
I Fell In Love In With A Wrong Guy!


-First Day Of High School-

Mi-Cha burst the door open wide with a smile on her face, "Wakie, wakie! Come on, get up lazy bum!" Mi-Cha said happily as she pulled the blanket away from Kyung-Mi.

Kyung-Mi sat up and glare at Mi-Cha playfully, "GET OUT!" Kyung-Mi said with a smile on her face. "Can I ask you a question?" Kyung-Mi asked. Mi-Cha nodded her head as she plopped on Kyung-Mi's bed and looked at Kyung-Mi in confusion, "Sure, what's the question?" Mi-Cha said.

Kyung-Mi took a breath, "Why do you like me so much?" Kyung-Mi asked as Mi-Cha blowing her cheeks. "Well, our parents told us that we have a same birthday, right?" Mi-Cha said.

Kyung-Mi nodded her head, "Yeah, that's true but you like me so much! Why?" Kyung-Mi asked and Mi-Cha biting her bottom lip, "You don't care that I'm deaf, you are different. I like that, and for some reason... it feels like we're sisters for a long time." Mi-Cha explained.

Kyung-Mi smiled, "Well I think it's cool that you’re deaf! You don't look like your deaf." Kyung-Mi said.

Mi-Cha smile back, "Okay dorky! I've been thinking all night last night and I just have a great idea!" Mi-Cha said as she was bouncing.

Kyung-Mi stares at Mi-Cha in cautioned, 'Why do I have a bad feelings about this?' Kyung-Mi thought.

Kyung-Mi leaned back carefully, "What is it?" Kyung-Mi whispered. Mi-Cha smirked, "Oh, it's not that bad. You told me that you're from the small town and you're very independent but now you're going to a big public school. And I've been home schooled for two years and I'm going to same school as you, right?" Mi-Cha said.

Kyung-Mi nodded her head slowly, "Yeah, and?"

Mi-Cha leaned toward to Kyung-Mi, "A disguise!" Mi-Cha happily clapped her hands as Kyung-Mi face palm. "Wha? You want me to be in a disguise?" Kyung-Mi asked.

Mi-Cha smiled as she nodded her head, "Ye, both of us look kinda alike each other. We have similar features, but couple of things that we have different is that my hair is little darker than your hair and I'm deaf and you're hearing." Mi-Cha said and Kyung-Mi tilted her head in confusion, "Ye, but I don't care if your deaf. We look just alike each other." Kyung-Mi said.

Mi-Cha smiled, "I know, I'm just saying that's the only two things that we are different. However, if we wear sunglasses and similar hairstyle. We can look kind of like the same person. That would be cool." Mi-Cha said.

Kyung-Mi thought about it, "Ok well, what clothes?" Kyung-Mi asked. Mi-Cha tilted her head, "What do you mean?" she said. Kyung-Mi play with her hair, "Well...something like the same clothes?"

Mi-Cha smiles wide, "We can just be our own fashionable but plain style. We don't want to attach many attention." Mi-Cha said as Kyung-Mi nodded her head.

-20 minutes later-

Mi-Cha and Kyung-Mi walk out of their bedroom and they looked at each other. Mi-Cha look up and down at Kyung-Mi, "You look pretty!" Mi-Cha said.

Kyung-Mi smiled, "Thanks, You too! You look soooo pretty!"

Mi-Cha smiled in excitement, "Thank you. Now it's time for our disguise!" Mi-Cha said. Kyung-Mi put on her thinking face, "Where are they?" Kyung-Mi asked. Mi-Cha takes out two sunglasses, "This is our sunglasses, and we can wear it during school!" Mi-Cha said with excitement.

Kyung-Mi gently grabbed the sunglasses, "I can rock this!!!!!!!!" Mi-Cha blinks and stare at Kyung-Mi. "She's childish..." Mi-Cha mumbled but smiled at Kyung-Mi.

-Seoul Performing Arts School-

Kyung-Mi and Mi-Cha looked up at the huge school in shocked, awed, and fear. Mi-Cha glances at Kyung-Mi, "I don't think I can survive this all alone. Its a sad thing that we don't have same class." Mi-Cha pouting.

Kyung-Mi nodded with her head down, "Do you think I'll make friends?" Kyung-Mi asked and Mi-Cha looks at Kyung-Mi with a frowned on her face. "Yah, I've been thinking about being all alone in this school and have no friends but then I realize that it's not right. Being negative doesn't solve everything. Its just keeps having trouble and adding in life. So be positive, always be positive and who knows. We might have wonderful nice friends." Mi-Cha said with a cheerful smile.

Kyung-Mi smiled, "Well, I only want to have good friends that treat me with respect and loyalty!" Kyung-Mi said as she was looking down.

Mi-Cha smiled, "Why are you so shy?" Mi-Cha asked. Kyung-Mi sigh and kick a small rock, "Like I told you, I'm from a small town so I'm not used to a lot of people!" Kyung-Mi whined. Mi-Cha sigh out loud, "I know. But, just try. You can do it, you're a strong girl." Mi-Cha said and Kyung-Mi nodded her head.

Two girls walk toward the school building to start their own journey of high school life.

-Kyung-Mi's Class-

The female teacher smiled while looking around the class, "Okay class, we have a new student." the teacher looked at the door, "You can come in now." Kyung-Mi walk in the class while all students stared at her as Kyung-Mi stand next to her new teacher.

Kyung-Mi gulped in nervous while looking down as the teacher looked at her, "Tell the your classmates your name." the teacher encouraged her.

Kyung-Mi took a breath and slowly looked up at her new classmates, "Hi, my name is Song, Kyung-Mi." Kyung-Mi whispered.

-Mi-Cha's Class-

The male teacher looked around the class, "Class, the new student will be joining this class, make sure you all welcome her." he said as the door open while all students stared. Mi-Cha walk in the class as she stopped next to her teacher, "Hello, my name is Song, Mi-Cha. Nice to meet you." she bowed.

'Now the real journey begins...' Mi-Cha thought with a soft frowned on her face."Ok, so any question?"


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