so silent that I switched on the radio. "Like a G6! Like a G6" the music came out. I quickly switched it off. I could feel something heavy forming in my heart. Why can't I forget about her? 
When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
"That's it, Kris! You are coming with me for tonight's party. How long has it been  since you have been out?" my sister, Fei, said to me. As usual, I kept my eyes on my laptop. My friends; Lay, Chen, Luhan, Xiumin, and Tao were behind Fei. "I heard that Amber is with someone," Luhan mumbled. I looked at him with cold eyes, silently giving him death glare. Luhan flinched a bit, and satisfied, I returned back to my laptop. "How long has it been you have gone on a date?" Fei asked me stupid question. As usual, I didn't reply to any of them. "If you are not coming tonight with me, then I will give all my shares to Kai." What? My evil cousin who want to take over my company will get my sister's shares? "You have got to be kidding," I said, staring at her. She crossed her arms and said,"Try me. I don't have anything to lose." I knew she was right though, she could do that. I sighed in defeat, while she and others clapped in triumph. 
It all just sounds like oooooh…
Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways
Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out my life
Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, ohh…
And it haunts me every time I close my eyes
It all just sounds like uh, uh, uh, uh
"By the way, why did Amber break up with you?" Tao asked. The guys must have felt my mood going down. Tao also realized that and was about to apologize. But, he doesn't need to, I bet all the guys are curious too. "I said something bad to her, something that I shouldn't have." After that, the matter dropped but I still couldn't shake the feeling. I can still remember my last wos to her. I am a CEO and you are nothing. With words, you cannot take it back. People don't remember actions, but they remember each and every single word. I was dumb, stupid, call any name you want because I deserved it. The thing I regret? I can't change my past and bring her back. 
I dressed in a black suit and set off to pick up my sister for this stupid party. She looked beautiful, but I was too annoyed to say anything. Fei kept taing and talking, and as usual, I ignored her. We reached the location for the party, and I should say it was pretty fancy. Fei started talking to other people, and I wouldn't mind if she didn't drag me with her. I smiled, showed that I was interested but I wanted to be in my home right now. I have a feeling that something is going to happen, like a weird feeling. Suddenly, there burst of noises coming from the entrance. People were admiring a couple, and I regretted the moment I turned my face. There was Amber, beautiful in a white dress, holding hands with Henry. She looks beautiful and happy being beside Henry. People were gushing over them, some girls even drooling over him. I picked up a champagne and gulped it down, trying to act normal. I tried to fight over the feeling the was forming in my chest. The couple started to move around, and I moved away from them, not wanting to come in between them. I could feel knots forming in my heart when I saw Henry's arm around her waist. Slowly, music started to fill the place. Henry tried to bring Amber on the dance floor, but she hesitated. Finally, she agreed and they started to dance. I could feel Henry's love for Amber and also feel my throat getting heavy.   
Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man
Although it hurts
I'll be the first to say that I was wrong
Oh, I know I'm probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But I just want you to know
But, suddenly, Henry kneeled down and pulled out a box. I know I should have looked away, but I keep staring at them. Amber's eyes grew wide and I could see tears coming out. "Amber Josephine Liu, will you marry me?" Henry finally said. The audience started to cheer, saying her to say yes. Amber's face became red because of embarrassment and shocked. She hugged him as her answer and Henry lifted her, causing the audience to celebrate. Fei came beside me and passed me her tissue. I didn't know when tears came out of my eyes, so I thanked her for her tissue. "You knew this would happen," I said to her. It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Fei was Henry's best friend and she knew everything about him. "I just wanted you to know that you have to move on. Come on, I have to wish them." She moved forward, but my legs also followed her too. All the people stopped talking. Well, they knew about me and Amber, who has been proposed right now, of course it would be weird. Henry stopped talking and stared at me. I reached for a handshake, and not wanting to be rude, he reached out too. I hugged him and whispered,"Don't repeat my mistakes." He seemed a bit shocked, but had a small smile. I looked at Amber, who had a smile, but I couldn't tell her expression in her eyes. I made a small smile make through my face and said,"Congratulation." They bowed in returned, and I went behind everyone. I could hear people shouting for kiss, but I exited before seeing it. I couldn't see that without breaking my heart again and tears streaming down. 
I hope he buys you flowers, I hope he holds your hand
Give you all his hours when he has the chance
Take you to every party cause I remember how much you loved to dance
Do all the things I should have done when I was your man
Do all the things I should have done when I was your man...


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Chapter 1: Heartbreaking :( But yes, good that Amber found her happy ending, and with Henry. Nice story :)
Chapter 1: serve you right kris~
Chapter 1: Thanks for making me cry. This pretty heartbreaking, in the best way of course :)
Chapter 1: this is beautiful author-nim.. so heartbreaking...
nonsense_des #5
Chapter 1: This is tottaly amazing. I love the plot, I love the pairings, i love everything in this fanfic. Good job!
dayan_m #6
Chapter 1: I just read this again while listening to the song because my subscribed stories aren't updated yet haha. It's one of the best krisber I've read especially the sequal :)) I Love It~! :3
Chapter 1: I cried. Oh why. It's too early in the morning.
Chapter 1: sobbing tbh
this is just beautiful
Chapter 1: this one shot is amazing. made me want to cry. ),: good job on the story.