Chapter 2

Just Like You


This is your sit. Please enjoy the flight,” said the stewardess. I landed my bump onto the couch. What a tiring day. I just finished the concert and I have to go back to Korea now because I have to shoot a variety show. Unfortunately there are only economy seats tonight so... Just hope the fans won't notice me and thankfully it's a midnight flight.

“I already got inside now and the plane is about to take off. No need Ji, I'm not a little kid anymore. Aish it's ok. Beside, this is too sudden, it's completely fine. Ok gotta hang up now. Just focus on your work and don't worry about me ok. Bye,” I heard a slightly familliar voice from a seat in front of me. Why is that voice sounded familiar for me... Aish I think I'm too tired now. Really need to sleep.


“Kyuhyun-ssi,” I felt a soft thud on my shoulder. I opened my eyes-cover and my eyes squinted due to the sudden light. “Sorry for interrupting but we are about to landing so please use the seatbelt,” the stewardess said nervously. “Ah arraseo,” I replied in a cracky voice. “K-kamsahamnida,” she bowed then left to go check for the other passangers. Phew finally reached Korea after the tiring concert day, and tiring flight with a lot of transits. I'm just hoping there won't be so many fans at the airport because I'm so tired and my body is really sore.

I quickly got up when it's safe for us to get up. I have to be fast because the shoot will start in an hour but it's difficult to get out from this plane easily, there are so many people. “Ouch,” I heard a groan from in front of me. There's a girl who just bumped her head to the cabin. Wait, I think I know her. Where did I meet this girl... I stood still for some minutes just to think where is the possible place that I met this girl. AH! The subway! Yes, the subway! She's a fan of mine and also the girl who knows an actor named “Ji'! I turned my head to look at her again and she is nowhere to be found. Where did she go? I just turned my head off of her for a while and she already dissapeared. Ok why did I even bother this? Now I really need to get out of this plane and make it on time to the studio. 

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Iam looking forward to your story :) I liked your first fanfic too :)