


my name's amanda. i like my name. though old, it always gives a girl spice, or edge, that says "oh! this girl's different. she's get one great story to tell." like amanda seyfried! (is that how her name's spelled?) two years ago, i wish i could stand up to my name, to have a story of my own, a great one. my life was quite boring. the typical, bullied, mimicking, outcast one is the girl i was. the current me? i could say, i'm now beginning a story, but it's greatness i can't tell yet.
alright, let's begin my story, hope you find it great, at my first day in highschool. i'm a girl from Catarman, Northern Samar, Philippines. i was one of the only two in our province who passed the prestigious national entrace exam of Philippine Science HIgh School, said to be the best high school in the philippines. So, i enrolled to the best high school the philippines can offer. the other one, whose name was samantha, remained in our province. In pisay, my high school's nickname, i was a scholar. the government gave me Php 1, 500 monthly as stipend. having an esteemed and cutting edge education and monthly stipend, has a catch. i had to leave my province, and live in the city. so, economically speaking, my opportunity costs were: time spent with my family, seeing my baby brother grow up, my eldest sibling status, and having to bear living with my grumpy grandmother.
for some still unclear reason, i hate my grandmother. i feel guilty writing this, because now i love her. but for the sake of narrating my story, i'm still writing it; even if again, it makes my chest feel heavy. my parents were on thinking twice about letting me live alone in the city for the first time, so they sent my grandmother to live with me. finding out about this, i cried and even went hysterical. 
oh this is becoming boring. right now, our house help and my cousin are fighting. the househelp keeps on pressing that my cousin does not have manners, and my cousin motions that the househelp misunderstood her. so now, their fight, and the loud volume of the tv, makes my place very unconducive to writing.
~~comments please! and how would you like this story to turn into?


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