DW - 1

Donghae's Wishes



When Donghae was five years old, he wished for a best friend that would never leave his side. He wished and wished and wished, till one day, his wish might have just been granted. 

"What's your name?" A little boy with round eyes asked shyly as Donghae sat on the swing alone, wishing for someone that would never leave his side. Donghae turned his attention to the boy around his age and blinked multiple times. He eyed the said boy from head to toe and frowned in confusion.

"I've never seen you before," Donghae stated innocently while jumping off the swing with a loud thud. Donghae circled the little boy and eyed his every move.

The little boy blushed at the way Donghae was staring at him and stared down at the sand of the playground. Shifting his feet nervously, the little boy muttered, "I'm new here, my family just moved in. My name is Hyukjae; can we be friends?" Hyukjae informed Donghae rather softly. 

Donghae blinked repeatedly again and slowly, his frown turned upside down. The creases of his face were gone and were instead replaced with a happy expression. Donghae excitedly grabbed Hyukjae's small delicate hands and held them tightly. Hyukjae, surprised, brought his face up to look at Donghae in the eyes. "Why didn't you say so earlier? I'm Donghae! We're going to be best friends!" Donghae squealed in delight, his face flushing with happiness as he forgot all about the wish that he had made earlier on the swing. 

"Really?" Hyukjae asked, smiling radiantly. 

Donghae nodded furiously and tugged at Hyukjae's hands. "Let's meet my mom!" he screamed while running towards the direction of his house, with Hyukjae running closely behind him, hands intertwined.

In less than five minutes, they reached Donghae's house and were both panting furiously. Their chests heaved up and down as they breathed for air desperately. Donghae's face was flushed a deep shade of red while Hyukjae's was just a tint of pink. Still not letting go of Hyukjae's hands, Donghae banged on the door impatiently, screaming out, "Mommy!" After a few loud bangs on the door, it opened to reveal a young woman that was around the age of twenty. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun and she was neatly dressed while wearing a blue apron and bunny slippers. Hyukjae thought that she was very beautiful.

"Oh? Who is this?" The young woman asked, her tone warm and inviting. She crouched down to meet their eye-level and Donghae immediately squealed, "Mommy! I made a new friend! Hyukjae's going to be my best friend forever!" 

Hyukjae found himself grinning at Donghae's description and nodded furiously. It didn't matter if they'd just met for five minutes or so; Hyukjae already liked Donghae, and vice-versa. Hyukjae would love to be Donghae's best friend forever.

Donghae's mother thought for a while and stared at the two young boys standing right in front of her. Suddenly, she broke out into a smile and giggled. "Is that so? Nice to meet you, Hyukjae!" she laughed melodiously, ruffling Hyukjae's hair tenderly as a form of affection.

"Nice to meet you too, Donghae's mother," Hyukjae greeted politely, bowing a little with a shy smile plastered on his face.

Donghae's mother squealed a little at Hyukjae's cuteness and pinched his cheeks lightly. Hyukjae blushed at the contact and Donghae pouted visibly. 

"Mommy! You're making Hyukjae blush!" he complained, tugging on Hyukjae so that Hyukjae was behind him. Donghae's mother chuckled at Donghae's actions and nodded slowly while standing to her full height. 

"Fine, fine. I'll bake some cookies, so come back in around twenty minutes, alright? Take care of Hyukjae while playing, Donghae," Donghae's mother told him as she pecked them both on the cheeks affectionately. 

"Yes Mommy! I'll take care of Hyukjae no matter what happens!" Donghae pinky-promised as he ran out of the house and back to the playground.

When they reached the playground, Donghae finally let go of Hyukjae's hands and stared at him, who was grinning from ear to ear. 

"You weren't lying when you said we were going to be best friends, right?" Hyukjae asked, still showing off his toothy grin. 

Donghae returned the grin and put out an outstretched pinky. "Of course not!" he replied, gesturing for Hyukjae to link their pinkies together. Hyukjae got the message and quickly linked his pinky together with Donghae's and sealed the promise with their thumb.

Pulling their fingers away, Donghae said, "Since we've done the pinky promise, we're going to be best friends forever, Hyukkie!"

Hyukjae nodded happily, undeterred by the nickname Donghae had given him. "Best friends forever indeed, Hae!"

That day, unbeknownst to Donghae, his wish had truly been granted without him even realizing.



Donghae paced back and forth nervously as he fiddled with his fingers. Closing his eyes and heaving a sigh, Donghae plopped down onto a chair and waited impatiently. His eyes kept darting from the clock to the two-way wooden door right in front of him. He tapped his feet to the ticking of the clock and breathed in the surrounding air heavily. 


There were still eleven more minutes before the door in front of him would open. Donghae wished that the time would go faster, but it never happened. The clock was still ticking slowly to the point that Donghae had to check his handphone to make sure that the clock was showing the right time. Donghae sighed and slouched onto the chair when he realized that the clock was showing the right time. Donghae wondered how he would survive eleven minutes of torture while waiting for the door to open.


Ten minutes had passed. Donghae mentally thanked God and eyed the second hand of the clock cautiously. He started counting down the seconds for the clock to hit 5:00PM; it was like he had a metronome in his head but he didn't mind. 


Finally! Donghae screamed in his mind. He stood up from his chair abruptly to greet the opening of the door, yet nothing happened. Donghae blinked multiple times and checked the clock once more. It was indeed five o'clock, but why was the door not opened? Groaning, Donghae palmed his face and plopped down onto the chair again. How long would he have to wait?

Three minutes and forty one seconds passed before the door finally flung open (Donghae had been counting) and students flocked out of the room, each of them with either happy or disappointed faces. Donghae quickly stood up from his chair and scanned the sea of faces, searching for a certain someone. Realizing that he was too short to scan the crowd ahead of his, Donghae quickly jumped onto the chair and continued his search.

After multiple redheads, blondes, brunettes and black-haired heads, Donghae finally found the one that he had been looking for. He jumped off the chair, ignoring the stares that he was getting, and pushed his way through the crowd.

"Hyukjae!" Donghae semi-screamed as he threw his hands high up in the air to gesture for a hug. 

Hyukjae, who had been staring at the floor all along, looked up at Donghae and felt the ends of his mouth tugging into a smile. Slowly, he walked towards Donghae's direction and let his hands slip onto Donghae's small waist. He wrapped his hands against Donghae's body and leaned his head onto Donghae's firm chest. Closing his eyes, Hyukjae let himself breathe Donghae's cologne mist and listen to Donghae's steady heartbeat.

Donghae, on the other hand, grinned to himself and rested his chin atop of Hyukjae's messily done black hair. He, too, wrapped his hands around Hyukjae's built body and took in Hyukjae's sweet strawberry scent.

After what seemed like an eternity, the crowd that had just been there a few minutes ago dispersed, leaving only the two of them there, hugging each other.

"Get a room!" A high-pitched voice which Hyukjae recognized as Heechul screamed from across the hallway. Hyukjae felt himself grinning from ear to ear and immediately pulled away from Donghae. As soon as he pulled away, Hyukjae realized that Donghae was blushing due to Heechul's insensitive words.

"Are you actually blushing?" Hyukjae asked in amusement, trying to hold his laughter. 

Donghae blushed even further at the question and shook his head furiously in embarassment. "N-no... why would I be b-blushing?" Donghae stammered.

Wriggling his eyebrows suggestively, Hyukjae leaned in to breathe into Donghae's ear, "How about getting a room then?" 

To that, Donghae pulled away at the speed of lightning and felt his cheeks burn even more furiously. He broke into cold sweat and couldn't bring it in himself to look at Hyukjae in the eyes. Fiddling with his fingers, Donghae muttered, "I-I don't t-think w-we s-should g-g-get a r-r-r-r-oom, I-I m-mean..."

"Babe, I was only joking," Hyukjae laughed melodiously, pinching Donghae's flaming red cheeks gently. Then, Hyukjae started to walk away from Donghae, his hands in his pockets. Donghae snapped out from his daze and quickly followed suit, trying to match Hyukjae's slow pace, though it didn't take much effort. As they were walking side by side in silence, Donghae suddenly remembered why he had been waiting so anxiously in the first place.

"How was your college entrance exam?" He asked curiously.

Hyukjae stopped in his tracks to look at Donghae before walking ever so slowly once more. "Screwed it," He replied simply in a grim voice.

Donghae blinked multiple times to register what Hyukjae had said. When Hyukjae realized that Donghae wasn't saying anything, he said, "It would take the whole wide world to pray for me and wish exccessively just so that I can get into that college. I don't even think that that'll be enough, though," 

Donghae blinked once more. Wishing? Praying? Stopping Hyukjae in his tracks by suddenly grabbing a hold of his hand, Donghae brought Hyukjae's hands up to his face and breathed, "I'll wish and pray for you. You'll definitely get in, don't worry!" 

Now it was Hyukjae's turn to be stunned. After a few seconds of surprise, Hyukjae laughed and pulled his hands away gently. "You and your wishes; they're neverending, are they?" Hyukjae pointed out in amusement. 

To that, Donghae nodded furiously. "My wishes always work!" He said confidently. 

Hyukjae snorted at the statement and said, "I hate to break it to 'ya buddy, but remember when you wished for a flying unicorn to fly down from the sky and save you from embarrassment due to you slipping on a banana peel at the cafeteria? It never came," 

Donghae blushed a deep red upon imagining the whole embarrassing scene unfold in his mind. It was a memory that he had almost forgotten, so why did Hyukjae have to bring it up again? It was horrible really. As if slipping on a banana peel was not embarrassing enough, his food tray had flew out of his grip and everything had splashed down on him; the mashed potatoes, the chocolate milk, the cheese - everything stuck to his uniform and hair, even. Adding on, when he tried to stand back up on his feet, the floor was too slippery and he managed (gee how did he do it) to fall down a second time, earning loud clanks from the food tray and cutlery. Donghae shook his head furiously to brush off the memory. Then, he looked at Hyukjae and argued, "But you came. You were my flying unicorn," 

"Oh, so now I'm a unicorn?" Hyukjae retorted in amusement.

"Yes. My one and only unicorn. My handsome and cute unicorn. My corny corny unicorn. Ooh that rhymes!' Donghae giggled to himself, enjoying his own joke. 

Hyukjae felt himself smiling even more at Donghae. Even though he had been feeling pretty ty about himself just a while ago because of the examination, seeing Donghae waiting for him had made him cheer up instantly. It was as if Donghae was his angel, an angel sent down from Heaven to make all his worries and woes go away. An angel that could make him feel intense happiness and bliss just by being beside him.

"And you're my angel," Hyukjae said in a mere whisper while Donghae was too busy giggling to himself.

"My angel," He repeated to himself, enjoying how the word tasted in his mouth - it tasted so sweet, so innocent and so beautiful. It described Donghae perfectly. An angel.


A/N; Parte 2 coming soon don't worry ;) SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE SUPER DUPER LONG WAIT. 

Hope you enjoyed though, I'm not really an expert in fluff.


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 1: This is nice, how hyuk survive from hae and his never ending wish kekekeke
looking forward
Chapter 1: Okay so I just saw this LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Oh gosh Donghae please, you cute little pattootie stoooooooop
Chapter 1: Awww omg so cute and fluffy!
MyeolchiHyuk #4
Chapter 1: awww.... so cute..!!
Kyaaaa so cute!!!
naaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ that's adorable >_<
REDJae #7
Omg! So sweet!!! Waiting for the update :D

I LOVE FLUFF!!!!!!!!!!