suju sungmin donghae zombie apocalypse for bonchan

100 subscriber request oneshot/preview extravaganza


here is a request bonchan made
i'm possibly thinkiing of continuing this but i'm not sure where i'm going to go with it
also, sorry bonchan, it's not very haeminny
if i continued it might be
i kinda like how this one came out though


keep sending me comments and requests
they make me happy
and i'm on spring break so i have all the time in the world to write





                I don’t know how why or when it started. Maybe it was a virus, maybe a voodoo curse. Who knows, maybe the religious nuts were right and hell really is full.

I got a text one day from a friend saying some dude was biting people. That was probably the last time I heard from him. He started sending me garbled text messages that made no sense. From that point on it wasn’t him anymore.

                The news reports originally said it was a massive rabies outbreak.

Biggest. ing. Rabies. Outbreak I have ever seen.

               Started with a bite. Then you would get a fever. There would be a bruise around the bite, like any other kind of bite. It would get worse and worse until you looked like a giant walking bruise. I was told that it was really itchy and uncomfortable. I don’t doubt it.

                Once you’re infected it changes your blood. Like those bugs I saw on TV once that had a bacteria that would infect them and change their brains, forcing them to kill themselves. But this is a slow change. Slow enough for the victims to blog about it.

                Always figured the world would go down on camera phone. I hate being right.

                Doctors rushed to find a cure. There still isn’t one. There are also a whole lot less doctors left. They started quarantining the infected until their numbers got too big. Then they started quarantining the uninfected.

                There was military everywhere. That didn’t last too long.

                At first they would quietly take the infected for experiments, that was Kyu… my old boyfriend’s theory…

                Anyway, when the numbers grew, they just started mowing them down with high tech weaponry. They would usually warn us beforehand so the uninfected had a chance to get out of the way.

                It got to the point where some people would get together and have suicide parties just so they wouldn’t have to suffer from the infection. I one time had to hide in a church full of people who were still sitting in the pews with cups of poisoned punch… or whatever in their hands. Whole families: Parents, kids, the elderly; all spending their last moments in terror.

                The internet and TV were pretty much the first things to go, followed by water, gas and power. Nobody was there to maintain anything.

Everyone was either hiding or infected.

                I ended up buying a generator and a few solar chargers. Smart move on my part… until gas became hard to come by as well.

                We were forcibly relocated one day. They told us that they were going to burn everything the next day so we had to grab what we could carry and go with them.

                I wouldn’t have lost Kyu if we weren’t forced to go anywhere.

I’m still unsure how I survived. Maybe it was fate. Maybe I’m just that good at hiding. Maybe I’m still coming to terms with the fact that I had to finish Kyu off after he got infected.

                He told me to.

Kyu and I somehow managed to split from the group that was being mangled by a mob of the infected. I don’t even know where he managed to snag the gun, but a few hours later, after we had escaped, he just stopped running.


                “What are you doing? We have to get out of here” I shouted at him.

                He handed me the gun and dropped to his knees. His face was turning red.

                “You’re going to have to use that on me.” He said.

                “What? No! What are you talking about? Why do I have to use it? We got away.” I didn’t understand.

                “If you love me, you’ll do it… while I’m still me… please. It’s starting to itch.”

                “Didn’t they say there was a cure?” I didn’t want to have to do this.

                “It’s … it’s bull and you know… know… Sungmin hurry please… I don’t want to go like that. If you don’t, I’ll just infect you too.” He begged.

                “Then I won’t have to live without you.” I reasoned. “I won’t have to live with knowing I killed the only person I love.”

                “Please Sungmin, it hurts. It’s faster than they said it was… please.” He was crying. His tears were red. “Do it and walk away. If you miss, I don’t want to bite you ok?”

                I couldn’t talk anymore. I just nodded and put the gun to his forehead. I know it would have been an instant kill if I had shot him in the base of the skull, but I didn’t want to ruin his face worse than I had to…

                “Doubletap.” He smirked, “don’t forget to doubletap and I love you.”

                I screamed as I pulled the trigger and shot him a second time like he told me to. I almost killed myself too, but he wouldn’t have wanted that.

                He would have just let me get infected otherwise.

                I walked away from him trying to figure out what I was going to do next. I had to survive for Kyu.

                I racked my brain trying to figure out where the best place to go would be. I had it narrowed down to three places. On the water, in the desert or up in the mountains.

                I grabbed a wetsuit, camping gear and a crossbow with as many bolts as I could carry.

                Most people asked me why I carried a crossbow… my only excuse is the fact that I can reuse the ammo.

                I slowly made my way toward the nearest set of mountains. They were quite a long way away. On my way I picked up a wagon with a bicycle and would fill it with food and supplies as I went along. People would sometimes try to take some of my stuff, but I became a very light sleeper and I got really good at shooting my crossbow very quickly.

                I didn’t talk to many people except to trade for things I needed. I had to take the long way around most places because I found out that the infected seemed to go places they frequented when they were still… alive for lack of better word. Major cities and town centers had the biggest number of infected hoards.

                Because I was alone most of the time, I had time to brood. I was in a really dark place. It almost got to the point where I wanted to walk into a cluster of the infected and take out my aggression on all of them.

                I’ve never been a good fighter. I would have had no chance. Kyu wanted me to survive. So I decided not to walk into certain death.

                One day, when I was scavenging for more supplies, I was ambushed for lack of better word. I was too careless.

The wetsuit saved my life. Well, prolonged it.

                Apparently the neoprene was too thick for the infected to bite through.

                I had just parked my bike and I tried to climb over a fence to avoid a group of them blocking a gate. The fence was too old and it fell when I swung over it. The noise attracted them when I was sitting, stunned on the ground.

                My crossbow was with the bike. One of the zombies tried to bite my arm. Hurt like a but didn’t manage to make it through the thick material. I had to kick him off and run. I made a mental note to snag some motorcycle gloves too.

                Somehow they had chased me into a corner. I still feel like an idiot about that. I heard someone shout for me to get down and I ducked just before I heard… felt bullets whizzing over my head.

                When the gunfire stopped, I stood up and saw my savior.

                “What the hell are you wearing? … er not wearing?” I shouted. “Do you have a deathwish?”

                He was wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and a pair of jeans.

                “So what if I do?” he scratched his head in irritation, “that’s no way to talk to someone who just saved your life.”

                “But if they bite you, you become just like them. Haven’t you heard what it’s like turning into that? You keep your mind pretty much ‘til the end.”

                He just shrugged. I stopped talking when I stepped closer and finally got a good look at him. he was covered in drying blood and his eyes were bloodshot like he’d been crying. He had dirt all over him, especially his hands.

                “You haven’t been bitten already have you?” I asked. He shook his head. “But… you just buried someone who was…”

                He shook his head again. “He was fine… he just didn’t reach cover before they started shooting… if I was faster… he would have made it. But I fell down. I’m clumsy and ing useless” his words deteriorated as his sobs became louder.

                “Keep it down, you’ll attract more of them.” I hissed.

                “Let them come.” He wailed and sat on the ground.

                Suddenly I had a reason to keep going. It just felt right to protect this idiot.

                “Hey…” I nudged him with my foot “what’s your name?”

                “D- Donghae…” he sniffled.

                “Well Donghae, you’re coming with me from now on. Let’s get you suited up and grab more supplies.”

                “Where are we going?” he slowly got up.

                “There’s a cabin in the mountains that belonged to my folks. I think we can hide out there for a bit.”

                “How are we gonna get there? We have no car and the mountains are so far.”

                “We’ll just have to get you a bike then won’t we?” I felt like I was talking to a little kid.

                As we headed to the sporting goods shop I had originally planned to go to, I asked him one more question.

                “Where’d you get that gun anyway?”

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bonchan #1
Chapter 3: kyaaaaa such a sweet start for hyukmin ^^
hickirik #2
Onew - Lee Joon ^^
and the number is 31...
I hope you can write it, i am waiting for it ^^
Chapter 4: i want to leave a long comment i hope you don't mind^^

90's cartoons ooohh i like it already

the first part with the fort building i was like "wait...are they having...OH they are building a fort OK" XD

key singing the freakazoid theme song *-* cute

ohhh 'blanket/pillow game' here we go /suggestive eyebrow wiggle

ahaha jjong teasing kibum. tsk tsk that is not gonna end well lol

"Oh ____,Kibum when did you grab the lube?" this. XD

this mutual teasing is making me flustered >//<

the was really good. i love keyhyun thank you for that ^^

over all this was perfect THANK YOU!
bananafreak #4
Chapter 2: Waaa zombie apocalypse is so interesting. Mature and responsible Sungmin together with strong and childish Donghae. I wish you will continue this :D
bonchan #5
Chapter 2: awwwwww like it like it so much. Omooo you have to continue this with haemin as main pairing and other side pairings too. But I won't force you ^^. Hope you will have times to write this again hehehe....
jonghyun and key please :) maybe keyhyun? and number 19 ^^ how far are you from the 100th subscriber?
How about:
Eunhyuk and Donghae, number 17?
Good luck with it!
bonchan #8
Donghae and Sungmin please ^^ (rated or not rated, I like both so it's up to you kekekeke....)
outline : how about Zombie AU. Love survival