She Remembers

She Remembers



And her eyes lit up when she saw him there, sitting, reading a book.




The only one who stole her heart, the only one who makes her joyful with his magical, sunshine-like smile.


“Jin Ki” she quietly whispered, her gaze on him as she made her way to a chair and sat on it.


But today, she wasn’t alone.

She was with someone.

And she’s listening to her thoughts as they secretly watch him reading his book.


She tucked her hair behind her ear, watching him as he concentrated on him book.


He loves reading.

All the guys she had met before hated reading.

But him…he was different, he got her hooked.

The way his books intrigued him – it fascinates her.


“His name is Jin Ki” she whispered his name again, softly.

He didn’t hear her.


The library was packed of teenagers (most of them are high school girls) who were quietly having conversation, their books let forgotten.

Some busied themselves by using their phones, some were powdering their nose, their books have never been opened.


She tsk-ed, slightly shaking her head.

KIDS these days, she thought.


She shook those thoughts away and shifted her gaze back on him, Jin Ki.




It’s been years and it’s funny how she had memorized him – he loves sitting on that place, near the windows.

She, on the other hand, could still remember how she ended up sitting in the same seat right now when they were still younger, and how she’d noticed him for the first time.


It’s been years.

But she could still remember.







She remembers how she turned her head to his direction and saw him.


He was wearing glasses; he has the most perfect hair – light brown and wavy.

She saw him drop his pen and he quickly picked it up with a pout, his eyebrows meeting.

He was CLUMSY and she finds it cute.


But he was like a knight in shining armor with his school uniform – she thought, sighing heavily, her hands supporting the weight of her head as she stared at him with a dreamy face.


“Hello, nerdie”

“Hi, Jin Ki”


Two guys passed by and greeted him, waving and he looked up and that’s the very first time he’d seen him smile.

DAMN, that dorky smile – it was like, time came to a halt when she saw him do that.

His smile…it was beautiful.

His smile…it glows a million watts that managed to brighten up her world.


She’d noticed his white pearls and she wondered what kind of magical toothpaste he was using.


“Jin Ki ah, want to go to the movies with us?” asked a very tall guy.

And her ears perked up in interest, listening to their conversation.


That stranger with the loveliest cheeks was named Jin Ki.

She let that roll for a few times in her head and smiled.


“JIN KI” she mumbled.





She could still remember how she had found out that he was the smartest in their class, with tons of girls confessing their undying love for him.

That he’s more than that clumsy nerd who goes to the library every 5 in the afternoon.


Because behind those glasses were the most beautiful eyes in her world.

They may look small but when you observe them, they were kinda big and they were brown.

And she always loved guys with brown eyes.


So there she was, in her usual seat in the library and he was there, reading a book about the history of North Korea.



She’s just a normal girl, a high school student like him.

She wears glasses. People thought she was a nerd and that she was smart, like him.

But she’s just an average student in her class. She reads books whenever she’s in the mood…and while waiting for him to appear at their school library.


But she was pretty.

Her glasses were just hiding her beauty.






And she remembers the days she’s been taking a fancy for that guy named Jin Ki.

She’d been enjoying her new habit of staring at him for…


This is actually the 58thday.


She sighed dreamily, the book in front of her was never been touched.

He looks really handsome with his new haircut and her heart just couldn’t stop fluttering and her eyes couldn’t stop looking at him.


“Jin Ki” she whispered his name, there was a small hopeful smile playing on her lips.


She almost jumped in surprise when she saw him standing up and she closed her eyes, grabbed a book in front of her, opened it so that she could pretend that she was reading…and so that the book could cover her face.

She mentally kicked herself for saying his name that loud, she doesn’t want him to think that she was a creepo that stalks on him or something even weirder…or worse than that.


With her heart beating fast, she opened an eye and put her book down but only found a small piece of paper lying on top of her piled books, then his back.


Jin Ki was heading somewhere.


Curious, she picked up the paper and read:


Shelf 32. I’ll be waiting…



She re-read the note, the words were written neatly.


I’ll be waiting….



Then, she turned her head to the way he’s heading.

Speechless, her heart skipped a beat and she felt the magic running through her spines as soon as the words sunk in her.


It was a few more moments before a shy smile tugged at the sides of and decided to stand up.






Shelf 32 is on the second floor, of course, she could still remember.


And she remembers seeing him there, looking for a certain book.



She walked slowly towards him and she cleared to let him know about her presence after taking a deep breath and after begging her heart not to fail her this time.



THEM – standing by side.


SHE and HE.


“Is this a dream?”

“No, it’s not…you silly…”


She shook her head to get rid of those voices behind her mind.

Calming her heartbeat, ignoring her weak knees, gathering all the courage she has, she smiled and finally said…


“Hey…” her hand held the folded piece of paper she had received.

He turned around, adjusted his glasses and she couldn’t help but to stare at those brown orbs that haunted her in her dreams.


“You came” he smiled, walking closer to her.

She gulped, held her breath.


“Is this a dream?”

“No, silly…he’s real…”


She blinked her eyes for a few seconds.


“Uhm…this…” she showed him the paper, her hands were slightly shaking and her head was spinning slightly for the things that are happening.


He smiled once again, looked at her right in the eyes…

And she fell in love.




“I’m Jin Ki”


“And I like the way you look at me”






She smiled as she remembered those memories.

It’s been years.

But it felt like it only happened YESTERDAY.

That moment.

That’s the beginning of everything.


“Yeobo” a familiar voice broke her reverie.

“Jin Ki ah…” she looked up.


Standing up from his seat, he waved his hand; his ring finger showed the whole world that he’s now a HAPPILY MARRIED MAN.

She waved back; there was a silver band on her ring finger that matches with Mr. Sunshine’s.


He’s 29.

And she’s 28.

Both are contented.


Being with him was the most wonderful thing that ever happened in her life.


“And I could still remember how he’d asked me to marry him…” she gently narrated.


“I’m a nerd…you’re a nerd…let’s be together and live nerdily ever after – those are the words he’d said, Eun Ji ah…” she added.




“Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? I just came here to borrow a book but I can’t help sitting in my favorite place. Are you tired?” he asked worriedly after he planted a sweet kiss on her lips.



She placed her free hand on her big tummy and sighed.




“Eun Ji ah…I hope you enjoyed daddy and mommy’s love story”





Author's NOTES: hehe. :]] as i promised, I'll be finishing this today. :] so what do you think guys. ^^. I hope you enjoyed this random story I've written last year. ^___________^

And AWW. Thank you so much for subscribing && for commenting. :)


&& oh, advance happy birthday to my ANNE UNNIE. :] i hope you enjoyed this one-shot. hehe. ^^.



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Pachink #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww
Haebby13 #2
Chapter 1: I was checking on your stories hoping you updated Stealing His Innocence and I'm not just notified. but yeah, it's not updated. :( and sooo I stumbled upon this story as I scroll down. never regret reading this. It's so light, and cute, and dreamy and fluffy. I'm gonna die!!! gaaa.. :))

You.Are.SERIOUSLY ruining my bias list! T.T
If only it happened in real life T.T
WAAAAAAAAAHHHH! The story's just so cute andddddd sweeeeet! :DDDDDDD

hihihihihi :">
this story is just too...cute and sweet and lovable and so sweet and romantic and so sweet and so cute!!!
 
KYA. I want to find love like that. With Taemin, it's freaking impossible. Tch. Why does Taemin have to be so hard to get anyway? *rolls eyes* NAH, just kidding. But I literally fell in love with Onew here, they way you describe him in this story is really... I don't know the word but let's use 'effective' for now. LOL. I can totally imagine him here in the story. KYAAAAA. He's so handsome. OPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Aww that was so cute. I read it like 12 times
I love it ^___^
Super Luuurrrvvee! <3
Aillin-luvs #9
Wow it's so like a dream <br />
LOL<br />
:)<br />
I luved it!!!
omg :D loving~