
The untold stories (Belle)


It had been another usual day for Belle, the usual lectures, the usual people, the usual stressing from assignments. She got home and sat down in her chair, spazzing over Boyfriend was what had kept her sane throughout those crazy days. While her laptop was turning on, Belle had a little think back to a year ago when she had met Jenn, Jess, Lani, Mimi and Yeji for the first time in person. It was such a good experience; she had learnt Korean, gotten to know the girls even better but best of all she had gotten to meet Boyfriend several times and had chatted to them. Those were the good days, those were the days she wished she could go back to, not this crazy life with most of her spare time spent either studying or driving her mom around. Things were even crazier because Belle was going to graduate soon, she still didn’t really know what kind of job she wanted to search for. Secretly she was hoping she could work in the kpop industry but her chances were very slim.

Belle’s laptop had so she went on twitter to check her mentions. There had been a new one from mimi.

‘Unnie, ates, Jenn, twin, I can’t believe its been a year since we met BF, time flies so fast’

“Yeah me neither *sigh*”

It seemed like everyone had been reminiscing about the same experience.

“Ok time for Kwangmin fangirling!” said Belle to herself and proceeded to post various pictures of Kwangmin on her twitter and facebook.

Looking at all the pictures she had posted of Kwangmin gave Belle energy every day to survive her crazy life, without Boyfriend and kpop Belle would surely have quit her studies and maybe even run away to some far away place.

“Lets see... what’s the time now… oh! I better sleep! Goodnight Kwangmin!” said Belle and turned off her laptop and got into bed.

-The next day-

Belle was feeling a bit tired so she had come home early. She was sitting around the kitchen drinking some water when there was a knock on the door.

“Who could that be?” thought Belle to herself as she got up to answer the door.

“Who is it?” asked Belle

“아네 안녕하세요!” said a very familiar voice

“I’ve heard that voice before… but where???” thought Belle

“Wait… 안녕하세요? What’s a Korean person doing here?” Belle thought it was strange as she didn’t know any Korean people who lived in her area but she opened the door.


“안녕하세요 밸 누나^^”

(Hello Belle noona^^)

Belle was in shock, the Korean person standing on her doorstep was none other than Jeongmin!!

“많이 놀라셨죠?^^ 어.. 어.. Surprise!”

(You were very surprised right?^^ Um.. Um.. Surprise!) said Jeongmin cheerfully

“Surprise? Yes!! Um… 안녕하세요” said Belle

“어.. 어.. talk um you and me, inside?” asked Jeongmin

“Oh yes! Come in!” said Belle and gestured for Jeongmin to come inside.

Jeongmin grinned and stepped inside Belle’s house. Belle showed him to the kitchen and gestured for him to sit down at the kitchen table and took a seat in front of him. She was still in shock, she couldn’t believe that she was seeing Jeongmin again.

“아.. 어떡하지.. 나 영어가 짧은데..”

(Ah.. what should I do.. my English isn’t that good..) said Jeongmin quietly to himself.

Belle was thinking the same thing, her Korean was quite poor and so she wouldn’t be able to have a proper conversation.

“아! 맞다! 어.. your friend? Korean friend? Call her?” suggested Jeongmin

“Korean friend? Oh! Unnie! Yes I’ll call her!” replied Belle.

Belle and Yeji had been calling each other quite often after they had met in Korea as both girls were pretty much almost done with their degrees and had a lot of spare time on their hands.

Belle dialed Yeji’s number and waited for her to pick up.

“Hey Belle~” said Yeji

“Hi unnie” replied Belle

“안녕하세요! 보이프렌드 정민입니다!” said Jeongmin

“….에? 정민군이요??”

(….huh? Jeongmin??) replied Yeji

“네! 놀라셨죠? 죄송합니다.”

(Yes! Were you surprised? I’m sorry) said Jeongmin

“Unnie um can you maybe translate for me and Jeongmin while we talk?” asked Belle

“Uh.. ok I guess so” replied Yeji.

“Thank you so much!” said Belle.

Jeongmin and Belle chatted for a while. At first the conversation was really awkward but Jeongmin kept making jokes to lighten up the atmosphere so Belle started to feel more comfortable. They talked about all the things that had happened in that 1 year since they had last met and what hadn’t changed.

“Belle 누나는 졸업하고 일을 어디서 하실꺼에요?”

(Belle noona, where are you going to work after you graduate?) asked Jeongmin

“I haven’t really thought about it, but its probably going to be some company. I might start looking for internships soon” replied Belle.

“아 그래요? 그럼 나중에 우리 회사라도 들어왔으면 좋겠어요.”

(Ah really? Then maybe later on you could come join our company) said Jeongmin and grinned

Belle smiled in return. Actually working for a company such as Starship would be a good career move for her but the chances of getting into such a big company, especially a Korean one were almost impossible.

“누나 저 스케줄때문에 내일 다시 한국으로 가는데 이거 우리 숙소 번호에요, 이건 메니저형 번호고요. 언제든지 전화하세요^^”

(Noona I’m going back to Korea tomorrow because of my schedule so here’s our dorm phone number and this is our manager’s number. Call us anytime^^) said Jeongmin and gave Belle a note with two numbers written on it.

“다시 만나서 방가웠어요^^”

(It was good seeing you again^^) said Jeongmin with a smile

Belle smiled back.


-One week later -

Belle had been working on another project in the university computer lab for a while and she decided to take a break. As usual she went searching for pictures of Kwangmin she could post online. She came across a picture of Jeongmin and Kwangmin together and smiled as she remembered the conversation she had had with Jeongmin a week ago at home. Looking back at her project reminded Belle of what Jeongmin had said about wanting Belle to work at Starship. It seemed so far-fetched but still, maybe there could be a chance that Starship would hire graduate interns? After all, interest in kpop had been spreading and companies would be looking for people who spoke multiple languages to work for them.

“I guess there’s no harm in trying” said Belle to herself.

She searched for Starship ent.’s website.

“Ok.. its all in Korean..”

Belle sighed, she was going to have to try google translate the website.

“Ah there it is. Ok umm.. jobs! Ok.. here’s an email address.” Belle wrote down the email address onto her phone for later and went back to spazzing on twitter.

Belle’s twitter feed was full of Mimi and Yeji discussing something so Belle decided to ask.

Jotwinbelle:@aussie095 @BFmimi11 Hi :) what’s going on?
BFmimi11: @Jotwinbelle @aussie095 Ate!!! You would NOT believe what happened to me last week!!

aussie095: @BFmimi11 @Jotwinbelle I couldn’t believe it either until I talked with you last week Belle.

Belle was confused, the last time she had talked with Yeji was when Jeongmin had come to visit.

Jotwinbelle:@aussie095 @BFmimi11 Huh? What do you mean unnie?

BFmimi11: @Jotwinbelle @aussie095 Ate I met Kwangmin oppa!! For REAL!!

aussie095: @Jotwinbelle @BFmimi11 Just like how you met Jeongmin last week and I met Donghyun!

Belle was in disbelief. Mimi and Yeji had met Kwangmin and Donghyun for real? Just like how Belle had met Jeongmin and had a chat with him?

BFmimi11: @Jotwinbelle @aussie095 I’m so happy TT-TT I met Kwangmin oppa again

aussie095: @BFmimi11 @Jotwinbelle Same! I’m glad I got to meet Donghyun again. He told me the other members would go to see you guys.

Jotwinbelle:@aussie095 @BFmimi11 Oh gosh, really unnie? Does that mean that Jess, Jenn and Lani will meet YM MW and HS?

BFmimi11: @Jotwinbelle @aussie095 I’m so happy TT-TT

aussie095: @BFmimi11 @Jotwinbelle So what did you guys talk about?

BFmimi11: @Jotwinbelle @aussie095 I told Kwangmin oppa about my dream of becoming an idol. What about you unnie, ate?

aussie095: @BFmimi11 @Jotwinbelle Oh GOD >< Donghyun made me sing when I told him I used to want to be a singer ugh how embarrassing

Jotwinbelle:@aussie095 @BFmimi11 But you sing good unnie!

aussie095: @Jotwinbelle @BFmimi11 Aww thanks Belle, what did you talk about with Jeongmin?

Jotwinbelle:@aussie095 @BFmimi11 We talked about what I’m going to do after graduation.

BFmimi11: @Jotwinbelle @aussie095 What’s that ate? What are you going to do?

Jotwinbelle: @BFmimi11 @aussie095 I’m going to try and apply for an internship at Starship, wish me luck!

BFmimi11: @Jotwinbelle @aussie095 Oooh cool! :D Hope you get it ate!

aussie095: @Jotwinbelle @BFmimi11 Me too, hope you get to work at Starship. It would be such a great opportunity!

Jotwinbelle:@aussie095 @BFmimi11 aww thanks unnie and mimi hihihi ^^

Jotwinbelle:@aussie095 @BFmimi11 I better go finish my project now.

BFmimi11: @Jotwinbelle @aussie095 Ok bye ate!

aussie095: @Jotwinbelle @BFmimi11 Bye Belle!

Belle logged off twitter and went back to working on her project. She was going to send her resume into Starship once she was done with the project. Hopefully she would get an internship or even a part-time job at Starship ent. It would be a good career move just like Yeji said plus it would keep Belle passionate about her job.

“Actually.. I think I’ll send it now. Ok where’s my resume? Here it is … … … … ok attach… and send! Done.” Belle sent her resume to Starship ent.’s email and made a silent wish.

“I wish I could get a job working for Starship ent.”

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Yahoooo <3
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaaahhh so goooood unniieeeeee thank you!!! I feel so giddy when jeongmin came lmaooo hahahahaha!!!