When One Meets the Guy

First Crushes and Decaf

Minhee flipped through the pages of her endless book, sighing in disappointment. All these fancy-schmancy words were too much for Minhee’s small head. For a moment she wondered why people bothered to read at all. Books weren’t fun; they were so mundane, so full of nothing. If it were something, say, a teen romance of fear and desire, then yeah, maybe. But how starfish regenerate? How about no.

Minhee always thought of herself as smart at most subjects. Although, every time it came to English class, Minhee’s mind will find a way to flip her off and run away into the sunset and then Minhee will fail. The end.

It was too much for her brain to handle. She didn’t even know why English existed in the first place.

Minhee scratched her head and groaned, wondering when she could finally get home. Then again, she’d have loads of homework to do. God, when will this crap ever end?

When she almost threw her book across the table, a light tap on Minhee’s shoulder startled her.

“This seat taken?”

Minhee turned her head and almost dropped her jaw at the sight of a handsome—freaking amazingly handsome—man. She scanned his entire face: that dark hair, those dark, twinkling eyes. Those lips.

He gave her a small smile, chubby cheeks filling up his face. “Is the seat taken?”

Can I call you? Like pretty please with my bra on top?

“All the seats are taken but the one where your bag is on. Do you mind moving it?”

Minhee nodded, her gaze still fixated on the gorgeous Greek god. She unconsciously pulled her bag off the chair, and the bag fell on her feet. She gave out a lame scream and cursed her stupid luck.           

The handsome man widened his eyes and brought a hand up as if to help her. “You okay?”

Minhee didn’t speak—couldn’t speak, but shook her head yes. He slips into the seat next to her. “Are you sure you’re okay? If you’re not I might be of help. Or I can try anyway.”

She shook her head no and still wasn’t able to speak, damn her luck and everything. The cute guy said thank you and took out a textbook to read. When she was sure the guy wasn’t paying attention to her, she slapped her forehead, hard and looked up to the ceiling to say Why and Thank you god. Minhee glanced at the guy’s textbook, but soon couldn’t make out the words or understand when, what do you know, it was all in English. She almost laughed at this, seeing as how she at English and he was reading, from what she assumed, an advanced level textbook that had to do with the birth of English or some crap thing like that. He seemed interested, a little way too interested for Minhee’s taste, and she couldn’t help but ponder.

She breathed in a little in and out until she in one giant breath and breathed it out into a sentence. “Um, I’m sorry if this comes off as rude, considering we just met and all, but uh, can you understand that?” She pointed at the monster in his hands, eyes flickering to meet his.

He sighed in defeat, leaning back in his seat. “Actually, this is for an English midterm paper due in two weeks. I honestly can say I can’t understand one word.”

Minhee laughed in relief, putting a hand to her chest. “Oh my god, I thought you actually were an English wiz or something, I—whoa, I was so amazed for a second there.”

The boy’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you saying you think I’m stupid?”

Minhee almost panicked, mouth trying to stutter out something. She face palmed herself mentally. Minhee shook her head quickly. “No, no, it’s not like that. It’s just that, I don’t understand one word of English either and I thought you did, so I just thought it was funny, you know?” She laughed weakly, stopping abruptly when the guy wasn’t laughing along with her.

“I have a tutor. She just doesn’t like to study much, though.” The guy sighed but then began to chuckle.

Minhee laughed too, though not sure why, but she did. The guy stopped and gave her a questioning look. She stopped laughing and mumbled a “sorry”.

He smiled. “You’re funny. What’s your name?”

“Uh, Minhee. Minhee, uh, Park. Park Minhee.” Oh yeah, smooth, funny girl.

“I’m Woohyun. Nam,” he said. He stuck out a hand and she looked down at it then back to him.

I’m going to kidnap you, I swear. She shook his hand.

“So, do you need another tutor since the other one isn’t good?” Minhee asked, hiding all her desperation and weird-girl-feels out of the way, hoping Woohyun would say yes. And exactly what the hell did she know about English. As long as she got Woohyun, he could ask to run her over with a truck and she’d still say yes.

“Nah, I love my tutor. She’s amazing at English.”

Minhee smiled, nodding as if she understood, although inside she cursed luck and the tutor. “’Kay, I got it. That’s great. So what grade are you in?”

“I’m a senior,” he replied, smiling, chubby cheeks intact. Oh, how she wished to pinch them so hard that they’d bleed. In a nice way of course. “And you?”

“A year younger.”

“So you better call me oppa from now on.”

I have other names in mind for you, my friend, and she would have said it if it didn’t sound so creepy and unlike the character she was supposed to be.

Woohyun was cheesy. He was cheese on her crackers, the cheese in a burger, and he was just so cheesy. Minhee liked it. She liked it a lot. As they spoke, Minhee noticed how he was so animated while he spoke, and how loud he could get, but sometimes he realized where he was and calmed down a bit, but came right back up, and she couldn’t help but find that adorable. He was just so freaking adorable. Most of the time, Minhee found herself moving from guy to guy. But Woohyun was different. He was cheesy and fun and not nasty and can Minhee just scream because he was so freaking hot, and when she said hot she meant hot.

I love you, she thought, smiling at Woohyun.

Woohyun was talking when she kept thinking about their children in the next ten years, but his eyes found the wall clock and he widened them. “Oh god, I forgot. I have to leave to see my tutor.” He started to put the English textbook in his bag. “I’m sorry for leaving so quickly. I lost track of time. It was fun talking to you though. Maybe I’ll see you soon?”

No. I want you to love me back. “Sure. Will you come to the library often?”

“As long as you save me a seat, consider me your best friend,” he smiled, giving her a view of that awesome chubby cheek smile, and Minhee almost wanted to kiss him. She swore she almost did.

“Bye,” he called out, waving when he was near the exit. “See you later!”

She waved back and watched until he finally left, leaning back in her seat and sighing dreamily.

Now she needed to think about how much a wedding ring cost.


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tihikix33 #1
Wow, this girl is kinda creepy LOL. In a good way! Woohyun studies? That's unexpected, haha.
ParkChae #2
Chapter 1: Haha it's funny! Please update soon! ^^