By Coincidence

White Day (Sequel to 14th of February)


"okay, class dismissed."

finally, you thought. you picked up your notebooks and lazily put them inside your shoulder bag, as you hurriedly left your classroom, out through the main doors and into the oval. you headed out to the place you like the most from across the street, the cafe. you pushed through the double doors and smelled the familiar coffee and cinnamon scent hanging in the air. the atmosphere in here always makes you feel relaxed, away from all the university stress. you sat at your favorite seat, near the windows. just like in queue, your best friend appeared with an apron on and a little notebook in hand. she had that bored frown plastered across her face, as usual.

"good afternoon miss, may i take your order?" she said in a monotonous tone, obviously faking rudeness. "oh right, vanilla shake and cinnamon roll. what's new..." she mumbled to herself, scribbling my order.

i raised an eyebrow at her and laughed as she walked away. she was working part time here ever since the first semester and you were a regular customer, ordering the same thing each time. you looked out the window. the once snow covered oval was blooming with flowers. you just like that kind of view; people rushing in and out, people taking a rest across the oval, lovers holding hands while walking, just the whole university afternoon scene. everytime you take in the lively scene, your mind drifts off to a hundred things. well, just one thing to be honest. it'll all drift back to him. it has been 4 years since you've last seen him, but still that sad look on his eyes was still fresh on your mind. the thoughts of what could've happen if only                       

you heard a thud on your table. your best friend placed your orders, smiling worriedly at you. you gave her a confuse look. she tilted her head to the counter. you peeked around her to see what it was. at first you thought it was just a bunch of customers, but a familiar face caught your eyes. he smiled at the girl on the cashier and was now making he's way towards your direction. you stared frantically at your best friend, your eyes widening and your heartbeat racing. she furrowed her eyebrows at you and shrugged. she mouthed, fighting! before leaving you. your eyes were glued on him. he was handsome as ever. he was looking past you but finally saw you when he was a meter away from your table. he stopped in his tracks, his eyes widened for a second.

"hey!" he smiled widely, approaching you.

"minhyuk-ah!" you smiled nervously. you were stuck to your seat and was fidgeting with your hands.

"what're you doing here? how are you?" he seem excited to see you.

"i-uhm, study here." you didn't know what to say anymore. you were afraid of asking him how his life was going, for fear of getting broken for what his answer might be, but you blurted out, "uh-you, what about you!?"

"my girlfriend studies here too."

the moment your question slipped out of your mouth, you regretted it. you didn't notice he was holding a tray and what seem to be an order for two until he answered you.

"oh," you were frozen at your seat. an awkward silence hang between the two of you. he seem to notice it.

"uh-well, it's good to see you. take care, bye!" he smiled before leaving you, yet again flabbergasted.

you turned your head to see him walk away to his girlfriend's table. you sighed. after that fateful day 4 years ago, you were known as the kingka's queen for a few months then things went downhill. you broke up with him, finally confessing that there was no more sparks. a lie you knew was lame, but you can't admit that you didn't loved him in the first place. you looked back out the window, finally eating your cinnamon roll.

if only things hadn't turned out like that...

you took a sip of your drink, not taking your eyes away from the window. Even as a young child, you have always believed in destiny. And as if scripted in your destiny, a man walked past by your window. the face you knew so well, even its intricate detail was tattoed at the back of your mind. without hesitations, you stood up and run for the double doors. Just like in a movie, the wind blew exactly as you opened the doors. you stood there for a second, letting the wind blow across your face. you shook your head to focus on the man walking to the middle of the oval. you run up across the street and squeezed in through the crowd, trying to get to him. it felt like deja vu, the crowded hallway you were in back then, pushing and searching for him, but this time it was different. it wasn't minhyuk anymore, it was him. it was real this time around.


Sungjae was dreading this day. White day, aish. He thought as he walked out of his classroom. he stopped short in the hallway, searching the chocolate box he prepared. he can't find it anywhere in his bag, and that's when he remembered that he forgot it on top of his table in his dorm. why does this day got to be so hard? he knocked his head a little harder than he thought before running back to his dorm. His dorm wasn't near but wasn't that far also from the university. Last year, he finally got a chance to leave his brother to one of their close relative so that he can attend the university. he promised that he'll be back as soon as he finishes college. he had been working hard, in fact, he didn't even socialize because he'd always be studying. he only had a friend 3 months back and that was min soo, a girl who mistakes eveything as a sign of love. One wrong move and bam! the girl thought they were going out. He tried to clear things up, but he can't 'cause he doesn't want to break her heart like what have happened to him once. Thus, the pretentious play began but now he was tired and done with all of  it.

he grabbed the box of chocolate, breathing hard. he stood there frozen, thinking of the right thing to do. i have to end this now, was all he could think of. So, he strides back to the oval where they were supposed to meet after classes. he saw her standing there, patiently waiting for him.


You abruptly stopped in your tracks as he did also. you saw him holding a box with a red bow on it. you stared at it, realizing what date today was and what he was about to do. You were stuck to your place thinking, i can't afford to lose him twice. but what the heck am i supposed to do? ruin his confession? What if he doesn't have feelings for me now? i'd just be embarrassing myself.

you were arguing to yourself whether to turn around and pretend like nothing happened or have courage and speak to him before he confesses. the fact that he forgot you crushes your heart. when you looked up he was already speaking to the girl whom you thought was the one to which he will confess. You moved in a little bit closer to them. You weren't sure if you heard it right or you were just so delusional. 

"technically, i am breaking up with you." the voice you so badly want to hear spoke up.

"what?! i thought we were... But you said..." the girl looked like she was about to cry a river and sungjae have his mouth slightly open, like he was trying to explain but he couldn't.

"so is this for another girl?" She snatched the box from him and threw it hard down, as she screamed and finally stormed off. 

without even thinking about it, you picked it up. You brushed the dirt off, opened it and tasted it. As you swallowed it, you looked up meeting his eyes. Those ineffably beautiful eyes. He was looking right through your soul. Before you even melted under his gaze, you cleared your throat.

"can this be mine instead?" 

he smiled that dazzling smile of his before embracing you in his arms. You were taken aback for a moment. 

"be mine, already." he gently whispered to your ear, hugging you tightly. 

you don't know if this was it felt like being in the movies. there was still a lot to explain, a lot to clear things up, but you both knew that it was, after all, meant to be.

A destiny that worked out right.

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Chapter 1: Yay!! A happy ending!! ^.^
Chapter 1: oh gosh oh gosh..oh my jeez
I'm so happy you made a sequel
MitsuKyuYamazaki #3
Chapter 1: Omg omg omg
At laaast
I almost cried before cuz sungjae is heartbrokened...
But this is making me feel...AWESOME!

Thanks for making my day XD
Chapter 1: dead omfg i love it