Written in the Stars

The Destined Fate (HAITUS)

Jay's POV:

The day seemed proper long, in fact i loved practice it was better than going home, there was nothing to do at home, apart from eat, watch tv and sleep, and the guys would occupy me in these activities. we steadily drove home in the dark, just me and Hep, the others were supposed to be home before us today.

Until something happened, Hep ran into something i wonder what it was


"Oh ! What was that?!

"Hep, can't you drive properly, what if you killed whoever is there"

"Jay, I've been driving for quite a few years, and this has never happened before so how can you say it was my fault now!"

"shut the up yeah!, come and check what mishap you've caused"

Those moments of panicking were unusual to us and neither have we ever argued before...


Both me and Hep got out the car to see a girl lying on the floor, she had fair skin covered by her shoulder length chestnut hair, she was laying there on the floor in a lifeless position, both, me and Hep went closer to her to check what happened. She was unconscious with all these bruises and cuts on her. Suddenly she just woke up! we asked her if she was okay. A tear escaped from the right eye, she could clearly say nothing. Hep helped me take her to the car, and drove us to the hospital.

Once we got to the hospital she was drowsy and unable to walk properly, so Hep brought a wheelchair outside by the car to help take her in. she didn't know what was happening, we both stayed there to comfort her, and make sure she was well out of harm. While the doctor was busy bandaging the cuts and cleaning the bruises, me and Hep waited outside in the waiting area patiently.

The nurse came to us to inform us that 'the girl' was finally conscious. Both me and Hep went in to see her.


Your POV:

I slowly opened my eyes to wake up from something more like a bad nightmare. I wasn't pretty sure if that was even a nightmare. Well whatever it was, it wasn't the best feeling ever. I couldn't move my left arm at all. i was told i had fractured it by one of the nurses who came to check up on me every hour or so. there was a cast applied around it. the right side of my body was completely fine, thankfully. i seriously couldn't remember much of what happened last night. All i know was that there was a car heading my way; until everything turned dark more like a pitch black. All i remember was seeing Jay Park. That's so unrealistic, it's probably my imagination. Why would he be there to help me?

I slightly turned to my right to lie down on my right shoulder then gently shutting my eyes to escape from the white bright tube lights glued right above the beds on the hospital ceiling. The atmosphere in the ward was quiet and peaceful, what more could you except in an adults ward. Well obviously in the children's ward there's going to definitely be young children crying in discomfort.

I could feel somebody walking towards me, i thought it was the nurse, who else would walk towards my bed; well i still kept my eyes shut, trying to relax as much as i could and not take notice of what is going on around me, Until the footstep came closer and closer. I felt some sort of shadow over me, but not knowing the fact that my nurse was short and obviously a female so it definitely couldn't be her.

Someone came and sat next to the chair beside my bed still i was tempted to ignore them, and that's exactly what i did. Until i was tempted to speak:

'Is she fine and when can she be discharged!'

It was definitely a man specking. But who did the voice belong to. It sounded familiar but i just couldn't guess who it was. I opened my eyes slowly to see a guy sitting next to me; it wasn't any usual or ordinary guy....

It was JAY PARK!

I couldn't believe it, and so therefore i never reacted, but a tear of joy traveled down from my right eye. He seen that one little tear escapes from my right eye. He seen that one little tear escapes from my right eye and asked;

'Do you need a tissue?'

I slightly nodded to give my answer, and forced any extra tears of joy to remain in my eye, to prove my response.

'Do you know what happened to you?'

I didn't know what to say but helplessly i could only share my feelings with him. And that was what I actually did.

'All i remember is that i was crossing the road and something hit me, right after that i saw full on black everywhere. That's all i know to be honest.'

'So you didn't see anyone helping you?'

'No, not exactly i didn't see anybody there'


I was so tempted to say 'dude i saw you helping me', but i just couldn't it wouldn't be right to spazz and on top of that i got the chance to see him in real, he's right beside me holding my hand asking if I'm fine. i don't know how to react this is the most exciting and painful, moments in my life.


Jay's POV

I could see her in pain and trying to hold her tears back. I felt sympathy for her; what a terrible accident she's ben in. I cant imagine being in her place, it's our entire fault for not driving sensibly, well Hep's fault but then i was disturbing him by holding a conversation. I probably stealing his attention. i held her hand and it just like i Peatry's back. it wasn't as rough and hard as the left hand must have been, and neither was it soft as a teddy bears fur.

I didn't know if it was worth holding a conversation with her. what if she's not in the mood? or doesn't like talking to strangers.

I told Hep to go home, as he was tired and didn’t get to rest all night as we stayed in the hospital. Later that day, there was improvement in the girl’s health she seemed stronger than before. I still stayed there. I asked her if I could get her family for her:

"Well if you going to get them an emergency ticket from United Kingdom to here, then I don’t mind"

I didn't know if she was being sarcastic or anything so i asked her where she got her accent from, it definiely was a British accent.   

'I'm British, and I'm in Seoul as a student at a Korean University.'

'Oh so how long have you been here for?'

'This is my second year, here in seoul'

so she had been in seoul for just a year yet, I'm guessing, she seemed not so shy but then not so confident so I'm not quite sure, if she was even feeling comfortable having a conversation with me.  But then again I'm Jay Park, I dont think she really cared or was it that she didn't know me.

'Anyways what's your name?'

'Oh I'm Luna, 20 years old, and you muct be.... Well you didn't introduce yourself to me! How am i supposed to repay my debt to you if i don't know who you are?'

'Well, I'm Jay and what do you mean repay your debt?, don't be confusing. I'm just being a gentleman and helping others is my personality. Being famous isn't only about pride, and assuming I'm diffrent from any other human being...'

'Did you just say anything about being famous?'

'Yes, I'm Jay Park, well that don't matter to be honest'

'Oh! By the way you don't have to stay you can go you know, I'm old enough to manage myself now, but thanks for your help'

'So basically you want to get rid of me? I've got nothing to do anyways, I don't bite you know so do't be afraid.'

'Of course i know you don't, and no just saying you might have ther things to do, I don't want to be wasting your time.'

'Are you living alone?'


Your POV:

why did he want to stay with me, like i obviously know him, he's Jay park, part of AOM crew from Seattle, of course i know him I'm a fricking JWalker. How can i not know him?


 Well, I don't know but i didn't want to ruin the atmosphere between us, so i had to pretend i didn't know him. I don't even know threason for why i was indirectly asking him to leave. It's a dream come true, It's written in the stars. A wish comes true. I finally get to see Jay Park in real life. Not just that he was holding my hand aswell. He was beside me. It was a normal atmosphere between us, what more could i want. He asked me if i was living alone;

'No, not at the moment but in probably a year's time I will be having the dorm to myself.'

'Oh cool! You get your own space'

"What’s the point in living alone?"

"You get your own space. Erm.. You don’t have to share. But you have to do your work independently."

"Exactly, work independently; by the way who do you live with? You’re talking as though you got your parents to work for you' "Erm... Nope not exactly I live with the crew"

"Crew as in?"

'Art of movement crew! My friends. If you get me'

Hmm! Of course, I know this but I’d rather not say that I know it all.


The doctor came and told me I was on a speedy recovery. He was planning to discharge me later that day. This was a good thing, as I had been in the hospital for almost a day. I hadn’t even told Aliee that I was in hospital all involved in a car accident. If I did tell her she would have panicked and left everything behind for me.

“Have you phoned and informed your dorm mates by any chance?”

“No, not really, if I do I might disturb her”

“And if you don’t then she’s going to worry, just phone her, and tell her your fine, not to worry as you’re going back today.”

I had to, as he forced me. He was worse than my parents, he doesn’t know me still he stayed a whole night and looked after me, and he forced me to eat hospital food, something more like . I had to call Ailee and tell her what had happened.



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Chapter 13: Finally :) awww i hope heps dad is ok.
Chapter 11: Omg hep calm down lol update soon:)
Chapter 9: ooo hes getting jealous lol
The description is already really interesting ;)
Chapter 8: I liked it....hep is serious lol...update soon
Chapter 7: Can't wait, that was a great chapter!
Chapter 6: Awww you put peatry in it^_^…jay and hep are getting close
Chapter 5: Nice chapter