The First Few Notes


The first few notes lead to a symphony.

When second-year student Choi Hyeri is admitted into an exclusive music school on scholarship, she meets a few people that change her life forever. She grows closer to her first friends Seungah and Henry, meeting more poeple along the way.

A musical, lyrical love story that stirs up your inner melody~ With several more characters to be revealed!<3


Thanks to fishymushroom96 who came up with this story with me HAHAHA we were fangirling really loudly. Sorry if I can't include all the substories~


Also, I LOVE HENRY LAU. THIS KID IS AMAZING. AHAHAHA. but I still love you, other characters.^____^


He walked onto the stage and sat on the piano bench. He calmly laid his fingers on the keys and took a deep breath. His expression was unreadable, but I could see that his hands were shaking. What was he going to tell me?

And then he played and sang. It was so wonderful. I couldn't see or hear the rest of the audience. It was just the two of us, swallowed by his music and the words he'd been trying to tell me....



Suscribe for the rest? ~~ :))


And also credits to

senkai and kazuyashi of

♕ derplings ♕ poster shop

for the wonderful poster



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