Guardian Academy


    There was loud noises coming from multiple directions, but the loud scream is what woke her up. She jumped out of bed, but at that point there was an unusual silence. She slowly walked towards the living room. After all the previous noise, why was it so quiet all of a sudden? She looked into the living room and there they were her cold parents lying there as if they were sleeping, but she knew they weren't. Her eyes widened and she felt her breath hitch. She wanted to scream, but she knew that if she did whoever did this would hear her.

       "Well you're a calm one aren't you? You got your cute little hair and red eyes that's different and you're so small too. I could use you for sure!" He was standing there with a smirk on his face. How could anyone smile after they just killed someone? After taking the life of another human being. She slowly started stepping away from him but he started coming towards her. "Come on little girl don't move" She stepped back even more "I said don't move!" He was yelling but he didn't look serious at all maybe his face was naturally like that, never looking serious. She stepped back just a little more out of pure fear "What did I just say?" He screamed this as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her. The little girl's eyes widened, he then grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. She was a pretty short and scrawny kid, and only ten at the time, making it easy for her to be carried.

   This guy seemed pretty dumb, because five year olds these days have cell phones, so yes, she had a phone, not that he checked. She didn't really know a good time to call the police or anyone else until he finally stopped the car in front of a house, his house? She quickly looked at the street name, so she would know what to say when she called the police. He picked me up again and took her inside the house and threw her in a closet, locking the door. She waited a couples seconds before picking up the phone and dialing nine-one-one it rang for only a few seconds until a woman answered.

"Nine-one-one what's your emergency?" She said

The girl sighed slowly "I got kidnapped and I'm at a house in a closet, so I guess I need help." That sounded weird, why would did I say 'I guess' she thought to herself.

"Do you know where you are other than you're in a house sweetie?" Her voice was really kind, she must have to do this all the time.

 She looked around for clues as to where she was and then rolled her eyes at her stupidity, because why would she look around? She was in a closet, but she did remember the street name "Yeah, I'm on Walnut Avenue."

"Okay! Thank you for staying calm. Please leave the phone with you, so we can track your whereabouts, okay sweetie?"

"Okay" She hung up the phone and sat in the closet for about ten more minutes hugging her knees. She heard foot steps coming towards the closet, and quickly lifted her head up off her knees. The man who killed her parents opened the closet, and smiled at her.

"Hey there sunshine!" He bent over to pick her up, and went over to lay me on the couch. He tugged at her shirt, but she immediately started kicking and screaming for dear life, but suddenly there were sirens outside, and he covered and froze. 

"Don't speak, or I will kill you." he whispered. He walked over to the window and looked outside and saw that the police were there for him. He turned to her anger written all over his face "Did you call the police? You little brat!" He ran to her and grabbed her by her shirt and threw a punch at her. He kept hitting her as the police knocked on the door, but by then everything had already started going black.

    The next day she woke up in a hospital bed, she hated hospitals, she could practically taste the smell disinfectant. She got up slowly and looked around.

She sat in the bed starring at that floor and a nurse walked it "How are you doing-" she paused to look down at her clip board "-Anju" Anju didn't really understand what she meant, her parents had just died was she supposed to say she was doing good?

I guess if that's what she wanted to hear "Fine" she uttered quietly.

The nurse sat down on her bed slowly "Do you know what happened last night?" The nurse stretched her knew down trying to meet Anju's eyes "Do you remember?" Anju finally looked up at her and she could see the cocern in her face. "My parents died, I was kidnapped, and now I'm here." Her face looked a little shocked, because Anju was able to speak so easily about what had happened. The nurse asked her many questions about her family. If she anyone to live with, but honestly both of her parents didn't have any other living relatives. Other people came to speak to her as well, and it was basically a day of endless questions.

"Alright, the nice men who spoke to you are gonna do some more research on your situation, and see what we'll do" the nurse said after all the questioning. Anju spent the rest of the night in the hospital which wasn't too unbearable, but it didn't exactly last very long.

"Good morning!" the nurse's voice woke me up instantly.

"Good morning." I replied. She looked at me and sighed.

"Well, from now on, you're going to be living in an orphanage. Don't worry, they'll take great care of you, and you'll make friends in no time!" Yeah right, I'm horrible at making friends. I didn't wanna go to an orphanage! I hated the idea of living with strangers until I got adopted by more strangers. Besides I felt that if you get adopted, those people will never love you as much as a real family could, especially at my age. They have to raise you from birth to really love you and I was already ten! I didn't exactly have a choice though, I couldn't do anything about it I was young. . They got me into one in not very much time I thought it would take at least a week but they got me into one that day I guess it isn't really as complicated as I thought. They took me into a room with three girls then said "Okay this is your new room I'll leave you alone to get to know the people you share your room with" As they walked out of the room I turned around and faced them. One of the girls had auburn hair that was down to her shoulders it was layered and she has fairly dark skin she was pretty tall even more so compared to me. The other girl had brown straight hair, light skin, and brown eyes and her height was closer to mine but I was still shorter by a lot the last girl had very curly hair it reminded me of ramen and her skin was a soft dark look as if it was the inside of an almond she was closer to my height but maybe three or four inches taller. The tall one smiled and said "Hi I'm Kanae Hoshimie!" She gestured towards the other girls and said "and this is Kaori Kaoemi and Ayame June " I laid my luggage on my bed and said "My name is Anju Urara" Kanae walked towards me smiling "Well welcome to our room I'm glad because me and Kaori really wanted a room mate!" I glanced at her and continued packing my things I was never really good with strangers of any kinda actually I wasn't even good with people I knew it really depended on who you were. I wasn't sure if I'd like these girls or not but I'll try. I didn't really talk to them for the rest of that night there was just to much going on and I was just tired in general. 

      The next day came and I heard someone knocking on our door loudly I woke up immediately even though I hadn't gotten much sleep since I usually sleep with a bear and there were so many things going on in my mind. I looked at Kanae and Ayame and they were both slowly getting up, Kanae stretched her arms up in the air while Kaori was still sleeping but beginning to stir. Kanae yawned "We have to wake up for breakfast Kaori" she sighed "Wake up!" she exclaimed Kaori stirred and opened her eyes. She got up quickly and ran to the door "Oh yeah food!" Kanae giggled and got out of bed as well as Ayame I just sat there looking down I wasn't exactly looking at anything I guess I was day dreaming "Are you coming?" Ayame said  I looked at her and nodded then slowly got out of bed when I looked up she was already gone. "Well don't wait up for me" I said quietly in a sarcastic tone I wouldnt't blame her though I wasn't exactly good company. I walked to the table and sat down ,there was many other boys and girls sitting there as well. They were all taller then me it was kinda creepy even the nine year old's and a  eight year old's were taller than me, was I really that short? We began eating breakfast suddenly a very loud whistle was blown. Everyone got up but I had just gotten there so I didn't really know what was going on so I just followed Kanae. She then turned to me and said "Oh you probably don't know what's going on" She giggled "well right now we are going to class but I don't know what class you should go to so go ask Mrs.Yamasaru she is in there" She pointed towards a door that said 'Office' I bowed to Kanae and walked towards the room. I looked at the door knob and slowly began to open the door honestly I was a little scared but of course it didn't show, I just really hated interracting with people they're just so stupid. When I opened the door all the way I saw that the room was dim the only light came from the sun but since it was still morning there wasn't very much sun yet. I looked around the rooms the walls were brown and the desk was filled with books and papers basically clutter in general as my third grade teacher would say it looked like her desk threw up on its self. I looked up from all the clutter and a women whom I was guessing was Mrs.Yamasaru was standing there leaning on the desk smiling. I did nothing but look up at her "You must me Anju" her smile grew bigger "Well I am sure you're just getting used to all this! Right now is time for class and you'll be in class C but under the circumstances and the situation you're" she paused and sighed "you're like six you probably don't know what I'm talking about" then she rolled her eyes at herself for not thinking and said "Okay well since there are many problems you can miss school for the rest of the week" I nodded and walked away I actually knew exactly what she meant before she changed it into a less complicated version but like I said I was smart for my age so she probably didn't expect me to know what she meant especially since apparently she thought I was six. 

       I was kinda upset because I actually wanted to go to school I thought it might take my mind off everything for a while but I didn't want to argue with her so I just listened to what she said. I walked upstairs into my shared room thinking about what I should do for the next few hours after about ten minutes of thinking I realized there was literally nothing to do. Kanae, Ayame, and Kaori didn't have single game in there maybe they were so close that they could just talk without getting bored of each other but didn't  one of them ever miss school needing something fun to do? I sughed, well I guess they couldn't get games just for that once in a while moment. I finally gave up and I just laid on the bed starring at the ceiling. That was okay I always did that when I was bored anyway I just thought it'd be different at the orphanage that there would be something else to do but I guess I was wrong or I thought I was then I saw that there was a window covered by a curtain. It wasn't exactly anything special but it was still something better then a ceiling. I got up and pulled off the curtain and there it was, nature. There was trees, green grass, a blue sky, and much more. I never had a window in my room which was pretty strange because there should be one in every room or at least in every bed room in your house, right? I looked outside that window for I don't even know how long but it was beautiful, such an amazing sight. As I looked out the window, drew,  and walked around the room time flew by and class had already ended. I was standing on my tippy toes trying to see a lady bug I saw fly by when the door flew open. I fell down to the floor then looked up at where this chaos had come from and it was Kaori.

   She looked down at me and said "Oh sorry I'm in a hurry!" she grabbed her wallet and ran back out of the door without even closing it. I got back up and brushed myself off, as I was about to close the door I heard someone yell "Nooooo!" it sounded like Kaori's voice so I went over to see where the voice had come from. I walked out of the room and saw Kaori clenching her fist "The line has already gotten huge!" She turned to me and said "Oh well right now school is over so we get food"-she frowned-"but now the line is super long" she pointed her head to the ground and walked to the end of the line. "Are you coming?" she yelled from the end of the line, I nodded hesitantly because I didn't know I was aloud to get lunch even if I hadn't gone to school but of course because it is part of the three meals of the day and they had to feed me but I guess I didn't think about it that much. I walked towards the end and stood there until someone pushed me and said "cutter!" even though he wasn't even standing there before I honestly didn't care and moved for him but Kaori yelled "Hey you were no where even near the line and it's only one person so get to the end!" She was completely ignored until she yelled "Right now!" she still wasn't listened to but he also didn't ignore her he said "Shut the hell up." at that point she got a little scared and listened. It didn't matter I never cared in the first place anyway but at least I got to see one of her fears, big people screaming at her well most people would be scared at that. We didn't talk at all, or at least I didn't talk while she kept going on and on I think it was something about the boys downstairs from us, I think there was one named Jiro since she mentioned him the most but I'm not sure I wasn't really paying attention. We finished getting the food and then we ate it all though I didn't see Kanae or Ayame the whole time since I expected them to all eat together. I walked into our shared room and there was Kanae and Ayame. "Hi!" Kanae said smiling "Sorry we didn't eat with you I was playing with Ayame" Ayame walked towards me and said "We should all play together tomorrow!" I didn't usually have people be so friendly to me but now they had all been friendly to me one by one I didn't know how to react to this so I slowly nodded. For a long time we all lounged around I think all I did was draw because I really love drawing but after it reached ten o'clock it was lights out. As everyone else was whispering and giggling the day had tired me out and I slowly but quickly fell asleep I guess that really doesn't make sense but that's just how it felt before all the noises around me went silent and I fell into dream land.

     The next morning I was once again awoken to knocking it was like deja vu everyone woke up the same way showing me that Kaori is obviously a deep sleeper. I decided to go to school because then everything would just be really boring all day. I ate toast even though it was slightly burnt but I took what I could get. After eating just like yesterday the whistle was blown but this time I followed Kanae, Ayame, and Kaori into class C I walked in and there was two teachers they walked towards me and said "Oh hello my name is Chiharu Asami" she was tall and she had her brown hair in a bun she was wearing black boots, a gray suit, and glasses. The other teacher was a boy he had unusual blue spiky hair and he was wearing a dressy suit with black shoes "and my name is Waruko Nikashiwa" I slightly bowed and said "My name is Anju Urara" then Chiharu grabbed my hand and said "This is where you'll be sitting!" she directed me to a seat near the girls I share a room with. I was kinda glad about that since I didn't know anybody else in that class at all. I sat down and realized my desk was right next to a window which was one of the first things to make me slightly smile since I've been here. Class went on but the things the teachers were saying were practically coming in one ear and coming out the other. I was day dreaming and suddenly The bell rang and I got up and walked towards the door but before I could get there I fell. I didn't seem the type but I was actually really clumsy I slowly got back up and when I looked up it turns out there was four boys looking at me. I glared at them and I think they got the idea that I was annoyed by them because they all quickly walked away. They kinda looked cute but I ignored it and walked to go get my lunch. I finished getting food then Kanae and Kaori were calling me over while Ayame was smiling they were eating at the same table as four other boys but not talking to them. I went towards them only to find out it was the same boys I glared again, not that I really cared much it wouldn't really make things awkward or uncomfortable except for that fact that one of them was looking at me nonstop which was really weird. I was not even close to the end of my meal before the a whistle was suddenly blown "Nap Time!" yelled the person who blew the whistle I never really took naps unless I was extremely bored but I went along with it. I followed the girls up to our room. We were sitting there and it was the exact opposite of a nap they were all jumping up and down and screaming. I stood in the middle of the room debating to join in or just continue standing there until there was a loud knock on the door. Kaori walked over and opened it and standing there were the four boys who had been starring at us before.                  Kaori's eyes widened as she said "Jiro?" he was silent for a few seconds and said "Yes. we'd-" Suddenly he was cut off when she slammed the door then and silently screamed with Kanae and Ayame. I was extremely confused then they all turned silent and Kaori walked back to the door and said "Yeah" he put his hand on his temples and slowly shook his head then said "we're trying to sleep so be quiet... please" Kaori played with her hair while smiling "okay Jiro" oh yeah that was the boy Kaori kept rambling on about I was starring at the ground as I tried to remember what she said about the boy. I looked up only to find the the four boys standing right in front of me I was slightly startled by this, did I miss something? "I don't believe we've met" A tall boy said his hair was dark brown with  black highlights and  bangs in the front his hair was straight and layered. His skin color was light and he had brown eyes I looked up at him and his height compared to me was enormous. He then said "Hello my name is Renji Shishimaru" I nodded he then pointed his hand towards a shorter boy with spiky black hair and brown eyes his skin was a little darker then Renji's he smiled and said "Hi my name is Jiro Katobi" he then gestured to the next boy he was the shortest but still a lot taller then me his eyes were big and his hair was dark brown and messy his skin was a little less then tan but not exactly light he smiled and said  "Hi I'm Katsuro Kimuro" I nodded once again he gestured next to him I didn't realize there was another one but nobody was there Katsuro sighed and said "Hikaru where'd you go?" all of a sudden a head popped out from the side of my bed "What was that?" I assumed this was Hikaru his hair was black and messy but soft looking his eyes were green unlike all the others who had brown eyes he got up and I saw he was shorter then Renji but taller then Jiro his skin was probably the lightest it was milky white and I could tell he was very energetic, the exact opposite personality of me he skipped towards me and held out his hand and said "My name is Hikaru Takahashi oh yeah and hi" I stepped back and said "My name is Anju Urara" I slightly bowed like I always do introducing myself then they all said at the same time "nice to meet you!" I nodded then Hikaru's face was at most and inch away from mine and he said "woah your eyes are red, cool contacts" I looked around cause I was getting uncomfortable then I looked down and said "They're like that on their own" and boy did I regret saying that because right after he yelled at the top of his lungs "No way that's so cool!" then silence stirred, I sighed then walked to my bed and sat on it reading.

      I don't know if they were but I felt like everyone in the room was starring at me I read a page but it was hard to read with all of them talking I got up and everyone turned to me. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom. I sat in the tub reading for a minute or two before I heard the boys say "Okay guys we'll leave now bye!" I got up from the tub, opened the door to the bathroom half way, stuck out my head, and waved then they walked out of the room. They were finally gone although they did seem like an interesting group of boys well more or less.  Finally things were settling down I didn't know when my life would exactly go back  to normal but I knew it would eventually no matter how much pain the loss of my parents brought me. It reached night and it was almost ten a clock so I started getting ready for bed. I laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling I wondered how life was gonna be here I knew things would get better someday it was only my second day and I was still young so I had lots of time to adjust I knew after a while my life here would get better, with this thought I slowly closed my eyes and drifted into sleep this.

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anime333 #1
Chapter 1: Wow it's so good! I like your writing skills, very descriptive and original haha... Nekluna was obviously wrong XD but I like it a lot update soon!
Sounds like a typical main stream junior high/high school fic.
No hints about anything special story-wise from what i could see.
LaDeDum #4
seems interesting