Did You Just Call Me Oppa?

The Only One


Beom’s POV

            “I’m kidnapping you for the day.” I grabbed ahold of her and ran, it’s to late to make excuses and hide. Even though she seemed so upset, there’s really only one thing I can do know… I don’t know why I care so much, but I do. I really can’t stand the idea of her hating me.

            I took her to the familiar train that I’d always ride when traveling to the ocean, I had to admit it but I was nervous and unsure if I was making the right decision. All I could do now was hope she’d understand me.

            The train was packed as usual, I didn’t really mind for two reasons, one, I was used to it, and two SoEun was so close to me. I notice how she was trying to push away from me, but she couldn’t go anywhere because of the large man in front of us. I couldn’t help but to smile because of this, I felt my heart racing as I thought about the girl. I really didn’t understand what it was about her but she made me feel hope. As I was lost in thought while looking at her I noticed her small face rise towards mine, at the moment I held back my urge to wrap my arms around her and hold her close. Am I falling for her? I quickly looked away embarrassed. It can’t be true can it?

            I felt the train lurch to a stop, and SoEun lost her balance, so automatically I put my arms around her. Without realizing I held on to her enjoying the sweet smell of her hair and the warmth of her body. I was smiling to myself, enjoying the moment, but it was clearly one sided, I felt her small hands trying to push me away and the faint noise of a awkward cough. I suddenly felt embarrassed by my actions so I quickly let go and straightened my clothes.

            “That was close.” I said trying to be cool, when I really was freaking out on the inside. The rest of the trip was uncomfortable, as I thought about how close we were and the fact that I was no longer going to hid myself to this girl.


            “Here we are.” I looked up at the old stone sign that was being covered by vines, then changed my focus to SoEun’s face. As I was expecting she looked concerned and confused, which I was expecting because she has no idea what I am thinking.

            “Uh…” She spoke hesitantly, “Why are we at a cemetery?” I looked at her sullenly. Then walked through the entrance nodding to the guard, He greeted me by saying, “Welcome Back.”  I looked back at SoEun noticing that she was surprised by the familiarity, so I motioning for her to follow.

            We walked silently, my thoughts getting farther and farther away from what was around me, but focusing in on my Nana. As I got closer and closer to the reason we were here, my heart sank making my steps smaller and smaller as I saw the name written on the gravestone, I stopped with a tear in my eye, completely forgetting about SoEun.

            “Kim Nana.” I heard SoEun’s voice, making me jump a little as I realized that I brought her here. “That’s the girl’s name you said back there.” She spoke ever so softly and carefully, watching me intently. I continued to look at the grave, pain filling my heart. “It’s my fault.” I whispered as I traced the carved name.

            “Who was she?” She asked sweetly, not wanting to pry.

            “My baby sister. She was just 10…” A couple tears ran down my cheeks as spoke. SoEun kneeled next to me, resting her hand upon mine trying to comfort me. I looked up into her eyes, “If I wasn’t so selfish, she would still be here.”

            “What do you mean… How could it have been your fault?” She spoke innocently.

            “I was supposed to pick her up from school, and take her to this store. But being young I didn’t want to go out with my little sister… So she ended up going on a bus…” I didn’t want to say anymore, but I knew it was too late to stop. “The bus ended up getting hit by a Semi… Directly were Nana was.”

            “…” SoEun became speechless as she sat there staring at me, I had to look away. “Beom…” She said my name ever so softly, I swiftly stood up, wiping my tears away.

            “Let’s go.” I said with no emotion, I was trying to hold back all my feelings, I didn’t want her thinking I was weaker. I started walking away but she stopped me in my tracks as her slim arms wrapped around my waist, her face flush with my back. I could feel little heartbeats against my back, making a hitch in my breath.

            “Oppa…” I suddenly froze in my spot, did she just call me oppa? It sounded so cute coming from her, I turned around an looked down at her, she dropped her arms from my movement. “Don’t blame yourself, you didn’t know that it would happen and, thanks for telling me.” She said with a sad smile.

            “Don’t thank me, I just didn’t want you coming up with weird stories.” I lied, I really just felt like one person should know the real me and I wanted that one person to be her. “Come on, let’s eat somewhere.” I tried to act more cheerful, letting her know I was okay, even though I don’t think I could ever be okay.

            “So, is this your hometown then?” She asked curiously.

            “No, this was just her favorite place to be, by the ocean.”

            “Oh, well I can understand why, it is beautiful.” I could tell she was trying to keep my mind off the sad facts, which I felt very grateful towards her.

            “We’d come out here often to spend out summers, it was some of my best memories…”

            “Oh... Can I ask you something?” I could see curiosity flaring in her eyes. I just nodded, there wasn’t anything more I really would keep secret from her. “What was that lounge?” Except that.

            “It’s nothing.” I said coldly, hoping she would drop the topic. “ What time is it?” I would have to get back by 8pm…

            “It’s 4 now.”

            “Great, we have time for some food, what do you want?” I asked changing the topic, whatever I’d do, I’m determined to keep my job from her. I hope she just forgets about seeing me at the lounge, and that taking her to the grave was enough for her.

            “Let’s get noodles!” She spoke cheerfully, putting aside her suspicions.

            “I know a good place!”


            The ride back to Seoul was spent chatting and talking about nonsense that we saw around school. It made me happy to see her smiling and laughing at my jokes, making it seem like my past was all a dream.

            “Well I have to go this way.” SoEun said as we got off the train.

            “I’ll walk you.” I said, not looking for her opinion. I still had time, and truthfully I just didn’t want to leave her side yet. As we started walking, we were silent, but soon enough we were all chatty again.

            “So what’s your family like?” She asked me.

            “Well… You met my sister, and I live with my parents.” I had no wish to go into detail about what it’s like there…

            “That’s nice! What are your parents like?” She kept prying for details, obviously not picking up on my wish to skim over this topic.

            “There just parents. They work. Nothing special.” I said mechanically hoping that was enough for her, luckily she finally seemed to get it.

            “Any pets?”

            “What is this 20 questions?” I joked around with her.

            “No…” She looked at me with a funny expression. “I just want to know more about you.” She admitted truthfully, I couldn’t help but to smile from her cuteness, it was like she was breaking down all my walls and making a home in my heart.

            “Well. This is it.” She said as she stopped in front of a clean newish looking apartment building.

            “It seems nice, well, go safely.”

            “See you tomorrow Beom.” I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that she didn’t call me oppa again, but I shouldn’t expect so much.

            As I walked away, I checked the time. 7:00. “Shoot! I have an hour!” I started running away, not realizing that SoEun was still watching.


“You’re late.” I heard my manger say. “And were you here earlier? The piano room was open.”

            “I’m so sorry. And I had to practice a bit.” I bowed 90 degrees, I was in no place where I could loose my job.

            “It’s okay, but hurry and get ready, it’s a full house and you’re on early tonight.”

            “Thank you!” I called out as I went off to the change room.

            “I don’t know why you are so lenient on him.” I heard that girl Jen say as I turned the corner.

            “You don’t worry about that.” I really wish I could have heard his answer, it seems unfair to the others because of how he acts towards me, but I can’t do anything about his actions.

            When I got to the change room I mindlessly got ready in the familiar place, I still had some time before someone would let me know when it was my turn to preform. I really didn’t know what to do, so I decided to go back to the practice room.

            I looked down at the piano, lightly hitting the keys, I remembered my time here from earlier that day. I really wish I didn’t snap at her… But I think she forgave me, I hope so in any case. Well other then the moment with Nana, I think we had lots of fun today, at least I really enjoyed myself.

            “Tazz, 10 minutes.” I heard my warning, so I got up and headed back stage. When I first started here, I remember always being so nervous, but now I must admit it, but I love performing. As I was back stage I watched the performer before me sing there song beautifully, it was a slower more romantic piece, I just laughed to myself, I hope that no one is in to romantic of a mood after this, because I’ll be shaking things up.

            I heard the announcers call out who’s playing next. “And next we have Tazz! Everyone welcome him!” At first the crowded cheered loudly, but then became silent as the stage stayed black. Just before I was going out on stage I felt my pocket buzz, so I pulled my phone out to see a message, “Good Luck Oppa” I looked at who sent it, SoEun. Panic suddenly flowed through my veins, how does she know I’ll be performing. I didn’t have time to think about it, because next thing I knew I was pushed on stage. I stood still in the blackness of the stage, waiting for my cue.

            The music started playing a strong beat, I felt my body warming up and filling with energy. A single spot light shone  down on me, my back was to the crowd and I stood in a confident pose, as the beat picked up I started bobbing to the music, then spun around, lowering myself to a crouch on the ground mid spin, looking down. I stayed in this pose as the music cut out, waiting the couple counts for it to start again, I let out a few deep breaths. The beat started slowly this time, so I slowly stood up in a powerful way. The last thing to straighten up was my head, with the first beat starting into the rhythm I flicked my head up looking out across the audience, are you out there SoEun? But with the next strong beat I had to forget all thoughts and focus on my routine. I extended my arm straight to the right, grabbing a hold of the hidden microphone and stand, pulling it into view, and starting singing the song.

            The song went quickly, as did a few dance moves and sang the lyrics, forgetting all the world and getting into the song. At the end of the song, there were 3 main beats, the first one I stretched my arm out, hiding the microphone in the blackness, 2, I straightened my body, and 3 I fell to the ground as the spot light went black. As I lay there I heard the customers go wild, but all I could think about was getting off stage and finding SoEun, I had a feeling she was here. I really wish she wasn’t but I had to know.

            When I knew it was safe to get up, I quickly stood up and ran off stage, going through the side door and coming out into the lounge. I would never come out here and interact with the customers, I was too young and we wanted to hide that fact but mainly I could careless about the customers, but right now I didn’t care, SoEun had to be here somewhere. I searched around like crazy looking for her small face and figure. Where are you! I thought.

            After looking around for a while I gave up hope and started walking to the back, but as I was about to reach the doorknob I heard my stage name.

            “Tazz?” I recognized that voice, and I was right. I turned around to see SoEun.


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likatulay #1
Chapter 10: awww this is so beautiful... I hope you will continue on with this story.. just awesome..
4everkpop21 #2
Please continue this story
soulmate25 #3
sweet story...plz update soon
Hahlee #4
Chapter 5: Good story so far. Wish Beom had been my Chem partner....but then I'd probably spend more time looking at him than the teacher! ;)
ViA_2023 #5
Chapter 5: Chem buddy, so sweet, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
Wanna see more their interaction.
Please update soon ^^