Status 5.12.11

So Into you (apply Closed)

Apps. I've received so far.

  1. MikaLikesPie - Choi Mi Cha
  2. sungmin_pumpkin96 - Kim Hani
  3. little_miss_psycho - Park Sonny
  4. fatieynmanmanhani - Kim Min Rin
  5. lindalor - Kim Chung Ae
  6. aegyo101 - Park Suzi
  7. Kia-Chan - Kim Hye Ran
  8. xCOoKiEs_ - Park Aeyla 
  9. kawaiiikit - Kang Uyu
  10. ChoKYUlate_1315 - Park Yu hee
  11. Rubyfur - Choi Raein
  12. taeckhun_cess - Kim Ahn Cess
  13. sujufan4life - Song Ha Jae
  14. kaitlyntheillestt - Lee Namine
  15. Jaimee - Choi Soojung
  16. cindychanx3 - Lee Hana
  17. arianne_luv_minho - Arianne Kim
  18. ViviB2UTY - Kwon Sae Ra
18 Total apps.

Thanks for applying

If you don't see your name please tell me. 

* = you need to pick one more position when you guys applied i forgot to put that on there. so here are the choices.

** = Means you did something wrong on the app.

  • Leader // Lead Vocalist / Sub - Dancer
  • Lead dancer / Sub Vocalist
  • Main Vocalist / Lead Dancer
  • Center Face // jack of all trades
  • Main Dancer / Lead rapper
  • Main Rapper / Sub Dancer
  • Sub Rapper / Sub vocalist

Wall me to tell me who you want to be. hehehe ^^

Also I might reveal on of the girls. Because her app. was REALLY GOOD and I LIKE IT A LOT <3

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Take your time~ We'll be waiting patiently ^^
It's a short wait compared to mine...haha. I will only be able to focus on writing my fics after October because of final exams =X<br />
But I'll still be here ;D
Jaimee #3
I'll be waiting!! :)
__eccedentesiast_ #4
Take your time ^^
Jaimee #5
Yeah! I'm a variety star !! ^_^<br />
haha the Choi's in the same room :D<br />
I agree with @Rubyfur on Heart's genre too!:)
__eccedentesiast_ #6
Can my best friend be Raein then? And I agree with @Rubyfur for Heart's genre
Can I have da leadah for Raein's best friend then? xD<br />
For Heart's genre...maybe they can do all kinds of genre? Or maybe just pop. Or hip-hop.
Whoa 4 out of 6 choose my character to their best friend?? Cool..^o^<br />
Hehehe, I'm happy that a lot of them like my character^^<br />
And about the room, I'll go for room 3 since I pick room 2 before, I didn't know it's for the leader...hehehe^^ But if room 3 is not available anymore I'll go for room 5^^ anyway both room's are awesome^^
And sorry for the late comment, was without internet for 5 days =X<br />
Gratz to the others too! =)
Just finish sending the form^^<br />
I'm so excited for the story^^