Stay In Love

To You It's Separation, For Me It's Waiting

The day seems to last forever
As if it read my heart
With passing time, will it fade?


you and Jaejoong strolled down the beach barefooted. Both of them were holding hands as they walked. 

"Jae? Isn't that beautiful." you said as she faced ocean towards the sunset.

He looked at it too and agreed. "Yeah....." he said with a sigh. 

"Jae?"  you faced him worried. "What's wrong? What's with the big sigh?" she continued to ask him.

He looked at her with a sad expression in his face. " I'm going to Seoul." 

"That's..alright, I mean no-" 

" be a trainee for SMEnt." he finished his sentence. He studied her expression. Clearly she was shocked. Him being in Seoul to be a trainee, will mean she won't see him often anymore.


"Jae, it's alright, go ahead." you told him as she held his face to look at her. "....this is your dream, go for it."

"But, how about you?" his eyes looked saddened.

"Don't worry about me, I'm strong Jae, I can wait." she told him giving him an assuring smile but deep inside she felt sad. 


Except for your empty space
Everything is the same
My heart must be broken
Can't seem to accept that I sent you away
 All my love is now in vain   

Jaejoong walked inside the SMEnt. building. There were a lot of teenagers who were almost his age. All of them practicing their piece for their auditions.

"Kim Jaejoong?" a middle aged woman asked him as she handed him an id pass.

"Ah,, that's me." he replied as he took his id.

"Please sit over there and wait for your turn." she told me as he followed her instructions.

When he was sitted down. he felt the nervousness and anxiety while waiting for his turn. He kept rocking his right leg as to release his tensions.

"Hey dude,'ll do fine." a teenaged guy patted his back with a smile forming on his lips. Jaejoong returned the smile and it seemed to calm him down.

"It's nerve-racking just thinking about it." he replied to him. The guy just lightly laughed and outstretched his arm.

"Hi, the names Yunho, Jung Yunho." he smiled.

"Jaejoong, Kim Jaejoong." Jaejoong shook the guy's arms.

Jaejoong suddenly felt not so nervous anymore and seemed to calm down. As he was talking to Yunho, his phone suddenly vibrated. He took it out and smiled seeing who it was from.


New Message from:



"BooJaeee~ good luck on your audition, I know you'll do great. Show those people how good you are. I know one day you'll be the best singer in the world. Hihihi o^.^o well...HWAITING! SARANGHAAE <333"

Jaejoong smiled knowing she believes in him. Yunho saw this and instantly as he took a little peek from the message. Jaejoong just laughed it off and thought of a reply to you 's message.


"Thank you babyy ~ you're the best. Don't worry when I pass this audition and debut with my group, I'll treat you into anything you like =^_^=. Wait for mee baabyy. Saranghaeee <3 <3 :*"


"Kim Jaejoong." the man beside the door called his name. "Ah, neh..." he smiled and walked to the door where his dream will begin.


I sent you away
But my waiting has just begun
Don't leave my love
I may never see you again
You are still in my heart

Except for your empty space
Everything is the same
My heart must be broken
Can't seem to accept that I sent you away
All my love is now in vain

It has been 5 years since you got the message of Jaejoong that he passed the auditions. She was ecstatic about the news and she even told her parents and friends about what happened but part of the news was he had to stay in Seoul to continue his trainee days there. Trainee days that turned to years. you couldn't help but miss him badly but that's what she gets since she agreed to let him go and make his dream.

"You can do this you! have faith in him!" she cheered to herself while making herself a sandwhich.

"Who you talking to?" Sooyoung, her friend, asked her.

"Oh, just the usual." she replied taking a bite from her sandwich.

"Wow you, I have never met anyone so dedicated and patient as you are...I's been 5 years. I almost thought you were going to get fed up and find someone else new."

"Well....I trust him and a promise is a promise. I'll keep on having FAITH in him no matter how long we won't be able to see each other for now."

"That's my you. Now.........i order your to make me a sandwhich." Sooyoung said in a commanding voice.

"Hahaha....go make your own stick-o girl I want to watch tv." she laughed as she made her way to the living room.

I sent you away
But my waiting has just begun
Don't leave my love
I may never see you again
You are still in my heart

Don't leave my love
I may never see you again
Wherever whenever
When you're tired and discouraged, come back to me
Be happy my love
Until that day, forever that day (when we can be together)

"How many years has it been?Does she still remember me?"Does she still love me? JAE! of course she still loves you!" Jaejoong was busy with his thoughts that he didn't notice the 4 guys that sneekily went to his room. They saw him look at his cellphone intently like he was mesmerized by it. They all went behind Jaejoong's back to peek at what he was looking at.....there they saw you 's picture 5 years ago when the two of them were dating.

"AYYIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE! " they all chorused giving Jaejoong the shock of his life,

"What are you guys doing here? Are you all done packing?" He panickly said as he pocketed his phone whilst glaring at the 4 guys who looked at him with smugged faces.

"Hyung~~~ who's thaat?" Junsu asked obviously intriggued.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The youngest, Changmin, questioned him.

"How come you never told us about her?" Yoochun asked as he sat down on the bed.

"Guys! One at a time...sheeeesh." Jaejoong was thinking if he should tell it to them.

"See, I told you, you should've told them years ago...but didn't listen to me." Yunho said as he sat down beside Yoochun on the bed.

"Hyung you knew?" Junsu asked him making the other 2 look at him too.

"Well..sorta...." he replied.

"He was the first person I told this about." Jaejoong explained to them. "...well since we knew each other during the auditions...and he practically saw the text from her." he looked at Yunho.

"And since...we're going back to where he came from for our fansigning event, it just means that............"Yunho stood up and wrapped an arm around Jaejoong's shoulder. "They'll be seeing each other again."


AAAAAWWWWWWWW ~ ~ " the cooed at Jaejoong who just smiled back at them

"So do you still keep in touch with each other?" Changmin asked.

"Well, not's been busy you know......but I got to text her from time to time." he replied.

"Did you tell her about this event?" Yoochun asked.

"Yeah....but the problem is how I'll meet her....just the two of know just catching up to things." Jaejoong said while packing his stuff into his luggage.

"Don't worry Hyung, you'll meet each other." Yunho said which brought a smile to Jaejoong's lips.

I want you to forget me
Don't hesitate
For now.


Thousands of Cassiopeias came to the stadium for the fansigning event. Each hoping to get a glimpse of the 5 Gods that captured their hearts. All of them carrying either their album or posters. All 5 were smiling as they handed out their autographed cd's albums and posters, but Jaejoong just couldn't hide the fact that he might meet you again right there. He was anxious and a bit nervous....his right leg started shaking...DEJA VU.....?

And just like that, Yunho also noticed him.

"Dude ...just two will meet." Yunho chuckled and went back to signing and smiling to the fans that was infront of him.

Jaejoong took his words and tried to compose himself, he took a couple of breathes and there he was relaxed but that completely shattered as he saw not far from him.....his one and only love, that one person he wishes to spend time with this Christmas....her.

you came forward as she made her way to Jaejoong's isle. Both locked eyes and seemed to be lost in their own worlds. Yunho saw this and coughed a few times. Jaejoong quickly snapped out of it and looked the other way. you chuckles as to how he was still so cute after those years.

"Here....please make it to you." she said. Jaejoong looked at her as if she thinks he doesn't know her name. He scribbled a lot of words and finally handed it to her.

"Thank you Jaejoong Oppa." she smiles again before heading to the others.

Jaejoong's heart began to beat fast and uncontrollably once he heard she called him "Oppa" again. How he wanted to just run up to her and hug her and to once again call her his "Baby". The 4 guys saw this and chuckled at their hyung's silly action.

Meanwhile you 's condition was the same as Jaejoong. The moment she saw him and locked eyes with him, sparks and fireworks just seemed to go off in her mind. Her heartbeat was slowly going to a steady beat not like awhile ago wherein her heart was beating so fast. She made her way to her seat and gathered her things but then she came across her album wherein Jaejoong signed, she was curious as to why it was so long. She sat down and read the words.


"To you,

Haha, you think i forgot your name? guess wrong. it would take a gazillon years for me to forget your name. ~ keke <3 you're still so beautiful after all these years..wah! i'm so happy you came today ~ i miss you babyy~ ~ thanks so much fo having faith in me ~ i always thought that maybe you found another man since i'm not around you all the time. <3 GUESS what?i'm a singer already ~ keke...i still want to talk to you in person, so if you're up to it, meet me by the beach after the fansigning event. mwah :* hope you could come  :>

BooJae <33"

She smiles after she read the letter. He was still the same old Jaejoong whom she loved 5 years ago and still love until now.  She put the album back to her bag and made her way to the beach to meet him later.


Minutes passed and DBSK finished their fansigning event.

"Ah, that was tiring!" Yoochun stretched as he stood up from his chair.

"Tell me about it....I might need a massage after this." Junsu whined rubbing his sore nape.

"Hey guys, I'll be going somewhere for awhile. Tell Manager hyung I'm just taking a quick stroll outside and don't worry about me since I'm just near the hotel we're staying at." Jaejoong got his bag and dashed to the back entrance.

"Wait,,,,," Junsu was cut off by Yunho.

"Just let him go, he'll come back soon." Yunho told him.

"Well goodluck to Hyung, but now....I'M HUNGRY! let's order in!" Changmin exclaimed making the others cheer at the thought of food.

Jaejoong made his way to the beach hoping she was not waiting for too long. Indeed she was there arms wrapped around herself while looking directly at the waves of the ocean. Jaejoong quietly made his way behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

you was surprised at first but after realizing it was Jaejoong, she calmed down but not too long.

"Hey Baby ~" his voice lingered in her ear like soft melodies. "I missed you." her arms were placed at Jaejoong's arms that were encircled in her waist. Her back rested on his broad chest.

"I missed you too Jae ~"

"Sorry if you've waited too long, aren't you cold?" he looked at her.

"Awhile ago, but now I'm not since you keep me warm." she smiles at him. Once their eyes met again Jaejoong couldn't fight the urge to just kiss her. He turned her around and so she was facing him and brought her closer to him as their faces were almost touching. He looked at her lovingly and admired her beauty.

"I love you." he told her those 3 magical words she wanted to hear for 5 years.

"I love you too Jae." she smiles at him and that was all he wanted to hear before pressing his lips to hers. She felt the passion and love of this man from the way he kissed her and so she returned the kiss. They both kissed passionately for a good 3 minutes. Their lips parted after wanting to catch their breaths. They chuckled softly after remembering where they were.

"I missed this you know, It's been hard for me to get a free schedule just to see you so I was really glad after I heard we would stop at this place. But after this, we'll be going back to Seoul and that means I have to leave you again." He looked at her guiltily thinking that maybe she got sad but instead she kept her smiling face.

"Jae, I have something to tell you, it's true that I really missed you after 5 years but, we won't be waiting anymore since.....I got a job in Seoul." you told him hoping he would smile...and he DID.

"REAALLY? as in you'll go to Seoul wherein I could be more near to you?" His eyes were like a kid big and wide and full of happiness.

"You don't even know where I'm working." she told him.

"Yeah but least there's more possibilities we would meet each other," He said leaning his forehead to hers.

"Oh Jae...." she laughed at him.

"Merry Christmas you....I love you." He hugged her tight as he nuzzled his nose to her hair.

"Merry Christmas to you too JaeBoo ~ " she returned the hug and just stayed there.






HAHAHAHAHAAH...sorry if it's kind of detailed, rambly, overused of some words......but yeah.....kinda ish! but hey! a little gift to you all!





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Chapter 1: jaejoooong.. so dreammmyy
loveboojae #2
lmao! xD is this story meant for me? loveboojae! haha! this will make me think of jaejoong tonight!
me and jae??i'll surely dream about him toninght...ahaks...:p
karaspecial1004 #4
@efflorescence Hope I answered your question! :)