The Unexpected Meeting

~The One For Me~

Chapter 2The Unexpected Meeting


It was our first class at Akadou High... so far everything has been good and the students don’t seem to be as bad as we thought they would be... in fact they were pretty friendly and sweet... we thought that they would make us into tiny little ants and push us into a corner but some were even shy to talk. Soon it was lunch time. Seohyun and I went to the cafeteria to feed our empty stomachs.

“I wonder what they are cooking up... no one’s attacking” Seohyun said as she bit on a French fry. 
“Maybe they are actually not that mean...”I said as I looked around.

“Ooh look what we have here... it’s the Glatsonbury dolls...” someone interrupted our talk. I glanced back to see 3 girls standing behind me. 

“Hmm... you guys aren’t bad...i thought Glatsonbury girls were all bug faces... but you guys actually have faces worth looking.” The girl standing at the front said as an evil smirk formed on her face and the other two nodded in approval. Seohyun stood up and gave them a challenging look. I stood up too.

“Look I don’t know who you people are or what your intentions are but you are seriously disturbing us” I told the girls with a straight face.

“Whoa! You guys dare to talk back to me? Me? Do you even know who I am?” She said folding her arms and getting a step closer.

“It’s not like you are the queen of U.K that we can’t talk back to you” Seohyun mumbled under her breath and we both cracked up at her joke.

“I am sorry?” The girl made a face at us.

“Apology accepted!” Seohyun and I chanted together... I gave a teasing smile to the girl.

“WHAT?! You don’t know who you are picking on! I am Hyuna! Kim Hyuna! The most popular girl, the most wanted by the boys! Nobody dares to talk back to me! Yet you two little roaches are looking down on me! You dare!” Hyuna was furious.
“Oh the queen of Akadou is about to cry... somebody get a tissue to wipe her tears for her!” Seohyun . I stopped her before she made it too much.

“I don’t know Hyuna, nobody’s ever mentioned you before... half of the day has already passed and this is my first time seeing you and hearing your name... that’s even from your own mouth.... guess you are not that popular as you think you are” Eventhough it was the first time, from the way Hyuna behaved I knew she was a hateful person...

“Mark my words! You both are going to have a hard time surviving here!” Hyuna said narrowing her eyes at us. With that she stomped out of the cafeteria along with her two friends...

“Yeah whatever!” Seohyun shouted after them. We both sat down and carried on with our lunch.

“Wow, did Kim Hyuna actually get pissed off because of you two?” A group of about six to seven girls approached our table. I recognized them.

“Tiffany, Victoria, Jiyeon, Yuri, Sunny, Lizzy and Uee right?” I said remembering their names. They were in the same class as me and Seohyun. They smiled at us. I smiled back.

“Mind if we join you?” Tiffany asked...

“No... Not at all” Seohyun said giving them her brightest smile.

“You guys were so cool just now... most of the students don’t even dare to talk to that yet you guys brought her down in a couple of minutes!” Yuri said laughing at the little fight we had moments ago.

“You know? You guys are pretty different from other transfer students.... most of them want to be close and best friends with her and you guys just challenged her head on!” Victoria said it if a miracle had just happened.

“Well she shouldn’t have disturbed us while we were eating!” Seohyun joked... I laughed too......

Tiffany was smart, hilarious, sweet and talkative. Victoria talked less, but she had a great sense of humor and was very sweet. Yuri was talkative, gutsy and she liked black stuff. Jiyeon didn’t talk much but whenever she opened everyone ended up laughing. Lizzy was sweet cute and she was the laugher among them. Uee was funny, a mood maker and she was the closest with Yuri. And the last but not the least was Sunny, The most talkative among them, she had a bit idiotic but yet funny and cute side to her. My first impression on them was good. I liked them and by looking at the way Seohyun talked so open heartedly to them I knew she liked them as much as I did. By the end of lunch time we had become close comparing to our first day of school. We ended the lunch making plans to meet each other at the SHINee World Tour concert at 7.00 pm sharp. We all loved SHINee like hell.

As agreed, everyone arrived in time for the concert. All of us were hyped up more than anything.

“Hey! Should we buy some drinks and snacks and stuff?” asked Uee.

“Yea we should” I said agreeing with her.

“Ok then you guys go on ahead, Nana and I will come with snacks. Who wants what?” Uee asked

“Coke for me” “mee too” “anything would be fine” “just buy anything” “I’ll have a cappuccino” “and bring fries or popcorn enough for everyone!” came the responses in a strong flaw. So we made our way to the snack bar which was sat up on the sideways of the road while the others went inside. While we approached the snack bar I surfed through my handbag for some money. Suddenly I collided with someone and the notes in my hand fell on the ground. 

“I am really sorry” i apologized as I bent down to pick up the money.

“It’s ok it wasn’t your fault anyway.” Whoever I collided with said as he helped me gather the money. As he handed the money I looked at his face ready to apologize again but as soon as I set my eyes on his face the words got stuck halfway through my throat. That face... I had met millions of boys but I had never seen such a handsome face in my life ever since I was born.

“If you are thinking of apologizing don’t mind” he smiled and went his way. I stood there, as frozen as the ice in the Atlantic Ocean.

“Nana! What are you doing in the middle of the road!?!” I came back to my senses as Uee shouted from over the snack bar.

“I... I... I am coming” I said and made my way over to her.

“What’s with your face it’s all pale...did you see a ghost or a vampire or something?” Uee laughed at her own joke.

“Maybe...” I said smiling at her, trying to calm my nerves and my heart which had a speed race not longer than moments ago. 

We bought the snacks and made our way to the others. The opening started just as we got there. Throughout the whole night, the others went crazy seeing SHINee on stage. As for me... well I was in ‘Mr. Handsome Face’s’ world.....

I felt the warmness on my face as the hot sun rose in the next morning. I had been lying on my bed all night unable to sleep. The unexpected but yet the hottest hottie I had seen the other night had been making himself comfortable in my head all night long. Like about 50 minutes or so later mum called from down stairs to go to school. I got up and made my way to the bathroom dragging my feet and blinking a looong blink with my heavy eyelids.

It was the third period and I was halfway to dreamland. I could barely concentrate on my work and the lessons. 

“OH MY GOD HE IS BACK! HE ISS BAAACCKKK!!!!!!” Someone from outside the classroom shouted as I was taking the last step towards a sweet candy filled dream. The kids in the class ran out to see what was happening. I also got up to see what the commotion was. Seohyun and the others were already at the door. I made myself over to them and found myself looking at that person.... that person who had been chewing on every nerve of my brain since the last 12hrs. That person whom I liked at first sight. That person who had left a great impression on me more than anybody else from the first time we met. And now he was making his way down the corridor with a million dollar killer smile on his face.

“Who the hell is he?” I heard Seohyun saying.

“Him? Oh he is the most popular boy in Akadou high. The top basketball player of Akadou. The killer of almost every heart of the girls in the school. The most loved and favored by female teachers. He has been away for a year and came back recently.” Uee replied in a fed up way.

“Well doesn’t that Mr. Popular have a name?” Seohyun asked.

“He is... Bang Mir....” Uee, Lizzy, Tiffany, Victoria, Yuri, Sunny and Jiyeon said all together....


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Chapter 2: Yeah, go girls! Weeeeee! Mir appeared. :D
Looking forward to your story! :D