It's a "man's" job to protect a girl!

Living with Famous Idiots!
“YAH! LET GO OF HER!” I screamed, then the ert looked at me,
“aree yooushh hheerr gguuyy?” the dead drunk asked, I got in front of the girl,

“Leave you ert” I glared at him, he smirked then he got out his already broken beer bottle, “Crap! Come on! Run!” I yelled grabbing her hand, she followed me, we ran to a small park, but the drunkard followed us.

“Stay here and fight coward!” the drunk yelled,

“You, stay hidden ok?” I told her, she nodded, and I quickly ran out, “Coward? You who picked up an innocent girl, and threatened her?” I said and got closer to him

“Ha, Innocent?” he yelled back wobbling to me, and held out his beer bottle,

He punched me, then he tried to hit me with the already broken beer bottle, but I grabbed this little plastic shield, probably forgotten by a kid, and used the shield to protect myself. But the toy shield was starting to crack, but he kept on hitting me with the bottle, and I kept on using that little shield to protect myself. Then, he finally hit my arms with it… And boy did it HURT!

“AHH!” I screamed out of pain, I looked at him, he was running to the girl again. So I ran in front of him, he lifted up his bear bottle again, but I finally kicked him in the crotch, he screamed and fell to the ground, and I started to punch him like crazy. It took me a while, but I had to make sure he was unconscious, but I finally stood up.

“You ok?” I asked her, she nodded, “Why are you out here alone?”

“I-I was going to buy some food with Tiffany” she said really quietly,

“Where is she?” I asked her, then she started to walk, and turned around giving me the “follow me” gesture, then her phone started to ring,

“Unnie?” she asked, “I’m coming over to the car” she started to walk again. We stopped at this small convenience store, and there was Tiffany tapping her shoes waiting for the girl in front of this black car.

“Unnie” the girl said walking over to Tiffany,

“Seriousy,” Tiffany sighed, “Where were you?”

“I was going to get some fresh air, then there was this drunk guy who was hitting on me, then he came and saved me” the girl hurriedly said and then pointed to me, I quickly waved to the Tiffany

“So we meet again” I waved to them,

“Oh, what a coincidence. What are you doing here?” Tiffany asked me,

“I was on my way home”

“You two know each other?” the girl asked,

“We met today at Music bank” Tiffany replied,

“Oh, I’ve been rude, hello, I’m Sunny, I’m in the same girl group as Tiffany” the girl smiled,

“Oh, nice to meet you then.” I looked at the car, “Is that your car?”

“Yeah” Sunny smiled

“Well, I’ll be leaving then, remember it’s not safe for girls to walk around the night time alone! Drive safe ok?” I smiled and started to walk off

“What about your arm?” Sunny asked me,

“Oh, it’s nothing. I can’t just put a bandage over it” I smiled at her, and then started to walk off,


I checked my phone, to see if Donghae called me…. Yep… He did, it said 58 missed calls, 60 new messages… and 30 new voice mails….

I walked into the dorm and opened the lights, I checked the time, and it was midnight…. I walked in and saw Donghae sleeping on the couch with his cellphone in his hands. I sighed as I saw him sleeping; I walked into the bathroom and took off my jacket. And my right arm was oozing of blood,

“Great” I muttered to myself, and grabbed a few napkins, and dipped them in water cleaning my arm, then I wrapped toilet paper around the mark and walked out of the bathroom. “Now where’s the first aid kit?” I muttered,

“Hey, what are you looking for?” asked a voice I REALLY was afraid of,

“Why would you care?” I said to Leeteuk,

“What happened to your arm?” he said sounding a bit surprised,

“Why don’t you take your eyeliner off” I muttered,

Apparently he got mad, he opened a cabinet and grabbed a box, and took my hand and lead me outside to the back (and large, no HUGE) porch. He pushed me down to one of the chairs, and then he opened the first aid kit, got the cotton ball and dipped it in alcohol,

“Hand” he roughly said, I didn’t listen, he sighed and grabbed my hand, and started to dab the cotton on my bleeding spot. I started to flinch a few times, because of the pain. “Stop being a girl because of this” he looked up at me,

“I can do this myself” I muttered,

“You couldn’t even find the first aid kit”

“That’s cause I’ve only been here for 4 days!”

“Whatever” he said, and got another cotton ball and started to dab it on my arm,

“Jerk” I whispered,

“Will you be quiet! I don’t even know you” he scolded me, then the door slid open,

“Hyung, would you like me to do that for you?” asked a voice from a person I REALLY didn’t want to EVER see,

“Whatever” Leeteuk sighed and got out of there as fast as he could, Kyuhyun came to sit down in Leeteuk’s place and smiled at me,

Great… The person I really didn’t want to see, is here smiling like an idiot in front of me…

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OhNoItsCheli #1
Wow, I remember reading this years ago. This story brings back so much nostalgia. I love it.
lovesj #2
the very first fanfic that I've read and had a lot of spin-off.. nostalgic.. all time favourite fic..along with BamxAngie's fic.. it was nice reading it again...
great fic, thank you!
Nostalgic ^^
Chapter 1: I used to read this back when I was still a newbie in the kpop fandom. Rereading this makes me feel nostalgic af ;-;
whoisyouz #6
wonhobabey #7
swaglord #8
OH MY GOOOD. I searched high and low for this story!! I read this like years ago before I even made my account and I could not find and I'm here finallyyy!!!! BTW I LOVE THIS STORY SOOO MUCH