Blending In

Blending In


Chunji's POV


High school can be the best or worst experience of your life. It all depends on what you make it. There will always be the people who hate you. The people who love you. And the people that don't give a about you. 


I was always one of the people that, regardless of my average appearance and below average grades, had more people who loved me, rather than hated me. 


Then prom showed up. 


"ing kiss him!" Slurred my drunken friends as they shoved L Joe and I closer. 


We were close, everyone knew that. We didn't even bring dates because we knew they'd be ignored. If he goes stag, I go stag and vise versa. 


It's just how our friendship works. We never considered taking skin ship anywhere past casual hugs and the like. When we felt like getting a laugh from our friends, a peck on the cheek might happen. 


Never more. 


Still, this is prom. Our last year and we've all, probably, been drinking a little too much. So when the girls shoved us together and the boys began chanting we didn't over think it. 


Our lips locked together like we were old lovers. His working over mine and mine doing the same, until our tongues became involved with just as little concern. It's a kiss, not a damn o, so no head was given. 


"Oh my God, they're so into it!" A friend of ours shouts between obnoxious laughter but we don't even flinch. 


"That's so hot!" A girl shrieks to her friends and L Joe and I smile into the kiss, letting our fingers run against each others faces and tangled into each others hair while I tug at his suit collar like a needy . 


I won't lie. 


Not to myself. 


It felt ing good. His lips brushing over mine. His tongue mingling with mine. It felt, somehow, right. Comfortable.


When we finally pulled away, both of us laughing carelessly, I noticed a few of the kids had cameras. I should have expected as much. It's not every day in Korea that two boys make out.


I didn't think it was a concern...and it wasn't. 


By the time the weekend had ended, near everybody at the school had seen the video. Some loved it, others hated it, no different than every other day. 


L Joe and I had made a huge joke out of it. We'll exchange suggestive glances to bother homophobic students and he'll touch me in overly flirtascious ways he never had before. It was all in good fun but I suppose, deep down, I liked the attention L Joe was giving me. The day everything was ruined, however, was the day L Joe and I were sparing partners.


We'd done it a million times. It was practice. 


We both took a couple of good shots like normal.


L Joe had me pinned, which has happened many times.


I was struggling, trying to find a flaw in his hold like expected and at some point between the time he had pinned me down with his body and his thigh digging unconsciously into my groin, I'd become...affected


Where else would his leg go? 


That's the way you pin somebody. You use your body as leverage. You make it, horribly uncomfortable for them to move, if not impossible. 


He was behaving like normal. 


My body, however, did not react like normal.


I was hard.


He didn't seem to notice at first. His brow was furrowed in confusion when I let out an uncomfortably lewd groan. He almost let it pass, without question, most likely dismissing my behavior to a groan of discontent at my loss in our spare but when he shifted his weight, I couldn't fight the moan that ripped from my throat and I watched in horror as his eyes widened and he pulled back to find the problem growing in my uniform. 


His eyes sparkled in amusement and he snapped back, laughing awkwardly.


"ing hell, Chunji." He mocked and I shifted my eyes across the room, watching everyone's eyes fall on me and I ran from the room as fast as my shaky legs would carry me.


Needless to say the touches were far less frequent. To be honest L Joe basically didn't speak to me. Which I understood, at first, I suppose. 


That news spread rather quickly as well but what really hurt was that I knew only L Joe could have spread it. I still considered him my friend. I just don't think he considered me his.


I became known as the by the next day. I tried to hold my head high but it was all a bit pointless. My friends didn't want much to do with me anymore and the only reason people spoke to me was to ask if it was the kiss that turned me gay.


So that brings me to the present. 


I've given myself something of a different image, which came in handy with women. When everyone in school is calling you a it helps that all the girls want in your pants.


Mostly I'm not bothered. L Joe teases me more than anybody else, which surprised me, but I suppose if I had been his position I might do the same. It's hard to say. The way L Joe and I stopped talking had always bothered me though. He came up to me once in the hall, mocking my playfully, which only made my sigh. Then something I never expected came out of his mouth.


"I'll let you have a freebie. You get one more kiss okay, Channie, because we're old friends." I knew he was teasing me like normal but he left himself wide open and I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity.


I pull at his collar and slam my lips onto his, into his mouth easily, thanks to his shocked response. I held him to me for a few seconds, enjoying the taste of him that I hadn't noticed before.


Pulling back, his eyes were wide and he obviously wanted to insult me again but I cut him off with a teasing smile and I place my finger over his lips.


"That'll be the last time you'll speak to me Lee Byunghun." And it was.


He doesn't bother me much now. Maybe because of my words, maybe because of the change in my appearance, hell maybe just because everyone else already does.


I like to throw him playful glances and suggestive stares but he doesn't bother acknowledging me.


"Could I sit here?" I hear a quiet voice approach and turn my attention to a boyish looking guy that is smiling happily at me. He was new, very obviously. I had missed his introduction, I suppose, but everybody's eyes were on him and I nod letting him take a seat.


"You don't want to sit there Ricky!" The boy, Ricky, stared at the guy behind me and cocked his head cutely in question. "He's a ." CAP makes clear and I purse my lips, fiddling with my pen before flicking it at CAP's forehead.


"You're gay?" Ricky drawls my attention quietly, making me nod and glancing at him sideways.


"Sure am. I made out this that y blond in the back a couple times." I smile, pointing to L Joe who apparently overheard me and was glaring mercilessly.


"Two gay guys in class?" He asks surprised. I shake my head.


"Nope. Just me. The pretty boy likes to say he was forced." I smirk, winking at the still narrow eyed L Joe.


"I see...I'm gay." His voice is barely a whisper but it makes my eyes snap to his in shock. His childish grin covers his face reassuringly.


"Really?" I clarify and he nods with a smile. "You want to have some fun with the class?" I suddenly whisper against his ear, letting my voice drop to a seductive purr and I watch Ricky's eyes glaze over, becoming sly.


He throws himself on me, attaching out lips quickly and lacing his fingers into my red hair. He's a quick little guy, fully strattling my lap in a matter of seconds, gaining gasp from the students.


I leave my eyes barely open, watching Ricky's flash around the room and land on Changjo a row or two away. Ricky watches the boy gape at us and I don't miss the wink he sends in Changjo's direction and I smile into the kiss letting our tongues brush against each other and I nibble at his bottom lip and gain adorable mewls. 


He really does work too fast, however, and his hips begin grinding into mine and I reach to hold his hips steady, pulling back with a chuckle.


"Slow down. We're still in class." I tease the boy who only reconnects our lips and I'm taken back but allow it, till the teacher re-enters the classroom, begging us to stop. Ricky sighs, rolling his eyes and swinging his leg off of my lap and he lands back in his seat.


"You're really handsome, Chunji and a good kisser. If nobody else wants you-" He trails off suggestively his lips and I giggle, ruffling his hair.


"You're a strange one Ricky." I smile and return my attention to the front of the class.


Class ended but everyone stayed, staring between Ricky and I when a fist slams on the desk. We turn our attention to a narrow eyed Changjo who is staring at Ricky like he wants to eat him.


"Hey handsome." Ricky flirts and I smirk at his behavior.


"You know, I'm fairly handsome and a good kisser." He finally speaks, using Ricky's earlier words and I chuckle watching Ricky stand silently. He wraps his arms around the taller boys neck and leans in to press their lips together.


"Since when are you gay Changjo?" I interupt, to tease the taller boy who had never given me much of a break.


"L Joe kissed you at prom. I'm not ing him-" 


"Yet" Ricky finishes the boys sentence and pulls him back into a heated kiss. I leave them be this time, amused at the prospect of a gay Changjo.


"You shouldn't be such a ." I stiffen at the blond's voice which I hadn't heard in weeks.


"? I've kissed you and Ricky. That's hardly questionable." I clarify, getting a unsatisfied stare from L Joe. "Do you miss me Byungie? You want me to make it better?" I smile haughtily, moving toward the suddenly nervous boy.


"I never said that. I just don't like my...friend being so promiscuous." 


"I think you misunderstand...I want you. Just you. You turned me gay L Joe, the kiss was nice but when your body was pressed against mine...I couldn't stop myself." I bite my lip, surprisingly self confident while speaking about my past embarrassment.


"I-We were sparing. I had to." He defends and I shake my head disappointed.


"That's your excuse? L Joe, you didn't have to grind on me for so damn long. You wanted me to be gay didn't you. ing tease." I continue to fluster the boy, moving closer and flattening his jacket.


"Shut up." He growls.


"Make me shut up." I pull him a breath away and my lips.


"When did you get so ing beautiful." He groans and smashes our lips together.


It's actually like...really bad. Hahaha


I could see it all in my head but writing it out was a different matter. Plus I'm freaking exhausted! T~T

                                             Somebody bring my a pillow 

I am so not a morning person. 

I'm sorry if this is really bad. I still hope some of you liked it. I did my best!


There, fanservice makes everything better...right?


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Chapter 1: Well....that escalated quickly LOL xD Loved it nonetheless, but ohmygoodness Ricky like wtf I didn't expect that nor Changjo hahaha, this was a good read ^^ thank you
Chapter 1: Wahhhh I love it as usual <3
Chapter 1: OMG, this!! *0* I'm in love with this one-shot! <333 I don't even know what to say >< This is my first time reading one of your stories, but I'll be sure to check out the rest~

The last part, the last sentence, is so asfjagskdgajf!! >////< Freakin perfect! <333 I love your writing style, by the way!
Chapter 1: aigooooo its polish movie (my country sometimes can make some good gay *chuckles*)
i was like 'oh god, she really did make a remake of it' its great! but kind of mkving too fast i think. anyway its good love♥♥♥
Chapter 1: omg ive seen this movie too! :D its called the suicide room, and I think its actually polish. woah I can't believe someone else has actually seen it! :) lol, and this scene from the movie was totally hot tho the rest was horrible and tragically sad :'( so I ended up despising the scene- tho its awesome how u turned it into a chunjoe fic, and a very well written one at that :) I liked the changrick in it too lolz
Chapter 1: Ahh! I loved this.
Chapter 1: This is great babe ^^
Really i'm in love with this writing of yours. Thank's for posting it :) and please make a sequel >,,,<
Chapter 1: I wish it was longer but this is amazing
Chapter 1: This fic is just amazing asdfghjkl I hope it was longer but is still amazing :3
Omgsun chunji and ricky teasing ljoe and changjo. awesome~
Thanks for an awesome fic! ^^
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 1: Nice! Byung is a hard-to-understand person...