Chapter 2

Rhythms of my heart ...


(Second BFF :  Oh Mae-i) 
*phone rigns*
Who's calling me at this time ! It's freaking 6 a.m !!!
- "Hello ?"
- "Yaaa Sa Ra ! Wake up, I've got great news for you !"
- "I got you a part time job !!!!!!!"
- "Hein ?"
- "A part time job, as in what you've been looking for to get the extra money you needed !!"
- "what, WHAT !!! You're kiddin' me right ?"
- "Haha No ! Get out of your bed, ang get ready I'll be there in 30 mins !" 
- "What !! 30 mins !!!"
pib ..  pib .. pib.. pib
- "She hang up -__-"
*an hour later*
-"Were is this place ? This doesn't look like a crowded place where jobs are everywhere ? am I going to be working as a maid in of these homes ? Is this a prank ?"
- "Wow ! For someone who hates morning people you sure talk a lot ! Just wait a few minutes we'll be there in no time !" 
- "Fine -_-"
What ?? Where is this place ! This is sooo unpleasantly familiar ... We're in Hapjeong-Dong ... WE'RE IN FREAKING HAPJEONG DONG !!! No no this can't be real ! 
- "What's going on Sa-Ra ? why would you stop in the middle of the road ! Are you ok ?"
- "Am I ok ?? Where are we going ?"
-  "What do you mean ? WE are going to get YOU an interview with the company I begged to get you in !"
- "And what exactly does this company do ?"
- "Well, that's a SURPRISE, said a delightful Mae I who almost jumped the last step instead of walking"
- "..." 

I coun't say anything to her, how can I look passionless about something I know she worked so hard on. I know what she meant by "Surprise", Mae-i and I spent hours when working on our photography projects talking about music, about YGent music ... about his  music ... 
Of course, Mae-I doesn't know about us either, or at least what it used to be ... she doen't know how many times I've been near here, how many hours we spent talking in his car, how many ... memories
-"Tadaaaa !!!" said Mae-I pointing at YG building with a huge bright smile on her face
I gotta play the game, you can do it, show some excitement in respect of the great job your best friend did !
- "Whaah, are you making fun of me ? This can't be the company you were talking about right ??"
- "Indeed it is my dear friend ..."
- "What? How did you manage to get me in ??"
- "Do you have doubts about my abilities missy ?"
- "Haha of course not ! How dare I =b"
- "Haha you better. Well, let the serious stuff beging, now what you're going do is meet with HR director you're gonna have an interview, formalities .. you know ..  and then you'll be the one letting me know abou the news XD"
- "..."
- "haha I can't imagine Sa Ra the chatterbox is calm hahah I guess now that you're living your dream you can't waste your energy on nonsens talk ..."
- "hah ... What can I say ... I'm so grateful for all you did for me Oh Mae ! You're the best, really !" 
- "Just reporting to my duties as a best friend !"
- "Thank you so much !"
- "Show them what you've got ! Call me when you're done ! "
- "Kay.." 
What was I supposed to say ? She worked hard for this, I need the money ... Plus, what are the chances of us meeting in this labyrinth !
Especially when I know he doesn't work on day time ... Yeah, It's gonna be just fine !
I was sitting in th waiting room when a ... model ? do they have models work as secretaries ?? Anyway, she said Mr Ok Hyun Seo is ready to receive me at his office.
I got up, headed to the direction she was showing me.
Knock Knock
- "Annyonghasimnikka *bows*"
- "Nae, have a seat."
- "Nae kamsahamnida"
- "Please proceed by presenting yourself and your aspirations"
- "Nae, Algaeseumnida. My name is Kim Sa-Ra Imnida, I'm 22 years old, I'm a student at Kyung Hee University majoring in PR (public relations) I have too hoobies: photography and music, which is why I'm most honored to be working in what I believe is one of the best entertainment companies."
- "Working, you said ?"
- "Yes, let me rephrase it in a better way, I'm honored to be considered one of the candidates to be working with YGent."
- "Haha that's ok, I was just trying to see is you where easily swayed ... Well I can tell when I see a passionate person, and you're passionate but you're also a student looking for a part time job so here is the deal.."
- "Yes,"
- "I'm going to assign you as a sub manager, meaning that you'll be working with idol managers, here and there, untill we see how good, or bad you are and decide on what's gonna happen next ...... .... ..... .... see you monday ! "
*blank* *blank* *blank* 
Sub manager, idol managers ... all I could think of were those words, I can't even remember what happened after ... I thought it was going to be all fine, boring paper work, in a cubic office ! But no, it just can't be that simple ! I had to be assign a job "LIVE" where I was 1000% sure to meet ... to meet him !
- "Oh My !! I'm so happy you got it ! and even better ! You got to work with idols !!! You lucky little ... haha Let's celebraaate"
- "Yeah let's celebraaaate sa-ra's death ! "
- "What ?"
- "What?"
- "I thought you said something"
- "No I was just talking to myself"
- "Anyway, so what is it gonna beee ... Clubs, Girlz night out, or Karaoke ? hein"
- "You're the one enjoying it more than I'm so go ahead, you choose =d it would be my thank you gift to you "
- "Héhé, of course I deserve it =b hmmm Let's partèèè there is a private party at our favorite spot ... guess who got free passes !!! "
- "yaaay ..."
bip bip bip the alarm clock was ringing 06 a.m ... 
- "OMG ! It's MONDAY !!! "
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Foreverhis #1
Chapter 10: OMG OMG OMG OMG ! I love it! Thanks for the update!!!! <3
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 9: I am glad they are getting along again, I hope nothing messes that up
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 9: I LOVE ITTTTT! Update soon! Longer story pleasee?! :DD
update juseyo
pipsqueak110 #5
Chapter 5: what does hein mean?
ericakx #6
Chapter 6: Pls do update. I like your story ^_^ Can't wait for the next chapter ;)
Foreverhis #7
Chapter 6: Updattteeee soon! (:
Niobee #8
Chapter 6: When's the next chapter coming out? XD
Niobee #9
Chapter 5: Pleaaaase update soon!! LOVE IT!!!
Niobee #10
Chapter 2: already done reading! when is chapter3 coming? XD