Black Paradise

Black Paradise

           'Aint no light, what I hear is a gunshot. Under the black sky, the scream and shout spreads. Making my body and head cold like ice.'

          I gasped in pain as the bullet hit me, too close to my ribs. I heard a few cracks as parts of my rib bones shattered.
          I screamed, pain spreading everywhere and feeling my body start to cool. My head spun and tingles crept up my spine.

          'Even though my breath is running out, I keep runnin. (I hold out my hand but no one) holds it but its okay. (Even if I dont stop, even if I get hurt) Ill never down until I die.'

          I can't die... This thought ran through my head over and over. I have to keep going... For everyone.

           'Snap out of it please, snap out of it. Everything becomes faint, and I lose my focus, but I hear your voice calling my name.'

           "KYOUNGHEUN!" A familiar voice shouted and called, but I couldn't focus.
           'I know your voice... But who are you?' As I thought, my mind began to become blurry.
           "Stop! You can't die!" The voice cried and tears dropped down onto my face.
          'Don't cry...' I tried to speak, but words couldn't form and I ended up gasping again.

           'Dont test me God, I came all this way, so isnt it time to stop now? There are no more tears to shed, please dont test me anymore. You say that life is fair for everyone, but why do you only give me these cruel times?'

          As numerous memories flashed in my mind, only two burned brightly and caused me even more pain.
          The first was when my closest dongsaeng, Changjo was killed by the one who had shot me.

         "I'll ruin your life before destroying you," I widened my eyes as my enemy and twin brother, Kyoungjae, snickered, "We'll start today."
          My eyes widened even more when two of Kyoungjae's team dragged out an unrecognizable form, bloody and torn.
          "Jonghyun-ah!" I called and lunged forward, but Kyoungjae swung me back against the wall, "No!"
          "Noona..." Changjo raised his head and called weakly, "I'm sorry..."
           "NO!" I shouted, my voice raw when without hesitation, Kyoungjae aimed his gun towards Changjo and shot.
          Changjo's eyes flashed with pain before his head dropped limply and onto the ground.

           I let out a scream and felt excruciating pain all over my body.
  'Please God...' I begged, 'Stop this...'
          I flinched when the second memory came.

           "Oppas!" I called to my oldest brother and cousin, "I haven't seen you two in awhile!"
           My smile faded when both Howon-oppa and Chanhee-oppa didn't reply but gave me sad smiles.
           Horror overwhelmed me when Kyoungjae appeared from behind the two, holding a gun.
           "Hey, sissy," Kyoungjae grinned and immediately shot down Chanhee-oppa, "How have you been?"
          Tears dropped down my face and I shouted, "How could you?"
          Kyoungjae shrugged, "I don't know, it just makes me feel good that my favorite sister is suffering."
           I choked a sob and clenched my fists.
           Howon-oppa called out to me, his voice a mere croak, "I'm sorry, Kyoungheun-ah."
          I let out a scream and looked away when I heard Kyoungjae pull trigger. A loud gunshot and the thud as a body hit the floor.

          He killed all of my loved ones... I thought as I felt that it was becoming harder to breathe.
          'He won... Kyoungjae won...' I admitted and closed my eyes, ready to leave.
          "Please... Don't die, I love you..." The voice started to speak again, his voice so sad.
          'Not all of my loved ones...' I realized, 'There's still... Doojoon.'
          I slowly opened my eyes, my vision blurry at first, but focusing on his handsome face.
          I smiled slightly, trying to reach my hand up to touch his cheek.
           "You're going to be alright," Doojoon gripped my hand tightly, "It's ok."
           I shook my head, it was too late. At least... Kyoungjae was dead. Great relief washed over me and I felt strangely peaceful.
          "I love you..." I opened my mouth and croaked out, using all the energy that I had left in me. My feet began to feel numb and I knew that my time was starting to end.
          "Stay with me..." Doojoon whispered, his voice breaking sadly.
          "I will..." I took one last look at his face and then closed my eyes, "Forever. In here." I weakly thumped his chest with my knuckles and then let my arm fall.
          As I took one last breath, only one thought went through my mind.
  'I'm so sorry... And I love you, Yoon Doojoon.'

  'Welcome to the black (black) paradise.'

So that was my very first fic everyone!! Thank you so much for reading and comments/advice are much appreciated!!! I am currently working on the sequel as I mentioned in description. I am thinking of only posting the sequel if you guys like this first one! Again, thanks guys!!!

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kaykaylei #1
Chapter 1: SOB SOB I can't believe Changjo died WAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Oh but I liked the story though :) (except when they died but still it was good)
shujun #2
Chapter 1: Doojoon dont cry..So sad~ looking forward for the sequel..hwaiting !!!