Xiumin and the Flower

Star Gazing Fate

Xiumin Dialogue

Your Dialogue

Where does love begin? Where does it lead to?

It was just a typical evening when you left your house to go stargazing. Under a cherry blossom tree, you set up your telescope and wrapped yourself in the long sweater that made you look like a kid. You took out some Pocky and looked into the telescope. Crunch! You turn around and see the most handsome man in your life climbing down from the tree. Although he was femine looking, you couldnt help being entranced by his gorgeous face.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"


"What's your name?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business."

He picked up something from behind him and handed it to you.

"Pretty flowers for a pretty girl. Can I know your name now?"

"Pffttt~ So corny! I'm you. What's your name?

"I'm Xiumin."

"Nice to meet you. What are you doing here on this late night anyways?"

"I should be asking you that. You're a girl. Aren't you afraid of what could happen to you?"

"Not really. I mean what could happen?"

"Something like this?"

Xiumin grabbed your arms and pinned them behind you. He brought his face close to you and then stopped.

"Pfft~!!! You're just joking with me!"

"Am I?"

Xiumin got even closer to your face. You looked at him intensely and started to struggle. This made Xiumin fall and you landed on top of him.

"I didn't know you were like this."

"What do you mean?!"

Xiumin rolled over and then you were under him. He brought his face close again and kissed you. You got up and touched your lips.

"What was that for?!"

"For being cute and so honest."

"You're weird! Do you just kiss any girl you meet?!"

"No! Only the girl I'm serious about."

"I don't even know you!"

"Yes you do! I can't believe you forgot!"

"What?! I forgot? I really don't know you."

"Should I kiss you again to remind you?"

"Ehhh! No! --- Hrmm!"

Xiumin kissed you again and again. You felt yourself melt in his warm arms and kisses. Xiumin then stopped and pulled away.

"You should go now. I don't think I'll be able to hold myself back anymore."

"Hold yourself back? Maybe I should go."

" I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'll see you."

Xiumin watched you leave without your telescope.

!!! What happened? Who was he? I have to remember.............

When you got home, your realized you left your telescope. Your sister comes in with some snacks. She approaches you and sits next to you.

"Where have you been going so late at night?"

"It's none of your business."

"You're making our parents worry. Stop going out at night."

"Sister! I'm not like you! I'm not Miss Goody Goody Two Shoes. Where I go is up to me and only me."

"You're impossible. I'm leaving."

Uggghhh........... She always makes things more difficult for me.

You then replayed all the events of tonight in your mind. You remember the flowers Xiumin gave you. You looked at it as you lay in bed and drifted off to sleep.

Dreamland or Flashback

Where am I? You look at your alarm to see the time and realize you're running late for school. Rushing, you get ready for the day and grab some breakfast before you leave the house. Wait! Why am I wearing my High School Uniform! I'm already in college. Nonetheless, your body just moved on its own accord towards your high school. On your way there you run into a boy on a hill with a cherry tree. The boy wore glasses and his hair was relatively long and wavy.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

"I should be saying that to you! Why are you just standing around?!"

"Look at this!"

The boy pointed to some flowers growing on the ground. You look at it and admire the flowers beauty.

"Ah, Sorry. I didn't know these flowers grew here."

"How can you not know? Don't you come to this place every night?"

"How do you know that?"

"I like to sit up in this tree at night. I see you bring your telescope every night."

"Why did I never see you then?"

"Because I never came down."

The boy picked some flowers and handed it to you.

"Pretty flowers for a pretty girl. What's your name?"

"That's so corny! I'm you. What's your name?"

"I'm Xiumin! It looks like we go to the same high school."

"Oh! You're right! Wanna walk to school together?"



You wake up the next morning and rub your eyes.

You've got to be kidding me! He's THAT Xiumin in high school!

Quickly you get ready for college and leave the house. Your friend, Chae Won, was waiting for you by the bus stop.

"Yah!!! you! Hurry the bus is coming!"

"I'm made it!!!!"

"Guess what I heard?!"


"There's a new transfer student! I heard he's pretty handsome!"

"Oh, Chae Won! You're always think about guys!"

"No, I'm not! I heard he went to the same high school as us. Who do you think he is?"

"I don't know. Maybe Xiumin? Ahahaha!"

"Where did he go?"

"I heard he went to America but I don't know."

"Didn't you two have a 'thing'?"

"Did we?"

Chae Won facepalms herself and looks at you.

"You told me that you guys use to hang out at night!"

"I don't remember that!"

"That's probably because he transferred to another high school that same year."

"So that's why he got upset with me........"

"Who are you talking about?"


The bus finally gets to your college. You and Chae Won run to your class to be seated. The teacher walks in and introduces the new student.

Teacher: "Please welcome your new classmate, Xiumin. He was recently in America and transferred back to Korea when he moved back."

Xiumin enters the room and takes a seat near you. Chae Won taps you on the arm.

"Is tha the Xiumin you were talking about?"

"Yeah, He looks a like a different person."

"He's so hot now! I might want to get with him."

"Chae Won! You're so boy crazy!"

Xiumin interrupts your conversation.

"Are you talking about me?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course we are! You've changed so much!"

"Chae Won! Shut up!"

"Hi, you>. I'll be waiting tonight."

"Wait. Don't tell me..... You two are together?! Since when?"

"Chae Won! It's not like that. We just met last night."

"No! We're together. She's just shy."

"Ah! Then let me get out of your way."

Chae Won leaves to sit with her other friends. Xiumin sits right next to you and puts his arm around you. You turn your head to look at him but then he kisses you in class. You see Chae Won squirm happily at you and Xiumin and you put on an awkward smile. After class, you drag Xiumin out and take him to a close by coffee shop.

"Is this a date?"

"No, crazy! We need to talk."


"About us, of course."

"Okay, Talk."

"You better be joking about us as a couple."

"Nope! I'm serious. Be my girlfriend."

"You're joking with me."

"I'm not. I'll make you fall for me."

"I'm not that stupid!"

"Come tonight and I can prove my sincerity."

"Fine! But don't do what you did last night!"


"Just cause!"

"You're so dishonest right now. You really liked it when I kissed you. I could tell by your face."

"Pffftt! I did not like it!"

"Then why are you blushing?"

"Who is?!"

You got up from the table and left to go back to class without him. She's so cute when she's being dishonest. I'll make you want me.

Later at night you check the time and head out to the hill. You don't see Xiumin there and was about to turn back when you saw your telescope moving. You run towards the hill and still don't see Xiumin. You look up in the trees where you first met him and see him sleeping. You climb the tree and nudge him a little. Xiumin falls over to lean on your shoulder and you could feel his cold face. How long has he been up here?

"Xiumin. Wake up!"

"No, Mom! I want to sleep more!"

"I'm not your mom! It's me, you."

"Mom, don't lie to me!"

"I'm not lying!"

"Then kiss me on my lips!"

Is he even asleep?!! You turn your face towards him and lean in. Xiumin cracks open his eyes a little but you don't see it. As you're about to lean in to kiss him, Xiumin takes you by surprise and kisses you first.

"Yahhhhh! Whyyyy were you lying?"

"I wanted to see your feelings."

"By tricking me?"

"No but I can see you like me already."

You begin to blush violently and turn your head around. Xiumin uses his hand to turn your head around. He leans his head in to kiss you but this time you don't resist. Xiumin pulls away and gets off the tree. You follow him down and then he kisses you again. This time he holds your body even closer to him as you two kiss. Unable to resist him, you surrender to your desire of him.

"I wasn't kidding when I said I'll make you fall for me."

"I can see that."

"Don't lie to me again. It's been 4 years now."

"I'm not going to lie again. I love you, Xiumin."

"I love you too."

You and Xiumin sit down on the hill and looked at the stars.

"It's kind of funny."

"What is?"

"How we fell in love."

"Yeah, I can still remember how we met."

"You in your braids rushing to school."

"Your dorky glasses and shabby hair."

"You stepping on the flowers!"

"And us walking to school together."

"Don't you think we were fated to be together since then?"

"I never thought it. I felt it."

"I felt it too. I love you so much. Marry me?"

"I love you too but isn't it too early?"

You both laugh at the awkward situation and kiss again. Many years later, you and Xiumin are married and have three children. One boy and twin girls. You all live in a small home in Seoul and live happily ever after.

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Chapter 1: Wow..I like it
Kpop_the_best_ #2
This sounds cool!!!