` Like Caffeine







With nearly one coffee shop in every two of Seoul’s towering buildings, it’s a cut-throat business rife with competition - luckily for Brewed Awakening, it’s got a loyal following of university students and faculty willing to keep it standing in the bustling city. Thanks to its convenient location, affordable pricing, and fine-crafted drinks, Brewed Awakening’s a popular spot for pick-me-ups and cozy study dates alike. Toss in a resident barista who likes to think she’s old and wise in the ways of love, and you’ve got a café run by an unlicensed matchmaker eager to help her customers find the one that’s right for them.



So come have a drink,
Love advice is free.






 Like Caffeine

you’re bad to me, so bad to me

University life’s tough - you’ve got classes and academics, plus the added burden of living independently and possibly working to support yourself. Let’s not forget about a social life either, because where’s the fun in freedom without the actual fun? Six students simply looking for love among the books and responsibilities discover they might’ve bitten off more than they could chew with the object of their affections.

Love’s sweet and all, but beware the bitter complications that may come with it.


 Drinks&Desserts Menu

the rules and guidelines

Play nice. Be friendly to each other. If you’ve got issues with me or how I’m dealing with the story, however, do bring them to me. Please don’t rush me to update though - I have a life outside of AFF shocking, I know and it gets demanding, but if I start something, I assure you I’ll eventually finish it!
Subscribe, apply, and offer feedback - the usual. Know that I’d greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts! Comment your application blog post on my original application post. Please don’t make it private or friends only. Questions, suggestions, and other comments? Preferably on the app or here, but my wall/PM is open too.
I’ll be selecting 6 applicants, according to the 6 plot lines. Limit one application per user - I’d much rather you concentrate on developing one character fully. I gave short descriptions so there should be lots of wiggle room for you to expand as you see fit.
Plot lines are not gender specific! You can apply as a guy for a “girl” plot line or a girl for a “guy” plot line. I’m willing to write boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl pairings, so your OC can be however you want them to be.
Apply is now officially closed. Thank you to all my applicants and subscribers - I foresee the unsubscribe fest upon the horizon. If you would like to stick around to read the story, you are, of course, more than welcome to.


 Brewed Awakenings

what can we get you today?

title. like caffeine
author. kissychuu & jadefix
genre. romance, drama, university life
rating. pg-13



…your eyes do not deceive you.

This will be an experiment of all sorts for me, since it’s my first apply fic and it’ll be an actual chaptered story. I’ve been applying to apply fics for a while now, and I’ve actually got another idea I’d really like to try. I’ll probably put it up soon and juggle between them, so look out for it.

This will also be romance-centered, and while I’ve written romance before, the romance I’ve written in the past usually took a backseat to something else and / or didn’t end well. But that won’t be the case here! I hope. I’m not a fan of flat clichés, so even though the plot lines are not particularly original, I hope I’ll be able to twist something special out of them.


© kissychuu&jadefix


[Like Caffeine] Story starting - applicants, chosen and not, please do not hide your apps so I can refer back to them time to time :D


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-justbecause #1
Chapter 12: i loved this chapter! ehehe, maybe my judgment is slightly biased because nayeon's my character & so i have the general gist of things, but still.
the POV being from luhan's eyes, which i think is the first time it's been majorly from a love interest's POV (my memory may be wrong here? ;;) also made it all the more interesting, and oh i just want to cuddle this dumb idiot that is luhan RAARGH. his extra comments, oh that is too nice of him. QAQ "pretty, for lack of better term" i don't know, this phrase just caught me, i feel that because luhan is just pretty & the word suits him even if it's used quite generically?? even though i expect you used it not because you couldn't find a better word to describe him but just because of the whole phrasing, you know. i don't know. LOL. luhan is the definition of pretty, all in all. OTL

moving on from luhan & the random gibberish rant of his prettiness.. i love how we've interlinked jongin here from before to now so seamlessly aaaahhh. i love how you've made nayeon's thoughts sound so matter-of-fact! "one could not, afer all, deny the company of one's best friend..." "as much as Nayeon genuinely liked Jongin..." "that did not mean, however" <- precisely nayeon. seriously.

and once again, luhan becomes even cuter. "please stop talking, this is too painful to watch." OTL

anyways, thank you for the update. <3 totally made my day yesterday when i woke up & checked AFF on my mobile, and i read it about 3 times just because. x)
Chapter 12: coffee breaks. c: very very cute, just like this interaction right here. luhan x jongin dat friendship pls ;uuu; and I think this is a really unique way for nayeon to get to know luhan. i wonder how she'd react to his notes on her notebook lol cx everyone is all so smart and clever here, and it's really nice to see both their intellectual sides and their fun and crazy sides.

hehe, thank you for the update, author-nim. fighting! c:
words don't even begin to explain how much i liked it LOLOLOL
Luhan though XDDDD i wonder what nayeon would do when she finds all those notes LOL
jongin <3
gosh im in love with in this story LOLOLOL
i think hes the funniest guy being portrayed LOL
but then again, everyone was amusing to read :D
Chapter 11: OMG I absolutely adore Sanghee, she sounds awesome. And her interactions with Jongin are perfection. I just love how adorable and snarky and realistic their interactions are. It's beautiful really about how much I like them already.

Junhong and Sanghee were great as well and I just love the sibling moments between the two. <3

I love the little detail of Sujung's notepad that she was using with the doodles. It was really cute and definitely gave some insight to her character.

Taemin is such a sass master it's not even funny and I seriously wonder who he's friends with (Kai?). And her poetry was so terrible it was cute, even if it was a tad angsty.

And I wonder who Sujung's going to be working with. Mystery, mystery.

I love the writing and how easy this is to read. It's just fun and awesome and keep up the good work, because this is beautiful. Take your time with updates and I can't wait to read the next chapter.

AND TAEMIN AND SUJUNG? LOL i wonder if kai and taemin are biffles or would become besties because that'll add more drama for sanghee and sujung
woah there sanghee. she doesn't sound too nice LOL very intimidating XD
LOLOLOLMFAOMLMFAOLMFAO that ending for sujung though. rolling on the floor LMFAO
i wonder who are her partners though? is it taemin, sanghee? LOL

thanks for the awesome update!!!!!
-justbecause #6
Chapter 11: first of all. "CARAMEL MACCHIATO".. ARE YOU AN A.R.M.Y CHUU? BUT LIKE- it was in one of the few songs i know of theirs that i was constantly hooked on recently. LOL. * ^ *

okay, so onto the actual story.
THIS STARTING SCENE, IMMEDIATELY I WAS JUST LIKE... "o0o0o0o0o0OOOH. hehehe" in my mind. OTL; (hey there jongin, you y thing btw. /kicked.) but i just cannot deal- sanghee & jongin are adorable, really. + "buttfaced miscreant". "-eating assface." i love it. OTL;
junhong = zelo???? O u O and omg. how she blared the horn and how he scolded her for being embarrassing. and "lady friend." man, if i had a little brother, i would love to torture him similarly. ;'p
i just love this part though - ""she's my tutor," he choked out. sobbed maybe." i don't usually laugh in front of a computer screen, i hold it in, but i had to chuckle a little at that one.
i like how you linked aerin & sanghee so perfectly, wow. c': digging sujung's angsty poetry btw HAHAHAH. and oh god i just love sujung x taemin??? wowowow.

and well yeah. <3 LOL @ jade. OTL; i love you two. <3
oxygentank #7
Chapter 11: congrats to those who got picked. ice chapter btw!