Big day.



"Girrrll~ Calm down. Did you eat a megaphone? You're going to make me go deaf. Geez. Don't worry, I'm almost at your house, I'll be there in 5 minutes." I said as I was in the car with my mom. She laughed as she stopped infront of Soojung's place.

"Have fun, Okay? Call me whenever. Stay safe. And hope you guys do great at the competition." My mom smiled as I turned to her and waved. I nodded and watched her drive away. I turned around and got surprised. I fell backwards.

"Hey! You're FINALLY here! Do you know how long I waited?? LETS GO~ " Soojung said while pulling me up and holding my hand. I  pouted and slapped her with my other hand on the arm. She flinched and rubbed it.

"Yah! Why in such a hurry? The  competition is AFTER dojo. Geez, we can take our time." I siaid, sighing and adjusting my bag. She smiled brightly and leans in.

"Girl! So? TODAY is the BIG day! We need extra practice before the competition. Plus, we should ask Instructor Yun to come and watch! Wouldn't that be a great idea??" 

"Ugh, fine..." I smirked and turned towards the dojo. 


"Why are you guys here so early?" Instructotr Yun asked when we walked into his office after dropping our things off in the locker room. We grinned and leaned over his desk.

"Instructor Yun, can you cheer for us at the competition? Pleaseeeee~?" We asked using our most aegyo-annoying voices ever. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Yes, of course."

"YES!!" We squelled and high-fived each other, "But...on one condition.." Instructor Yun cut us off. We blinked at him and leaned back over his desk. "Yes?..."

"Work EXTRA hard in practice today. Got it? Now go change. There's no one in the dojo, so you guys can practice by yourselfs. You guys came an hour early." He smiled and went back to his work. We stood up and bowed.

"Yes! This is soooo daebak! Let's go!" I said while jumping. I clapped hands with Soojung and sat on a bench. We calmed our nerves down and changed. 

"You can go first. I think I forgot something in Instructor Yun's room. I'll see you in the dojo." Soojung smiled. I nodded and started for the door.

"Don't you need help tying your belt?" I asked before opening the door. She shook her head.

"I think I got it now." She said. I nodded and went out into the dojo to do some stretches.


Soojung's POV

Good. She wasn't here. I smiled as I took out the necklace from my pocket. I opened the box to see the watch ticking as the necklace had it's beautiful vintage look. I slipped it into Boram's jacket pocket and put it back into it's original position. I tied my belt, surprisingly getting it right now. I laughed and closed my locker, heading for the door.

"Haa~ ya-OOPS!" I heard Boram slip and fall backwards. I snorted as I picked up her shoe.

"Silly, first, stepping on your belt, then your shoe goes flying? Oh Boram, how are you going to compete properly in the competition?" I teased, throwing her shoe towards her. She caught it and slipped it back on. She scratched her head and bit her lip.

"Hahah, right...Oh well, might as well work harder. Let's practice, shall we? before the others get here." Boram sighed and set up two punching bags. There were three types of punching bags.The soft ones to start off, then medium, then the harder ones that are used in boxing areanas. Boram and I always stopped at the middle one since we were afraid it'd break our fingers. We practiced on the soft one for about 15 minutes and to end off, we always kick it back towards the wall, which was fun, but tiring since it would take a while. We were half way through getting done with the second punching bag, until Boram stopped.

"Hey, after this, let's get a water break, and let's try the final ag. Okay?" Boram said while panting and wiping her sweat. I nodded and paused to roll my neck in small circles.

"How's it going back here?" Instructor Yun came in and asked while we were sipping from our bottles. We wiped our dripping sweat and laid back in exhaustion.

"Good, we're just about to try the last type of bag. Can you analyze us?" I asked, grinning at Instructor Yun. He nodded without hesitation and stretched while we set up the bags. We both threw a punch at the bag, and immediately drew back, shaking off the pain from our fists. He chuckled as he stood up.

"Not like that. You can't just hit it anywhere. Like this" He took his fist and hit it gentle, showing where to aim. We both stood in awe and tried again, this time succeeding. We cheered and continuing, until everyone came. After class, we al stood to change in the locker rooms. Boram and I kept smiling and finally put on our jackets. We headed outside and I glanced at Boram, waiting for her to shove her hands in her pockets as usual. She took out the watch/necklace in the box. She looked up at me and I just smiled, gesturing her to open it. She slowly opened the box, revealing the vintage necklace with the ticking watch in the middle. Her eyes gleamed as she looked up at me. I giggled as she put the box in the pocket of her bag and the watch into her jacket pocket.

"Thanks Soojung. Best gift ever. Even before the competition, even better. I love you Soojung~" Boram teasted as she hugged me. I hugged her back and eventually slightly pushed her.

"Aye. No homo. Gots it?" I said, trying to act like a ganster. She laughed and nodded. We linked arms and started for my house.

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Chapter 2: great so far^^