
Breath of Life



She arrived in front of her house thirty minutes after. The sun was ready to set as she opened her gate. She ascended the small stairs and knocked the front door three times.


Minho opened the door and she saw him still on the same clothes that he wore last night. “Oh, you’re here,” he said as he smiled. Jinri entered as she looked around the house.


“You really cleaned the house, huh?” she said, impressed on how neat the house was. Not a single dust was seen on the corners.


“Ah, yes,” he said shyly.


“Have you eaten the breakfast and lunch I made?” she asked in a motherly manner.


“Ne,” he replied.


“What are you watching?” she asked as she noticed the television .


“Oh, actually…” He chortled and said, “I was watching a kid’s program a while ago and I fell asleep on the couch.”


Jinri nodded and smiled. She then realized that she made the right decision. Even if she risked on trusting her house, her old phone and her other belongings to him, she knew that she could trust him. She couldn’t specify it, but there is something in him that made her do it. He seemed trustable and innocent.


“What do you want for dinner?” she asked.


“Hm,” he said as he looked up. “It’s up to you. I’m okay with anything.”


“Arasseo,” she said. She went inside her room and placed her bag and books on her desk. She picked her wallet and grabbed some of her money. She then proceeded to the wet market to buy the ingredients needed.


She was walking at the market when she saw an ahjumma selling clothes and underwear for men. It was quite cheap and her budget could afford it. “If I was him, what would I like?” she thought.


“I’ll take these,” she said politely as she grabbed a blue sweatshirt, khaki shorts, and underwear. She paid the ahjumma and left the wet market immediately.



“Here,” she said as she handed out to Minho the plastic bag containing the new clothes she bought.


“What is this?” he asked.


“Your… new… clothes,” she said shyly. “Please don’t misunderstand!” She blushed slightly. “I bought it as a thank you gift for cleaning the house excellently.”


“I wouldn’t misunderstand it,” he said as he smiled. “Thank you.” Suddenly, he hugged her as he patted her back. Jinri was shocked as she pushed him.


“I-I’ll cook our… dinner now,” she stuttered as she avoided his eyes.



“Dinner’s ready!” she shouted. Minho was in his room as he just finished taking a bath and changing to his new clothes. He opened his door and his eyes sparkled as he saw the delicious dinner Jinri made.


He walked slowly, staring at the kimchi, bean sprout soup, rice and Korean barbecue on the table. He sat in front of Jinri and he got a hold of his chopsticks.


“Let’s eat,” she said. Minho nodded and they both grabbed the kimchi and ate it with the rice. Minho slowly chewed it, savoring the food Jinri cooked. He closed his eyes as he smiled while chewing it, and it made Sulli chuckle. “Cute,” she thought while smiling and looking at him.


They continued eating and they both shared what happened to them the whole day. Jinri talked about her notable students and her colleagues, while Minho talked about how wonderful the house was and how Queen’s song made him feel secure.


“Oh,” she said as an idea popped out of her mind. She swallowed the Korean barbecue and rice and drank some water. “You should get a haircut.”


“Hm?” Minho asked as he drank the water.


“You should get a haircut. Your hair’s quite messy now.”


Suddenly, Minho’s eyes widened and he stopped drinking his water. He unintentionally placed with force the glass of water on the table. He was catching up with his breathing as his head was suddenly in great pain. “Ah!” he shouted as he winced in pain. He put his elbows on the table as he pulled his hair.


“Minho!” she shouted in surprise. She got off her seat and she walked to the side of Minho. “What’s wrong?”


“Ah!” he shouted as he closed his eyes. The pain in his head wasn’t stopping as he pulled his hair once more. “Ahhh!”


A voice kept ringing his head, saying “You should get a haircut.” It wasn’t Jinri’s voice, but it was from a different woman. The pain was excruciating and flashes of white light kept blinding his eyes. “Minho!” Jinri shouted as she patted his back. She couldn’t do anything but witness Minho’s suffering.


Minho coughed continuously and slowly, the pain started to decrease until it was gone. He panted as if he had run a long distance road. He looked down as he placed his hand on his forehead.


“Minho…” Jinri said.


“I’m sorry, Jinri,” he muttered while panting. “I’m sorry for making you worry.”


She offered the water and he drank it. “What happened?”


“I-I-I don’t know…” he said. “Suddenly, my head started to hurt badly. I heard a woman’s voice saying what you said earlier. I-I-It was really… really painful.” His hands were shaking as he continued panting.


“Go get some rest. I’ll be the one to clean up the dishes,” she said.


“No… I’m fine,” he insisted. He became weak after what happened and his body was shaking. “I’ll… clean the dishes.”


“Minho, no,” she said. “You’ve gotten weak. Go take a rest.” Minho stood from his seat and Jinri assisted him to his room. She let Minho lie to his bed and tuck him with his blanket. She placed her hand on his forehead to check if he had a fever. “I’ll just get you some medicine.”


She returned with a basin that’s full of water with a washcloth floating on top. She also brought a medicine and a glass of water with her. Minho sat on his bed as Jinri gave him the medicine and water. Afterwards, Minho lied down on his bed and Jinri squeezed the cold, damp washcloth from the basin and placed it on his forehead.


“Tell me if you still have problems or if your headache strikes again, okay?” she said. “Just call me on the phone. I might be up the whole night preparing my students’ grades.”


Minho nodded lightly and said, “Jinri… I’m sorry…”


“What are you sorry about?” she asked.


“I’m sorry for being a pain in your ,” he said weakly.


“No, you’re not,” she said as she smiled. “Go take your rest. You owe me a lot tomorrow,” she joked.


Minho lightly chuckled and said, “Ne. Once I get my memory back, I promise to treat you to your favorite restaurant and you can order any food you want. I’ll also treat you to the cinema.”


Sulli laughed and said, “That’s a promise, okay? Good night.”


“Good night.”


Minho’s eyes shut as Sulli smiled and proceeded outside of his room to clean the dishes.

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[Breath of Life] The long-awaited chapter 19 is here! :) Be sure to read the explanation below to clear things up! :D


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Chapter 23: sigh* breath of life indeed. I actually expected this ending but I wanted to believe that they were not going to be the SeongJinxSulli couple all over again ;-; but what bothers me is that, Minho didn't have the chance to love and live his life to the fullest, instead he *i** (don't want to spoil TOO much, but I know you guys now what it means;) ) My feels are coming back to me again T.T This was the FIRST. EVER. story that I have read in asianfanfics and I'm glad... I might cry now>.< (and the last last time I checked, the end wasn't updated yet, so yeah... I remembered it today and well, read everything from start to end~ Yay!) If this story might be real (just maybe), I don't know what to say but ;-; last thing xD (promise this one), what amazed me was that Minho didn't wished to be *toot* in the 2nd time he.. :) He maybe, didn't regret anything that happened the 2nd time, as much as I wanted a happy ending, no regrets here~ xD good vibes readers and author-nim! :D
Froggyoppa #2
Chapter 2: Ini sngat menarik...kkekekee...aku harap mereka menjadi sepasang kekasih segera...hhehe
kyratina #3
Chapter 23: ohhhh...sad ending..minsul can't be together... :(
halfhearted #4
Chapter 23: i hate sad ending..... poor minho...
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 23: thanks authornim
a real finale for a good story
Chapter 23: This already end like this??? Jinja??? O_O This is so sad to see minsul can't be together and minho death what that leave like that??? He not get justice and sulli appa??? huh.... THis is so frustrating and make me sad... :(
Chapter 23: really? sad ending? after wait 4 mounth?
Chapter 23: It's really sad that Minho had to die twice and he never was happy. At least this time Jinki is a good person no like Jinri's father.
I hope you will write more minsul fics!!!
Starridius #9
Chapter 23: I am sad that MinSul didn't end up together but I think it is for the best
hukhukhuk #10
Chapter 23: I think I'm going to cry, oh god. this story is... is just a masterpiece. everything, everything...I'm "wordless", so deep, so heartache, so different,... Amazing