When The Silence is Broken...

Break The Silence


Jinki was surprised to find out that Taemin entered the glee club.  "Let me guess. Your major is dance which is why you aren't entering the dance club as an extracurricular activity, but why glee club?"
"Wrong!" Taemin exclaimed cheerfully.  "My major is Special Education.  I decided to join the glee club just so we could spend more time together.   The dance club could always ask for my help later if they need it.  Besides, I also have a dance team outside school. Are you uncomfortable with my presence, hyung?" He placed a hand on Jinki's shoulder and stepped foward, closer to his senior.  "I assume you've rejected me years ago, but I'm going to try again this year." His hand slightly squeezed on Jinki's shoulder, showing off his determination.
Jinki wanted to explain himself, but he didn't have the chance  as other students came in the room along with the teacher.
It was like highschool all over again except they were finally speaking to each other.  That's how Jinki thought for the first few days before he found out Taemin was in the glee club and the fact that Taemin has feelings for him.  Boy, he was wrong.  He was stupid to think that Taemin was the same shy, quiet, and innocent boy he used to know back then.  It turns out that Taemin was only acting like his old self except he allowed himself to talk with Jinki.
After their encounter in the glee club, Taemin showed off how much he changed.  He was confident and flirtatious.  Back then, it
was Jinki who made Taemin blush.  Right now, it is Taemin who is making Jinki blush.  The teasing touches and skinship they shared in the past were laced with innocence and playfulness.  Right now, it is much bolder and ual.
Jinki had to hold himself back because no matter how Taemin was tempting, it doesn't change the fact that the other was still underaged, so he allowed himself to be dragged by Key to a club where he could meet people who are not underaged.
However, Taemin made his way to the club with his tall height and fake I.D.  He specifically made his way to Jinki, stealing the shot glass full of tequila from the girl who was supposed to the salt on Jinki's clavicle.  There was no way he was going to allow the girl to do a tequila body shot with Jinki, so he did it himself.  Taemin the salt on Jinki's clavicle, drank the tequila in the shot glass, and on the slice of lemon in between Jinki's lips.  Their lips kept on brushing against each other as Taemin continued to the juice out of the fruit.
Jinki removed the slice of lemon and randomly threw it to the side.  He was going to ask what Taemin was doing in the club, but Taemin crashed their lips against each other's.  The kiss made Jinki drunk way more than the alcohol did.  His thoughts were jumbled and he no longer cared about the fact that he was in the club with some of his friends and classmates who were practically staring at him and Taemin right now. He just kissed Taemin passionately.
When they finally pulled apart from their hot making out session, they finally had the sense to feel embarrassed with the stares the other students were giving them.  "Uh... you guys should just continue with the tequila body shot game.  Taemin and I will just... uh... go home early."  Jinki said lamely as he held Taemin by the wrist and guided the younger out of the club.
"I don't want to go home yet," Taemin said when they were finally outside the club, breathing fresh air.  "There's a park near here."
Jinki knew about the park near the club.  It was like an extension of the club as it is known for a lot of couples doing naughty stuff.  He can't believe Taemin was suggesting such a thing.  "Taemin, I think I like it better when you don't talk."
Taemin looked like he was slapped.  "I thought my silence was the reason why you stopped whatever we had back then."
"Yeah, but now that you're talking, your whole personality seems to have changed. Sure, you're talking but you don't really tell me anything about you.  You're just as secretive and mysterious to me as you were back then though I could understand you better back then than now because all you seem to do is try to get into my pants.  Do you really even like me or is this just some sort of fun game to you?"
"I... I guess I can tell you stuff about me if you walk me home? It's going to be a long walk though."  Taemin's demeanor seems to have changed from being confident to being shy and hesitant.  A glimpse of the past Taemin the way Jinki knew.
"My apartment is nearer.  I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind if I brought someone to spend the night with."  Jinki started to blush at how his choice of words seems to sound like he was implying something which he wasn't really. "I'll share some stuff about myself too."
"Sounds like a really great plan." Taemin said as he started walking and talking about himself first.
Taemin used to stutter a lot when he was younger.  He couldn't communicate very well and he was teased by the other kids, so his parents decided to send him to a special school instead.  His speech had improved and his stuttering had lessened throughout the years, but it was still there whenever he was stressed.
He was deemed ready enough to enter a normal high school, so he decided to take the challenge.  He stuttered a few times during the beginning of the school year, but nobody found it weird or about.  Then, he started to feel comfortable enough with his new friends and teachers that he no longer stuttered.  He still stutters with a few teachers who he found very strict or just not likeable.
Then, he saw Jinki and instantly had a crush on him.  He wanted to talk, but the words got stuck on his throat every time.  He knew that if he forced those words out, he would definitely end up stuttering.  He didn't want Jinki to think he was weird for stuttering too much, so he kept quiet and never spoke a word around Jinki.
When Jinki started avoiding him after the first kiss, his stuttering came back on full force.  He was glad though that instead of being teased about it, his friends were worried.  They thought there might be something wrong with Taemin's brain or nerves.  The situation with Jinki made him feel very stressed.  Even if he wanted to talk with Jinki, he couldn't because his stuttering became worse.
He went through therapy during the summer break.  Without school and without Jinki, Taemin had recovered well.  He vowed to himself that if he finds someone he really liked next time that he would really try to talk to that person even if he would stutter.  He also made sure to interact with a lot of people.  His stuttering completely went away as his confidence and determination increased.
"I had a few crushes and dated some people, so I eventually learned not to stutter around people I like, but still, the way I felt for them wasn't as strong as how I felt for you."
"I guess we're the same in that aspect."  Jinki pulled out the keys from his pocket as they finally reached at his apartment. "A few crushes and dating here and there, but nothing really serious."  He inserted the keys and opened the door.  "Nothing compared to how I felt for you."
After hearing those words from Jinki, Taemin just had to step inside Jinki's apartment, kick the door close behind him, and kiss Jinki again.  It wasn't like the kiss they shared in the club.  It was more like the kiss they shared years ago when they were still high school students.
Taemin sighed contentedly when as he lay down on the bed with Jinki's arms wrapped around him.  "You still haven't told me about you."
"It's late and we're both tired.  Besides, tomorrow is a Saturday.  We've got the whole day... or almost the whole day since you have to go home at some point."  Jinki chuckled and placed a kiss on Taemin's forehead.  "Goodnight."
"Goodnight."  There was a moment of silence when Taemin decided to speak up again.  "Hyung?"
"Hm?" Jinki asked sleepily.
"Nevermind.  I forgot.  I'll tell you when I remember."  At that time, Taemin really felt like saying...
I love you.
But there are still a lot of things to know about each other, so Taemin thought he might be saying it too early and Jinki might think that he didn't mean it... that what he had was a silly crush...
Jinki poked Taemin's forehead.  "You're frowning.  Whatever it is, you can tell me.  I won't judge you or be angry at you."
"I-I-I...."  Taemin stuttered.  It had been a year and a few months since he last stuttered.
"You're feeling stressed again.  I guess you really like me that much."  Jinki placed a quick kiss on Taemin's trembling lips.  "I love you."
Taemin gasped.  He didn't expect Jinki to say those words this early.  "I-I was...a-about to say that," he blushed but opted to reply.  "I love you too."
Perhaps it seems too soon to say those words, but you can't help what you feel and so, they decided to express it with three simple words at that moment.
The End~
A/N:  I'm happy because my writing inspiration seems to be back.  However, I can't seem to write as fast as I used to back then.  My mind is more jumbled up and keeps on suggesting scenes, making me more confused ^^;; 
Anyway, I hope you guys loved this fic~ Please comment~ <3
I'm still on my OnTae mood, so I might make another one soon... just MAYBE~ I don't like promising because it's so easy to break them ^^;;;
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[OnTae Fic] Break The Silence is updated and completed. Check it out and please comment! thanks!


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Joliva #1
Chapter 2: their relationship is unusual, I never read something like that before, that was really good! thank you for writing this!
Chapter 2: You write so well and lovely. This is so original and i really love it. I felt bad for Taemin stuttering all those years ago, I m so happy they are together now <3
Chapter 1: aww, i like their relationship so unique.
Chapter 2: Awww so cute >o<
Chapter 2: Mean Jinki dang. Not even giving poor min a reply
Chapter 2: Aww those two sweethearts XD
Chapter 2: So here I am reading more of ur stuff cuz I,really like the way u,write. Super cute story, and I,like *exy and confident Taemin
Chapter 2: I really like this one. I love that they are so close at the start even though they never spoke ^^
Mrin_Jr #9
It's cute ~~~ I like this story so I wanna translate it into Vietnamese and share it to my friends ... Can I do it? I promise give credit full and give you link when I finish. Hope you agree♥
naruwookie #10
Chapter 2: wait.. why onew ignoring taemin then? oAo