Chapter 1: Familiar Places, Familiar Faces

Lovely... [Applications Closed!]

Kyung Mi’s P.O.V


Today was my kind of day. Rainy and gloomy. Since my sister was at work,  I decided to go to Starbucks. I absolutely loved coffee. I ran out the door and hopped into my car, some old silver Nissan. It was so old you could barely tell that it was a Nissan. But I loved it. It was all we could afford. I drove silently to the nearest Starbucks.  When I got there, I ordered a skinny caramel macchiato and a blueberry scone. I found a big comfy chair by the window and sat down. I curled up and pulled “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” and started to read, munch, and drink. Soon enough, I was out of coffee and the scone was long gone.  I picked up the cup and the wrapper and threw it away. As I was walking towards the door, I ran into a tall guy. The book flew out of my hand and landed in the wet puddle outside the door. 

“Thanks a lot. That was a new book and I was just starting to enjoy it.” I said 

“Whatever, stupid readers.” He mumbled to himself

“Excuse me. If you are going to talk bad about me, tell it to my face”

“I said stupid readers. Don’t pay any damn attention to where they’re going.” He said. It  was apparent by the look on his face that he had not had a pleasant day.

“Eff you” I said and flipped him off as I left. I picked the now soggy book up of the ground and attempted to  shake out as much water as I could. There was no use, I dropped the book off in the nearest trashcan and got into the car. This time, I the local alternative station and listened to some dude drone on about being his wonderwall. Sigh…  who gives a damn about love? Not me.  I hope I didn't run into that guy again. As I arrived at the apartment building, I noticed my mom's car and my sister's car on either side of my usual parking spot. I took the elevator up to the third floor. As soon as I got up there, I noticed that a new family was moving in next door. I bumped into bone of the members. As we came face to face, I noticed the face had a hint of familiarity.




AUTHORS NOTE: Finally the first chapter is posted! I hope you enjoy! Much more to come!

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@LuciaKim Soon! I'm on vacation but I have wifi in the hotel! <br />
When are you going to update?
That chapter was AWESOME!!!!!<br />
I wonder who it is. :P
OMG!!!! I actually made it!!! :D I'm so HAPPY!!!!!<br />
I always knew I can like you!!! I wonder who my bff is!! :P<br />
&&& You guys all did a good job! I'm glad you guys are still in it!!! :D
Congrats LuciaKim~:D<br />
Yay I get a cameo appearance!<br />
Ooh is that Kibum?? <br />
Can't wait to read more. ^-^
CONGRATS TO Luciakim ! <3<br />
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Awe ; I didn't get chosen, but it's okay.<br />
I'll get to be a bestfriend <3 <br />
:DD <br />
<br />
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Nice first chappie !! <br />
Ouuuu ~ I wonder who she ran into.<br />
;3<br />
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Update soon ~<br />
Hwaiting ^^
@kaitlyntheillestt thanks!
Nice Teaser :D
AGGGG!!!!! When are you going to UPDATE?!?!?!<br />
I'm getting inpatient here!!!! <br />
Just start it already!!!! I want to know what happens!!!
WOOT MORE SNOW WHITE FICS!! <3 Kibummie ^^ Good job Hannah :) Imma try to do a story about Kibum ^^ LOLZ