Meeting (2)

Music vs Dance

In the innocent morning suddenly our Math teacher wanna change our seats in her way that's . "Teacher, I don't wanna change seats again" I sign desperately.

"So Hana, Seat next to Sehun" He told me. "E..Excuse me??" "Why? You don't want?" He folded his hands and give me a glare. "Fine" I pack my bags and stuffs and move to my new seat. Hey! You're not my homeroom!

"Hello seat mates" Sehun smiled at me. "Hi" I don't wanna be to close with him and focusing on my lesson. Really? I seat in the center of Sehun,Kai,Lay,Luhan, and Baekhyun. I'll be killed by EXOtic [fans of exo]!! And where's my friends?? "So, Hana...Looking for your girls??" He pointed to my friends that was also being crowded by EXO members. I can see them smilling and happy. Okay, they might be happy but what about me?? I remembered again what my teacher told me about our club is going to be closed because our lovers is now EXO lovers.Yah, maybe you think it's not their fault, but I just wanna know what they can do to the extent to be called as school's flower boys.

And the lesson begins. I'm totally not comfortable with this position but I'll keep silent. Silent is the best.

"Can you believe it?? I sit beside Kris!!" "I'm the luckiest girl ever!!!" Chun-Ae and Amanda exclaimed all the way to canteen. I already order our foods but, they still talking about it. "Seriously guys, stop it!!" I glare at them and point my fingers in front of their faces. "What's wrong about them Hana? You seem really sensitive everytime we talk about them" Chun-Ae is a little bit pissed. "You know? Our club is going to be closed because of EXO. They officially stole our loveers" I talked in anger. "So?" they smirk. "Whatever you say" I continue eating.

"EXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Every girls begins to yelled calling their names. I immidiately walk out from the canteen and walk toward my dance practice room.

This is my habit when I'm pissed, I dance ballet. I spin, jump, warm  up here. I lived to dance, it's my life and I won't forgive anyone who takes it all away from me. I remembered how my sister sprain here and caused she can't dance anymore. Since that time, I promise to her I will realize her dream to be a ballerina, lovable but competitive person, and try my best. So, that's why I'm really angry when I heard our club will be closed, causing every dancer's dream should stop because there's no place for us again to united, practice in this school again. When the memories fly through my head I stop my activities and cry a bit. It was my sister's carelessness when dancing while her mind is out of the world. "Sister, I will realize my promise. Just wait and see" I say that in the middle of my crying.

"Hana, can I borrow your ruler?" Sehun nudged me. I just throw it slowly to his table. "Why do you throw it? Calm down lady" LADY?? HOW DARE HE CALL ME LADY!! "SO? WHAT'S MY PROBLEM? YOU DON'T LIKE IT? IT'S A LESSON FOR YOU! DON'T EVER SHOW YOUR FAKE INNOCENT FACE AND BRING YOUR OWN STATIONERY!" I yelled louder. Every eyes in my class is now at me. Kai and Baekhyun also shocked. "Hana" The teacher tried to calm me. It's my club's teacher.

"Hey Hana We're sorry about last time" Amanda put her hand at my shoulder to stop me. Well, school's over!! I'm HAPPY!!! "It's okay guys" I tried to smile. "We're already heard from the teacher about our club. We're here to support you" Chun-Ae randomize my hair. "Well, should we treat you Ice Cream for our apology request?" Amanda embrance me and Chun-Ae to the Baskin Robin's shop in front of our school.

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