Chapter 4

Date Me, Teacher!

As Minho stood there frozen, he didn’t dare interrupt the moment those two shared when they reunited, arms wrapped around each other. After his teacher and the strange happily embraced each other, they walked off, hand in hand, as if it was the most natural thing to do in the world. He saw Mr. Lee glance back, spotting him, and all he did was smirk—a mocking looking smile it was. One that seemed to say “you’re just a kid, there’s no way you’d hitch a date with me.”


Beep, beep, beep, beep


Minho’s alarm rang and he fluttered his eyes open, completely stumped by the dream he just had. It was true that Mr. Lee did meet up with another male, it was true that Mr. Lee was quite happy that they met up, and it was true that they did hug each other. But what wasn’t true was that they held hands and Mr. Lee didn’t glance back at him to smirk at him, in fact, Mr. Lee didn’t even see him at all! Minho groaned as he rolled side to side on his mattress, he’s so consumed about what kind of relationship Mr. Lee has with that unknown man that he’s having nightmares about it. Aish, pull yourself together, Choi Minho!


Right because even though it’s only Saturday, Minho had to go to school to make up his mid-terms, which means he gets to see his teacher.




“Minjung… If two people met up downtown, what do you think they would be up to?” Minho leaned against her door, toothbrush in mouth as he prepared for the day.


“Huh?” His sister dozily brought he head up, her bed head a mess as her eyes attempted to open wider.


“If two guys met up, in a populated area, what do you think they’re up to?”


She face-planted her face into her pillow, groaning. Why, why does her brother have to bother her with all these weird questions?! She muffled into her pillow. Minho was beginning to lose his patience. “Minjung, if you don’t answer me properly, I’m going to spit this toothpaste into your hair.” She believed in his words.


“I don’t know? Usually, in my mangas, they go into a love hotel!” She answered. Wait, isn’t this a bit embarrassing? Telling your own brother about guys doing it in a hotel, even if it is just fiction? Minjung heard something drop onto her floor, she glanced over. “Hey! Your toothbrush is going to stain my carp—”


But Minho was gone in flash already.




“Teacher…” Minho called softly as he sulked in his desk. “Do you… have a lover?”


Taemin looked at him from the podium, eyes filled with surprised and his cheeks pink from such an embarrassing question. “No, I have nothing of the sort,” he pushed his frames back to the bridge of his nose, flustered. “Please, concentrate on your test, Minho…”


“Are you sure? You’re not lying to me, right?”


“O-of course not.” Then who was that guy from last night?! That thought screamed in the back of Minho’s mind but he didn’t dare ask, otherwise, the devilish Minho would be labeled as a stalker. Going back to the re-takes in front of him, he scribbled in his name. Patience, Minho, patience… This is like managing the soccer team, you must have patience and train them properly and in return, they reward you by winning the match. But… I can’t scare Mr. Lee off… Suddenly, Minho’s lips curled on their own cunningly.


He decided to protest against his teacher and shoved his test away from him as he crossed his arms. Taemin looked up and saw this childish action from him. “Minho… what are you doing?”


“Sulking.” He turned his head the other way, leaving his teacher baffled. “I’m not taking the test until you listen to my request.”


Taemin’s head was spinning in circles now. What did he mean by request? But he surely didn’t want Minho to fail his mid-terms, then he would surely fail as a teacher. “I-if the request is reasonable then I guess it’s okay.” Was he giving in too easily? Seeing that sly smile on Minho’s face was making him feel reluctant now.


Once Minho was completed with his test, he handed it to his teacher, confidently smirking as he sat back comfortably in his seat. And after Taemin finished grading his mid-terms, which he scored a 94 on, he saw a little note at the bottom of his test that printed “since I did well on my mid-terms, make me lunch on Monday, teacher!” He readjusted his frames to see if he had read that correctly and then glanced over to Minho. He could see Minho anxiously waiting as he peeked through the corner of his eyes, quickly looking away as if he didn’t care.


He let out a defeated sigh. “Having students eat lunch in my classroom isn’t really a problem… I guess,” Mr. Lee mumbled. Minho looked at him wide-eyed and smiled softly, failing to be indifferent about the matter.


Yes! Choi Minho, you are a genius… damn, I am good. He gathered his things and waved later to his naïve little teacher who didn’t even have a clue about his true intentions. Right outside the door, he fist pumped, grinning ear to ear like an idiot, but he quickly straightens himself out when he realized that he was being way too happy about this. All right, just because he didn’t reject me this time doesn’t mean things won’t go wrong on Monday… there’s still that guy that I don’t know about.


Minho scratched his head. It’s not like he can go up to Mr. Lee and ask him straight out about it without feeling like a creeper, plus it would make him look desperate, which he isn’t. An evil grin formed upon his face. It’s a good thing I have Minjung as a sister, she can finally be useful. With that in mind, he walked home, eager to extract his little plan with his little sister.



In the classroom, Taemin decided that he should erase the little note his student left in the bottom corner of his test, there he realized that there were faded words that seemed to be erased. He squinted closer, it seemed that Minho originally requested for something else and it turned out to say ‘go out on a date with me.’ Now, Taemin wasn’t sure if he be relieved that his student asked him that, or if he should worried about lunch on Monday.

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Just2minho #1
Chapter 4: come back when this story continues ... you make us curious
Chapter 4: Oh god authornimmmm please update this! It's been 6 years ?
Chapter 4: keep going
Chapter 4: please please pretty please with choi minho on top,continue this story authornim i beg u *on my knees*
Chapter 4: I love minho's sister xD
and omg this is getting interesting
bqhabwahaa minho is falling
gor taeminnieee
UPDATE this is getting really interesting. I really like it so far.^^
FFiolet #7
Yaaay! This is a very good fic, yaay! I love it! :D I can't wait for the next update :D
Hitsugayataichoda #8
This is really good! Different from what I've read so far. Plz update soon!!!!!
Omo ajkfdhaldskjfdksf finally read the update. *O* Minho chickening out is kinda cute but I hope he gets some courage soon. c': But now Taemin has that idea in his head, so it'll be growing on him. n_n