
The Night of Confession .
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You and Luhan are best friends in high school …

Every girl in school envy your close relationship with “Cute Little Prince” (><) *who wouldn’t*

Every time after school you and Luhan would walk your way home. Luhan takes the same path you use to get home since he lives a couple of blocks down from yours.


But there’s this one thing that you and him HAVE to do, whenever you pass by this particular road. ‘BUBBLE TEA!’ yup, everyday … every time you pass by that same road. Luhan would stop and buy Bubble Tea and usually you would have to pay … Why? B’cause his “TH’I BUING BUING MASTER,” …


All the girls in school said that the reason why Luhan was close to you was because you always treat him bubble tea. And that you ask Luhan to do BuingBuing every time he wants one.


Well you know a fact that you never wanted to treat him Bubble Tea. But Lu always manages to get what he wants.


Yes, Luhan … The Cute Little Prince uses his aegyo to get what he wants … ALWAYS …


And well , you fell for it … Why wouldn’t you his like OVER THE TOP CUTENESS OVERLOAD, BREAK THE SCALE, LOOK A LIKE GIRL , CUTEST DEER  ever existed in mankind …  <= too happy of me writing >,<


But not this time, you kept it in your heart sayin’ “No, I will not treat him another bubble tea again ever again.”


No more people are gonna keep saying about this … I have to make sure that the rumors stop. And that I will never do anything that would make him do BuingBuing, you whisper in your heart.


JengJengJeng, the time has come for Lulu’s bubble tea.


Luhan walk to the shop and look up to the menu that was written. “______ - ah, look there’s a new flavor. Extreme chocolate mint extraaassss plus free pearls! We have to buy that,” said Luhan smiling. You looked at him, observing his angelic pure childish smile; you thought how lucky you were to see this guy’s smile up-close. And you can’t deny that there’s this warm fuzzy lovey feeling you feel when you see that. Then, Luhan looks back at you with a smirk, that look, that absolute over confidence written all over his face “Buy me that or I’ll do BuingBuing,” (^,-)


You took a deep breath and look down to your feet. Processing the right word to say.


“No,*you pause for a few seconds* No more me treating you bubble tea every day after school. You want it than you’ll have to pay it yourself, hph,” you said with your head down.


ZZZEEERRR BBBRRRR RRRGGGGG the sound of the machine blending the chocolate mint flavor … after a couple of minutes then, the aunty gave the Bubble tea to Luhan. “Thank youJ,” said Luhan to the aunty, then he starts walking to a bench in the playground in front of your house.


“Hmm,” I did it. Luhan didn’t do BuingBuing. That otta show him who’s the boss you said in your heart.


Just as you were about to walk away “HEY! Aren’t you gonna pay for that?!” said the aunty.


“WHAT?!?! He didn’t pay for it just now,” you said with your eyes widen like D.O (O.O)


“No, he just ordered it while you were bab

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hehe , thanks ^^
cathyokrane #2
Chapter 1: yay ~ that was really sweet