
We Got Married:





MBC Producer for the variety show We Got Married, A show where idols and celebrities are paired together for a virtual marrige, have released 3 of the 6 new cast members who are none other than popular actress Kang Chae Chae who recently finished filming her movie in Japan. Teen Top's Mischevious Rapper L.Joe who is wrapping up their Clap encore promotions. And the third revealed so far is Song Haneul, Main Vocalist and the dance rep of hallyu girl group Destiny.

So far L.Joe is the youngest to be revealed at only 20 years old. Netizens are starting to wonder wether L.Joe's virtual wife will be one of the two girls [Chae Chae or Haneul], but after time they say that: "Because they revealed L.Joe, ChaeChae, and Haneul i think that none of them will end up being paired together", What do you think? Are netizens correct or will L.Joe's wife be one of these beautiful girls? L.Joe himself did reveal that Kang Chae Chae was fairly close to his ideal type and Haneul admited to being on friend terms with L.Joe.

Rumors are flying around guessing who the final three are, so far Netizens have confirmed that they believe Haneul's virtual husband will be either Cnblue's Lee Jonghyun, Cross Gene's Shin Won Ho, or Actor Lee Kwangsoo. ChaeChae's Virtual husband has to be either Lee Jongsuk, Song Joongki, or Lee Kwangsoo, all of which she has been in popular dramas with, and dated in dramas.

As for L.Joe they believe his wife will be either Kang ChaeChae, Minah of Girls Day, or Miss A's Min.



MBC  We Got Married  Kang ChaeChae  Teen Top  Destiny  Cnblue  Cross Gene  Lee Kwansoo  Girls Day  Miss A

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So far i've written the first chapter 4 times only to have it deleted! ugh! this is frustrating!


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Chapter 1: Aigoooo so curious hehe
Chapter 6: Yeah ur still alive hehe
Fighting! Curious for the start!
Chapter 4: Where can we apply ?? :3
Chapter 4: Oh nice first allkpop post haha
Chapter 1: sounds good^^~