Kibum's Longest Day

Was I Right?

I'm sorry I took so long to upload this. I hope I don't disappoint with this.




Key stood on the roof, contemplating. The day had gone completely wrong.


***Earlier that day***

Practice was only half done, but Key knew he should do this now.

“Jonghyun, can I talk to you for a minute?” Key asked nervously.

“Sure Bummie.”

They went outside to talk in private.

“What’s wrong Bummie?” Jonghyun asked.

“We need to break up.” Key said bluntly, face blank and voice void of feeling.

“What? Why? Did I do something?”

“No. We just have to. Don’t ask why, it’s just got to end Jonghyun. It’s over.”

“I… Bummie whatever I did…” Jonghyun started, trailing off, with tears forming in his eyes.

Key let a flash of pain show before he controlled his emotions again. Determined to not let Jonghyun know how much this was hurting him.

“Jonghyun, I love you. But it’s final. I’ve got to go. I already told Jinki I was leaving.” Key said hurriedly, running from Jonghyun, and finally let his tears fall. His entire world felt like it was crashing down, he was suffocating in despair. Everything they had been through, just for their manager to find out, and threaten Key.


***A Week Ago***

“Oh, hi hyung. Jinki is on a radio show right now. Did you need him for something?’ Key asked politely.

Their manager, Choi Jin, stood at the door looking annoyed.

“No Kibum. I need to speak with you.”

Jin then pushed the door wide open, away from Key’s hands, then closed it roughly and pushed Key into the wall. Key was the only member home, so he couldn’t cry out for Jonghyun’s help.

“Let go! That hurts!” Key cried, struggling, trying to free himself from the elder’s grasp.

“No, Kibum. I need you to break up with Jonghyun! Do you understand me boy? I won’t allow you to ruin this blasted group with you puppy love! Break up or you’re both off the team!” Jin yelled, slapping Key when he was finished with his rant. Slamming the door as he walked out of the dorm, leaving the shaken man on the floor, crying and shocked, until Key got up and went to curl up in the room he shared with Jonghyun.


***After Running Out of Practice***

Key walked into the dorm, leaving his things in his and Jonghyun’s room, before walking up to the building’s roof.

He only felt pain, only knew pain, and could only see Jonghyun’s crying face as he closed his eyes. So to stop so much pain, he tried to remember. The good times were so many, but he had one of his favorites. The day he met the small boy, who was hyper and friendly.


***At Age Seven***

Kibum sat on the top of the playground set, relishing the wind flowing around him, when a new boy sat in from of him with a wide grin on his face. A face that reminded Kibum of a dog, more like a puppy, and with flared nostrils, that made him seem mixed with a dinosaur.

“Hi,” the puppy-dino said, extending his hand. “My name is Kim Jonghyun. What about you?”

Kibum only stared at the boy who was extending his hand towards him, not sure what to say. Most of the kids in his homeroom shunned him, for being a bit effeminate, even at such a young age. He decided to be nice, and do as his umma would have wanted him to do.

“My name is Kim Kibum.” When he took Jonghyun’s hand, Jonghyun pulled him into a hug.

“Yah! What was that for?” Kibum yelled, pulling away quickly.

“You seemed a bit sad; I wanted to make you happy Key.” Jonghyun said, smile as wide as it had been when he sat down, maybe even wider, if that was possible.

“Key?” he asked, blushing and a bit dazed by the sudden nickname.

“Yeah. I think it’s cute, just like you.” Jonghyun said quickly, making Key blush furiously, just as he had started to cool down from his new nickname.

“Key, will you be my boyfriend?” Jonghyun asked innocently.

“Bwoh?! Key yelled. “Ani!”

“Why not,” Jonghyun whined cutely.

“I just met you five minutes ago!”

“Okay. So what if I asked when we’re older?” Jonghyun said, fiving Key puppy dog eyes that made Key want to take back his initial reply and say yes then.

“Maybe,” Key decided, turning away before he completely gave in.

“Yay! I’ll remember this Bummie, so don’t you forget it either.” Jonghyun exclaimed as he hugged Key again.


***Back On The Roof***

Key always loved how Jonghyun had come up to him, ignoring the rest of the class, and talked to him. Ever since that day, they had been almost inseparable.

Did I do right? Maybe I shouldn’t have listened to manager Choi. But I don’t want to ruin Jonghyun’s dream of being the best singer in all of South Korea. But still, was I the wrong choice? Key couldn’t stop his thoughts as the sun started to set, bringing a dark setting to Key’s dark thoughts.

Again he tried to counter them, thinking about that one fateful day that Jonghyun confessed and kept his promise from the day they met.


***Two Years Ago***

Key was exhausted. All day had been practice for their latest comeback. He had gone through four vocal lessons as well as two dance practices.

As soon as Key unlocked the door to the dorm he turned the light on to find the living room and kitchen deserted.

“Jinki? Jonghyun? Taemin? Minho? Hello?” Key yelled, only to have silence answer him.

Key dropped his bags off in the room he shared with Jonghyun, where he saw a note over his bed. Curiosity peaked in Key as he picked up the note, clearly written in Jonghyun’s scribble.

Come up to the roof Key. I sent Jinki, Taemin, and Minho to the movies. We need to talk my love.


Key nearly ran out of the dorm and all the way up the stairs to the roof. As he neared the top he slowed, and began to think about why Jonghyun was calling him to the roof.

Why would he send the others away? What’s going on?

Nearing the rooftop, Key began to see his favorite flowers surrounding a table set for two. Soft classical music was playing on a stereo place in the corner.

Key was simply amazed; mesmerized by the beautiful scene he was walking into. He felt like he was in a fairy tale, with someone he loved about to walk out of the shadows to him, just like the movies.

Key’s heart was beating fast, his minds swirling from the aroma of the flowers and the thoughts of what Jonghyun was doing all of this for.

Jonghyun stepped out from behind the wall on the roof, in a suit with hair tossed just perfectly. Key looked down at his own outfit, a simple work out suit from dance practice. Suddenly he felt self-conscious, cursing himself for not thinking to change his clothes or fix his hair before he had bolted out the door.

“Jonghyun…” Key began, not sure what he wanted to ask or say.

“Hi Key.” Jonghyun said sweetly, his large smile forming on his lips as he stared at the younger.

Jonghyun came around the table pulling out a chair and motioning for Key to sit down. Key made his way to the table and sat, watching as Jonghyun took the other chair, sitting and staring at him.

“Jonghyun, why did you send the others away?” Key asked, finally out of his stupor long enough to form a coherent thought.

“I wanted us to be alone. Don’t you think it’s romantic?” Jonghyun asked, still smiling happily.

“Yes. Everything is beautiful Jjong.” Key said a bit flustered and short of breath.

“Yay! I wanted everything to be perfect for you Bummie.”

“Why? What’s going on Jonghyun?” Key asked, eyeing him with a mixture of nerves and suspicion lacing his voice.

“Well, do you remember the day we met?” Jonghyun asked, nervously biting his bottom lip, which contrasted his usually cocky and carefree attitude.

“Of course, like it was yesterday.” Key said, then blushed remembering the exact words that would cause such a commotion, before his eyes grew wide.

“Jjong? Really? That’s why…?!” Key couldn’t form complete sentences as he trailed off, watching as Jonghyun only smiled lovingly at him.

“Yes, really. I promised to ask, it’s been years and I’ve never forgotten. You said “maybe” back then. So Key, my love, will you be my boyfriend?” Jonghyun asked, pulling out a set of rings with a heart shaped lock and with a key on them.

“Yes.” Key breathed out, smiling just as wide as the older. “Yes Jjong. I love you. I always have, maybe ever since the first second I saw you.”

Jonghyun couldn’t stop smiling, pulling out the ring with a key and placing it on Key’s ring finger. “Because you are the key to my heart,” he spoke, gently sliding the heart shaped lock ring onto his own ring finger. “I love you Key, no one else can ever make me feel the way you do. Forever Kibum.” He vowed.

“Forever Jonghyun,” Key vowed in return right before Jonghyun captured his lips in a chaste kiss.

Jonghyun and Key then finished a delicious dinner, which Jonghyun explained was made by him and the other members. Key was stunned that they had gone through so much work for this special night.

When Jonghyun and Key made it back to the dorm Jinki was in the chair in the living room, flipping through movie, while the younger members were snuggling on the couch. Jonghyun and Key walked into the living room, hand in hand, receiving smiles of approval from the other members.

“Finally,” Jinki said. “I thought it would take forever for you guys to get together.”

“Congrats,” Taemin said, as he rested his head on his boyfriend, Minho’s, chest. The latter smiled at them warmly before again wrapping his arms around their group’s maknae.

The entire group then spent the rest of their night watching movies and goofing off, completely happy, without worries or schedules to think about, only enjoying each other’s company.



Key decided to wrap up in the blanket Jonghyun and he kept up on the roof. He inhaled the elder’s scent while crying, sobbing as messily as he wanted. He let the world crash down, his mind stuck on Jonghyun, with nothing but a searing pain in his veins.

That was how Jonghyun found Key; curled up in their corner, crying from their break up, which he refused to acknowledge. Jonghyun knew he would find him here, this roof meant everything to them.

“Bummie?” Jonghyun called, his throat closing again with tears. He quickly cleared his throat, “Key?”

Key sat up, and held his arm out to Jonghyun like a toddler, even though he knew he should have just told him to leave.

“Key you’re being selfish, you’re going to ruin his career to be happy?” said one part of his consciousness.

“No, both of us are hurting. I want him, so what? He wants me too.  We need each other. It can’t end, not because we were threatened.” Key’s thoughts yelled back to the small voice.

Jonghyun sat with Key, holding him to his chest, his hair to try and calm him.

When Key felt he could speak, he decided he should try to fix that after noon, so he raised his head to face Jonghyun.

“Jonghyun?” Key called, trying not to startle him.

“Yes Key?” Jonghyun said, almost cold, which made the younger flinch and look down instantly.

“I didn’t want to do it.”

“Then why did you?” Jonghyun asked, almost frustrated, but pleading none the less for a response he could wrap his mind around, anything that would make sense as to why they were in this situation.

Key sighed before he told Jonghyun everything that happened a week ago with their manager.

“He threatened us, slapped me, and pushed me to the ground. I was so scared, but I didn’t want to ruin you, your career. Jonghyun I will not let you give up your dreams.” Key stated with finality.

“Key…”Jonghyun started, trying to figure out what exactly to say. “ First, don’t ever let anyone beat you up like that. Tell so I can kick their . Secondly, don’t ever leave me because of someone else. Third, everything I have wouldn’t mean anything without you, Key.” He said, staring seriously into Key’s eyes.

Key wanted to cry, smile, throw a fit, and everything in between. H knew he loved this man and this man loved him, but he had never known how much.

“I love you Jonghyun.”

“I love you too Kibum”


***One Month Later***

Key was so happy. Jonghyun and him had reported their manager for assault to the agency and were given a kinder, more understanding man. They even accomplished their comeback on time, instead of postponing it due to their conflict.

Jinki had confessed to Joon, his long-time crush, the day of their comeback, and he was just as happy as the rest of the group. Taemin and Minho were always together: on a date, at practice and all.

Jonghyun and Key stayed together, stronger than ever, their promise of forever kept and solidified with a small ceremony, shared by the other couples. Everyone’s families coming to see all three couples vow to forever.

Everything was perfect in the SHINee world.

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Chapter 1: Awww its was so cute and fluffy ay the end!! And i really liked how it was told with the different time periods :)

Also do you live in Texas??? Cuz we take/took TAKS. and i dont think the other states tske the same test ^.^ i live in houston btw
laysmyoxygen #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^