Shouldn't Trust You



“You’ll see her everyday.”

“She’s my partner.”

“And your ex.”



“What do you want me to do then?”

“Do you... do you still have any feeling for her?”

The blonde haired man sighed. He loosened his tie and took a step forward to lift the girl’s chin.

“Look at me.”


The girl lifted her sad face.

“Don’t you trust me?”


“Im Nana, I love you so much.”

“I know.”

“So, stop worrying about everything.”


“No buts, just trust me.... Please.”

She looked at the ground and nodded slowly.

“I trust you....”

“That’s my girl.”

He smiled and pulled her to his embrace. She closed her eyes and wrapped her thin arms around his waist. She rested her forehead on his shoulder, hiding her still worried face. Everything will be alright, Nana. All you have to do is trust him. I trust you, Kris. I really do.



“You can’t come tonight?”

“I’m sorry.”

“But today is our first an-“

“Look, I’m busy now. Can we talk about it later?”


“I hang up the phone. Bye.”

She looked at her phone and sighed. She was disappointed, very disappointed. It had been two weeks since their last meeting. She missed him... so much. They talked to each other every night and every morning through the phone. But it wasn’t enough for her. She wanted to see those beautiful eyes of him, held his handsome face, and placed her body in his embrace. But, it seemed impossible now. He was always been busy and rejected her offer. Well, she couldn’t blame him. She knew that he was a hard worker and very responsible man.

The girl threw her phone away and laid her body on the bed. She wasn’t crying, no, she hate it. She was just deep in her thought. She turned her face to the right and stared at a beautiful box on her table. Yes, it was a gift for him. She was going to give it to him this night. But, it seemed her plan was already cancelled. Or maybe no.



The box fell down from her hands. She was there, a few steps away from his apartment door. She was going to give him a visit and a little surprise. But now... it turned another way. She stood still with her shocked face. She couldn’t believe a heart-breaking scene in front of him. Him with his so called partner, holding hands, and went out from his apartment with wide smiles on their faces.

“Thank you for today, Kris.”

“Anytime. See you next time, Qian.”

“Take care, okay?”

It was the last word she heard before she closed her eyes so she couldn’t see that painful scene anymore. She turned away and hid herself before they could see her presence. She leaned her body on the wall, she didn’t understand why suddenly she felt weak. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She pressed her hand on her chest. She was hurt. And she was crying. She just realized something. I shouldn’t trust you.



“Are you serious?”

“I am.”

“No. You are not. And we’re not going to cancel your-“

“Umma! I saw them, clearly!”

“But we know he loves you so-“

“Fine, I am going to tell his parents by myself.”


She left her parents and locked herself in her room.



Nana stood there, near the longest river in this country. She had been staring at the beautiful gold ring on her long finger for hours. She remembered how she always admired the ring since he gave it to her. She swore, this ring was the most beautiful ring she ever saw. But now, she hated the ring so much. She sighed before she decided that it was the time for her to throw the ring away.



“Why are you here?”

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and pulled her body up. The beautiful Chinese man sat on her bed beside her body. He lifted his hand and caressed her hair. He loved her hair, it was soft and shiny. The color was beautiful and fitted on her. While he enjoyed the feeling of her hair under his palm, she pushed his hand away roughly.

“Why? Can’t I touch your beautiful hair?”

He showed her his teasing smile. She frowned and looked away. She always loved his smile. It was her favorite. But now, she had to stop admiring his smile. So, she looked away and gave him her cold shoulder.

“Why are you even here, Kris?”

“Because I miss my fiance.”


“Why did you cancel our engagement?”

“It’s not working.”

“Excuse me?”

“Our relationship. It’s not working.”



“I thought you trust me.”

“I did.”

“I can explain everything.”


His eyes caught something.

“Wait, where is your ring?”

“I can’t keep it anymore.”

“What? How could you-“

“You hurt me, Kris! You lied! You still love her, right? You still love that Chinese girl, damn it!”

She shouted to his face. Tears fell down from her eyes.

“Nana! Calm down, will you? Like I said, I can explain everything.”

He grasped her shoulders and tried to pull her body to his, but she pushed him away.

“I saw you. I saw you holding her hand.”

“I’m sorry. But it was just-“

“Now I know why you always canceled our date, why you couldn’t spend your time with me even in a short time. It was all because of her.”

“Don’t blame her! She wasn’t doing anything. It was you! You were overreacting.”

Those words shocked her.

“Wh... what did you just say? Me? Overreacting?”



He sighed in defeat.

“What do you want me to do then?”

“Go away. Just go away. I don’t want to see your face!”

She buried her face on her palms. She couldn’t stop herself from crying and she cried harder after he said one simple word.


He left her room just then.



Nana stood on the balcony. She lifted her face and stared at the beautiful night sky. Her eyes were swollen.  She had cried all day long. She was angry with him. How could he just go without trying to fight for their relationship. Maybe he really doesn’t love me anymore. Maybe he comes back to Her.

Nana began to remember all memories of them. Since they started the relationship, they didn’t fight much. Kris was so mature and understood her. He was always been the first one who said sorry if they started to fight. Nana was a model and she often paired with handsome models. People like to make rumors about her, but Kris always listened and trusted her. Why couldn’t she just do the same thing to him? Now, she regret it why she didn’t give him a chance to explain everything. Maybe he was right, I was just overreacting. But now, it was too late for her. He already left her. He would never come back-

“You’re cold.”

She gasped when a pair of strong arms wrapped her slim waist from behind. She knew those arms.



“What are you-“

“I still miss my fiance.”

She struggled in his embrace, trying to release her body from his. But she failed.

“Shhhh. Just let me hug you.”

Nana gave up. She let him hugged her body and closed her eyes. She always loved the feeling when her body was wrapped by him.

She opened her eyes immediately when she felt something cold on her finger. She looked down and couldn’t help holding her breathe. There, on her finger, stayed a shiny ring. It seemed familiar.

“Do you like it?”

She couldn’t answer him. She was still surprised.

“I hope you do. Well, it’s not the same ring, but look, it’s alike, right?”


“I tried to buy the same ring but it was impossible because it was a special. But, thanks to Qiannie who helped me to find this ring, so I-“

Nana turned her body and wrapped her arms around his neck. She cried.

“I’m sorry....”

A smile appeared on his handsome face. Kris hugged her tighter and caressed her hair.



“By the way, thanks for the gift. I really love it.”

She stopped crying and pulled herself away, confused.

“Don’t you remember it?”

She shook her head. Kris sighed.

“When I walked Qian to the elevator, she found a tiny box on the floor. We opened it and I was so shocked when I found your handwriting in it. That time I just realized that I forgot our anniversary.... I felt so guilty. I’m really really really sorry, Honey.”

Nana’s lips made an “O” shape. He rubbed her cheek and soothe her tears away. He cupped her face and looked at her eyes intensely.

“Nana... listen, I know I’m not a perfect man for you. I’m sorry if I made you feel abandoned because I was too focus on my works. But, believe me, I always think about you and our relationship. I never, even once, thought to end this relationship between us although we didn’t get so much time to spend together, especially these days. I know, maybe you are tired of me. Maybe you think that you are the one who care about us. But that’s not true. I love you, I always do. I’m sorry for what happened early. I knew it was my mistake. And now I promise I will fix this relationship. I will make more time for us to spend. I will make it up to you later. So, please, all I need is for you to trust me. Can you do that?”

Nana was amazed by his confession. She could see his teary eyes and it made her heart crashed. Kris never cried, as she remembered.

“Kris... I....”

Nana lifted her hand and touched his cheek.

“Wh... what about Qian?”

Kris froze for awhile, confused. But then he chuckled and pulled her body to his.

“What’s funny?”


Nana pulled away from his embrace and glared at him.

“Nana, Qian is just a friend. Actually, a best frien-”

“And your ex!”

Kris rolled his eyes.

“Okay, she is my ex. But, there is nothing between us now. That day, we were just talking about our business and project. But, it wasn’t just the two of us in my apartment. Your sister, Donghae, Seo, Luhan, and Mr. Lee were there too. Qian left earlier than others because she had to catch her flight. So, I walked her out and unfortunately, you saw that and misunderstood the situation. But I didn’t blame you, I kinda like it when you jealous tough. And then we found that box. I believed that you were there. I tried to find you, but you were already gone. I tried to call you too but there wasn’t any answer. Qian was worried about me and decided to cancel her flight and wanted to help fixing the situation. She wanted to talk to you. Actually, she was in your living room this morning. But-”


“Shhh, let me finish first. When I came to your room, you seemed so... messy. And I was so angry and shocked when I found out that you didn’t wear your ring. I told her that that wasn’t the right time to talk to you and that you already threw out our engagement ring. I was going to throw my ring too but then Qian punched me and shouted me to use my brain. I calmed down and decided to buy you a new ring. I was so frustated when I tried to find the similar one but it was impossible, but thanks to Qian because she was the one who found this tough it wasn’t really the same.”

Nana was surprised to hear that. It made her speechless.

“You don’t like the ring? I’m sor-“



“I... I....”


“I... I don’t know what to say, Kris.... Oh, where is she now?”

Kris caressed Nana’s face. His eyes grew softer.

“She already left for China. She had an important thing to do tomorrow. But, she promised she will come this summer and visit you.”



“I’m sorry.”

“Like I said, I didn’t blame you. It wasn’t your fault. It was a misunderstanding.”


Kris cut her sentence by crashing his lips to hers. Nana forgot everything immediately. She missed this. She missed his warmth. She opened her lips and allowed him to explore . He wrapped her slim figure so tight and deepen the kiss. She pulled away while she had to catch oxygen.

Nana still closed her eyes and held his shoulder, tried to calm her trembling body. Kris put his forehead on hers. They stood still until the next minute.

“We need to get down. Our family are waiting.”

Nana opened her eyes widely and stepped back. Her face was in horror. It made Kris worried. He stepped forward and grabbed her hands.

“Hey.... What’s wrong?”

“Your... your parents are here?”

“Uhm, yes.... Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Why... why are they here?”





“Nana, I know my name. Just tell me what is wrong, will you?”

“How can I face them? I called your Mom yesterday and told her that I canceled the wedding. What can I do now?”

Nana looked up to his face, hoping some helps. Kris furrowed her eyebrows and then burst into laugh.


“Don’t worry, I’ve told them everything and my parents won’t kill you, yet.”

Nana slapped his chest. Kris pulled her to an embrace, still laughing hard.

“I’m so embarrassed now!”

“Just face it! Who told you to think shortly and cancel our precious wedding, hm?”

“Tsk, you don’t help me at all!”

“It wasn’t my fault.”

“You’re so mean.”

“But you love me.”

“I hate you.”

“Love you too, Princess.”

Nana hid her face on his chest. Kris hugged her even tighter. She loved this feeling when she was in his embrace. It felt so right and perfect. He loved this feeling too when his hands wrapped her slim body and rested his chin on her head. The beautiful night sky just made the scene more perfect.



“My parents are still waiting.”




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Chapter 1: Yeay! So beautiful ~ simple but good and sweet :3 me likey <3

Kris x Nana FTW!