Leaving Home

My Wonderfully Annoying Life with Super Junior

S k y l a r ' s  P O V

"Ugh. Umma. I have everything. I'm positive."

"Yes, dear, but what if you for-"

"Umma. You're talking to a girl with photographic memory if you haven't forgot."

"Oh, yes. You're right, hon."

I rolled my eyes and stared at the ceiling.

"What time is it?"


"Bwoh?! ALREADY?!"

"What's wrong?"



"My. Plane. Leaves. At. 1:25."



"Oh... Well... Get in the car, hurry up."

"I'm going, I'm going."

Sometimes I wonder how my mom lived without daddy and me. She forgets everything. I'm really shocked how I got gifted with photographic memory, seeing how my mom has short-term memory loss to the nth degree.

I dropped, well, dumped, some of my bags into the back of the trunk.(x The others just had to sit in the back seat. I sighed and plopped myself into the driver's seat, setting my purse in the Lamborghini Gallardo Nera.

"Tell me, dear. Why do you have so many bags?"

"Because, umma dear. I'm a shop-a-holic and I LOVE the clothes that I have."

"Yes, but-"

"Umma! Shush! I'm driving!"

She just giggled and nodded, facing the front. You expected her to give me a glare and lecture me about talking back, didn't you? Well, she doesn't do that, my mommy dearest. She's an odd one yet my father loves everything about her. When you first see them, they look like an odd couple. Which they are. My daddy is a bit old looking, but he's handsome, none the less. My mother, well, let's just say male alumni's from my college still think that she's my sister. It's disgusting, I tell you. Dis. Gus. Ting.

I drove the Lamborghini fast, which wasn't too hard. I think I made a new world record, too. Driving to the airport fourty-five minutes away from your house in seventeen point sixty eight seconds. Yes, I broke some laws here and there, but it was getting late, okay?

"It's 1:16, dear."


I went through everything and somehow ended up finishing with four minutes to spare.

I turned to my mom and hugged her. She hugged me back and patted my hair. How was I still shorter than her in high heels? Damn.

"Passengers for flight 609, Seoul, please go to gate A17."

"Have fun, okay? And take care of the members. All of them are going through a bad time, especially Leeteuk."


"You don't know Leeteuk?"

"Why should I know him?"

"Don't tell me you don't know any of the Super Junior members minus your brother."

"I don't know any of the Super Junior members minus my brother."

"Kim Skylar!"


"I repeat, all passengers for flight 609, Seoul, please go to gate A17."

"That woman bothers me."

My mom giggled and patted my head. "Bye bye, dear. I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye, umma. I'll miss you. Tell I appa I love him and not to overwork himself."

"Of course, darling. Now go, shoo."

I smiled and waved, my bags by my side.

My mother never cries.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I sat down on the chair, sitting comfortably. Man, I love first class. I plugged in my earphones and drowned out the world around me and closed my eyes. Hey, it's one in the morning. I couldn't help falling asleep.

Soon, too soon, I heard shuffling beside me and I took out my earphones.

"We are close to our destination. Please, put on your seatbelts."

Already? ALREADY?! I looked out the window and found out that the lady was right. Aish. We were practically in Korea.

Ewww. Korea. I hate this wannabe country. It smells and it's small and the driver's are crazy. I haven't been here since I was nine. How old am I know, you ask? Oh, wow. Now that I think about it, I haven't introduced myself. I'll do it in the short time we have left.

I'm Skylar Kim, no, wait. Kim Skylar. I'm twenty five, going on twenty six and I hate Korea. If you haven't found out already, I have photographic memory. Yes, that thing where you remember or memorize everything you see. And let me tell you, I think karma hated me since birth. People tell you it's a , right? Well, she plucked some of the devil's genes and chose me as her target. She's a plus a devil to me and I haven't done anything wrong... maybe. Oh, and the reason I'm going to this forsaken place- minus karma- is because of my younger brother. Who is he, you ask? Well, he's the one and only 'Eternal Maknae' of Super Junior. Yup, you got that right. Wookie is my brother. Surprise, surprise. Oh, I also have a dis-

"Thank you for flying with us. Please come again."

Karma, I'll ing kick your .

I got up and took down my carry on and headed out the door, eyes burning through my back. Stop staring at me, you erted creepers. It's disturbing and disgusting. After grabbing my bags and amazingly fitting them all onto two carts, I walked out and hailed a taxi. He helped me with my bags and whistled after putting them all into the car. "Lots of bags." He simply stated as we both got into the car.

"Please, take me to the Super Junior Dorms."

"Sure thing, miss."

Thank him for not asking questions. I love these kind of guys. The ones who don't ask questions. Twenty minutes later, I was standing in front of the dorms with fifteen suitcases and two duffels plus my purse. I tried to pay the guy but he didn't let me, saying how it was for a 'pretty girl.' I gave him a hug and a kiss on a cheek and boy, was he surprised. Hey, what can I say? I have a thing for skin ship.

I walked into the building, walking to the front desk.

"Annyeonghasaeyo. How can I help you today?"

"Ummm... What floor should I go to to get to the Super Junior dorms?"

"Why, are you a crazy ELF?"

"ELF? What the hell is that?"

"Never mind, dear. Are all those bags yours?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah."

"I'll tell someone to take them up there."

"Oh, thank you so, so much, oppa."

"No problem, dear. Floor fifteen."

I leaned over the counter and gave him a hug and kiss too, skipping toward the elevators.

Kim Ryeowook, here comes your evil noona.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I stepped out of the elevator and walked toward the only door on the floor. Huh. So, I guess they have the whole floor to themselves. Cool. I looked at the door and then the lock then back to the door and then back to the lock.

Hmmm... I can pick it, nah. They probably have a key under the mat. I lifted up the mat and, tada. Key. I rolled my eyes and stuck the key in the lock, turning the handle after 'hiding' the key under the mat.















Everything and everyone fell silent as they heard me scream.

I gave everyone a glare and everyone stared at me like I was crazy. But, really, I don't blame them. I did come into their house unexpectedly.


I turned and saw my little brother staring at me in puzzlement, his head cocked to the side with a spatula in hand.

Awww. I forgive him. He's too cute. ^^

"Hey, Wookie. Long time no see, huh?" I asked, a small smile on my face.

"NOONA?!" Everyone yelled, breaking the silence and glancing at me to my brother.

Ohmygawd. Do I have to live with these annoying people? My wonderful life is over.

Sorry for the slow chapter.

Please note that I came up with this at, like, eleven at night.

I'm really tired so, bear with me, please.

Also, I have other fanfics going on so I might not update this as quickly as possible.

Sorry. > <

Hope you like it. :3

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Chapter 5: awww update soon author ssi!
jonghyunty #2
update soon
so good! Please update soon!
update soon please . ive been waiting for ages for the continue :(
ewitsmaryy #5
SkyTeuk?! That was cute >o < ♥♥

Update soon!
Just finished reading the chapters! Update soon!
looooooove it !!!!!!!!!!!!! update soon !!!!! i'm a new reader !!
UPDATES! WE NEED UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
zombiesrule #10