Ukwon (Part 1)

BlockB short stories

Warning!!!!! some bad words :P








“ Ukwon! Give me my phone!” “ you know I'm the tease, so why should I, huh?” he said with that annoying as hell look on his face. “You know what? Have fun with it, I don't need it.” I said storming off out of the apartment and slamming the door.


* * *

-inside the apartment-


“dude, what the hell. Go give her back her phone.” jiho hyung said sitting in between of jihoon and jaehyo.

“why should I, she keeps making fun of me not being hot. And obviously I'm hot.” he muttered scoffing

“you know what hyung, sometimes you really disappoint me.” JiHoon got up from the table and grabbed the phone from his hands, but Ukwon moved, taking the phone with him. “ I'll take it to her” He said grabbing his jacket and opening the door, only to hear, “ Be polite, she is a woman, and she deserves respect. Got it?” “Don't worry, I’ll try to not be a total .” he said smirking and closing the door.


* * *

you were walking by yourself, freezing since you were too angry to grab your jacket off of the counter. Rubbing your arms and breathing into your hands occasionally to keep your body warm. “ why does it have to be winter..” you spoke out loud.


Walking for a few more minutes you eventually reached your apartment, reaching in your pocket you grabbed your key, sticking it into the lock. “hey!” you froze. “hello?” “Ukwon?” you asked under your breath. What was he doing here. Peaking your head around the corner you saw him pacing back and forth looking at the apartments. “what the.....” you said a pit pissed off from earlier. Suddenly he looked in your direction and smiled. “damn.” you said and ran up towards your door, trying to unlock your door, not wanting to see him again until you were in a better mood, you heard a laugh. “.”

“you really couldn’t wait to get away from me could you?” turning around you saw him, and all of those angry feelings rushed back. “yes, actually. Now why are you here, because I'm freezing and would like to get into my apartment where it is warm.” you said quickly, looking away. “ I came to give you your phone back.” he said. A smirk worked its way across his face, and I knew there was a catch. “ what do you want? You've teased me enough for the night and im tired of it.” I said turning around and unlocking my door, walking in, I turned back to close it but he stopped it. “Ukwon..please” you were tired of this running around, the same thing happened over and over again. The same script read and no character change. It pissed you off because honestly it was just hurting you. You like Ukwon. There happy? I said it. “i just want to talk, if that’s okay with you.” He said pushing himself through the doorway and sat on the couch like he owned it. “if you want to talk; get off my couch and have a conversation with me. I hate how you make yourself at home where ever you go. You don't live here, I do.” he was stunned, a bit taken aback by what you said. “well.....” he said getting up and walking over to you. He looked straight at you and slowly started to take his coat off, revealing his sculpted arms and chest slightly covered by a t-shirt. You were surprised and observed, “you like what you see?” he asked and snapped you out of your thoughts. “no..” you said and looked away, “so what do you want to talk about?” you asked, trying to get yourself out of the awkward situation. “Us.” “what?..Us?, what us?” you were trying to put two and two together but nothing was making sense. “Why do you get so pissed at me. You were fine a year ago, but now your just moody around me and always look for the other guys. We used to be close. Did it have to do with the other girls I hung out with? I thought that you didn’t like the change in the group, but happens right?” “it wasn’t the change, okay it was partially the girls..” you said the second part quietly. “ what was that?” he asked leaning in, looking up at him closing the space you put your hands up and tried to stop him. I liked you you idiot! Every time you brought around another “friend” It tore me to pieces! Of course I wasn’t going to stay by your side so easily. It hurt to see you with others. You thought to yourself, wanting to cry, but holding it in hoping he would leave soon so you could cry your eyes out. “ stop.” you said placing your hands on his chest, slightly pushing him away. “ why does this bother you? I'm trying to hear you.” “ I said stop. Just..please. There is no point in talking about this. Now, I need to go bed.” you said and turned away and walked to your room. As you reached your doorway you felt a hand grab your wrist and pulled you back wards. “I'm not done talking about this.” he said as you slammed against him, wrapping his arms around you. You struggled to get away from him, but he was too strong. “Just tell me what I did wrong or what happened. I've been thinking about this for months now, and the only thing I could come up with is almost absurd to even think.” he said chuckling a bit. “what was it..” you asked, knowing exactly what he thought was so funny. “ you liking me.” he said resting his chin atop of your head slightly. You could hear each breath he took, you could still feel his chest raising and falling against yours. Well..”ding ding ding, we have a winner.” you said letting a tear fall. His body stiffened against yours. “sure is funny huh?” you whispered letting out a sniffle. He untightened his grasp on you, and you took the chance to get away. Pulling away you walked to the door and opened it. “ you got your answer right? Now you can leave feeling accomplished.” you said motioning to the door. “ I didn’t-” “ why would you? You had better things to do” you flashed him a hurt smile. A tear ran down your face, and you quickly looked away to hide it. “ please don't cry, I didn’t know you liked me like that. Im sorry.” he said lifting his hand to wipe the tear away. You stopped him. “I'm okay, you can leave, you've gotten your answer.” you said sternly. Love hearts like a . He slowly made his was to the door, “you know, I used to like you too” he said, looking in my direction. My eyes shot open, completely astonished. “im sorry I reacted that way, you don't deserve it..” “well its easier for you is'nt it, because I still like you, and your over it.” you said pushing him through the door way and closed the door on him. You broke down, right there on the other side of the door, you cried. You let every tear fall and felt every pang in your heart as is ripped to pieces. What did you expect, him to still have feelings for you? Pabo..pabo.


* * *

-on the other side of the door-

“but I never stopped.”




Thank you to who has read this! I cannot explain how happy i am to see subscribers! i really did'nt think anyone would read this, so i thanks you *sniffle* Saragnhae~ I hope to get a few more comments.....jebal? :P 

anyway, new chapter/story. second part update in.....2 days? mabey less (>^.^)>

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Chapter 11: Ohmaig u hve no mercy
Chapter 3: Goddamn I would die to see this side of Taeil personally, he's such a cutie but in this he seemed much more attractive and y? And it REALLY didn't help with the fact that I was listening to 11:30 and Taeil's freacking gorgeous angel voice ;_; *sobs* please I beg you author-nim to write more Taeil oneshots and preferably this kind of teasing Taeil ok? :3
Chapter 9: This story was so sweet I love it!!
Chapter 12: OMG, this was such a good and sweet short story
Chapter 7: This is so cute omg omg <333
Chapter 15: Thank you so much~!!! You're amazing haha!! :3
Chapter 14: This intro was great~! I can't wait to read more!
Chapter 9: Omg, this is too cute! <333
Chapter 9: Aww so.cute :3
Chapter 8: You can blame Zico for pretty much everything. Kyung followed Zico into music. Taeil started to cuss more thanks to Zico. Zico broke Kwon's guitar string. And we can blame him for being so ____ing y ^^