Chapter [1/1]

Mission: D.H.I

Heechul was sitting with Leeteuk at a club known as ElectricBlue, somewhere across SM university. His arm was around Leeteuk, casually watching the crazy teens dance to some random upbeat music through the strobe lights that were flashing rapidly through the dance floor.

His eyes wandered to see some girls who were showing too much cleavage dancing or more of grinding on some guys. His eyebrows quirked up when he saw a familiar face.

Was that Donghae? Making out with a girl? Heechul rubbed his eyes to make sure that the alcohol he had earlier was not hazing his vision.

It was Donghae. Heechul's eye twitched. What the was he doing?! Especially making out when he had a cute little boyfriend waiting for him at home?!

Heechul growled, making Leeteuk to turn his head to his boyfriend's direction. "Chullie-ah, is something wrong?"

Heechul kissed Leeteuk's hair. "No" He decided not to tell his lover that his favorite dongsaeng's boyfriend was cheating on him again. "Hey."

"Hm?" Leeteuk hummed.

"Where's  Hyukjae right now?"

"Hyukkie? He's at Sungmin's, studying for his math test"

"Wait. Did he forgive what Donghae did already?!"

Leeteuk looked at Heechul with sorrowful eyes and gave a solemn nod.
Heechul made a 'tsk'. "What is wrong with him?! He should at least be mad!"

Leeteuk shook his head. Heechul was frustrated. Lee Hyukjae, or Eunhyuk, was one of SM University's flower boys along with Sungmin, Ryeowook, and Taemin. Hyukjae wasn't the smartest cookie in the batch but had a reputation of being the prized president of the school team winning every competition since he's been there.

Donghae, on the other hand, was the student council's Vice President. He was admire by many and was known to be an god to all girls. Donghae was smart, the soccer team captain, plus he's one of the school's most handsome students, along with Siwon, Yunho, Minho, and Jonghyun.

Donghae and Hyukjae became a couple at the end of their freshman year. Apparently Donghae fell in love with the dancing machine and did any means necessary to at least take Hyukjae on one date because Hyukjae was too stubborn to give Donghae a chance. When he finally gave up, they became a lovey dovey couple that every student knew about.

It was a four months after when Donghae 'accidentally' kissed a girl in front of Hyukjae. The poor boy locked himself in his room for more than a week. When he did, Hyukjae looked like a mess.

Donghae came everyday, begging for forgiveness, which Hyukjae was hesitant to give. Everything went smoothly until the same happened a week ago. Hyukjae didn't bawl like he did the first time but was still as heart-broken.

Heechul was pissed at how easily Hyukjae forgave his stupid dongsaeng. He was about to punch the living hell out of Donghae but decided against it since it had only been a week since the two made up.

An imaginary light bulb lit up above Heechul's head. He made a Cheshire grin and evilly chuckled to himself.

Leeteuk sighed. Heechul only did that when he had a plan and he didn't guess incorrectly. Heechul did have a plan.


Heechul strutted down to SM University's Sorority House to meet a certain group of girls, also known as Girl's Generation or SNSD. He successfully drove an unsure Leeteuk home safely. He had to reassure that he won't do anything rash because his beloved boyfriend was a bit overprotective of Hyukjae.

Heechul impatiently waited for the door to open. When the door swung out, a petite girl smiled at him. "Hi there, Heenim-sunbae! What brings you here at this hour?"

"I need to talk to your group a for a bit, Soon-kyu"

Soon-kyu, or Sunny, noticed the seriousness in Heechul's voice and directed him to SNSD's lounge. As soon as Heechul enter, the light chatter ceased. "I need to speak with Jessica"

The girl, known as Jessica, was a beautiful girl with blonde hair. Jessica signaled Heechul to sit. " Is there something you need, Heenim-sunbae?"

Heechul smiled at his former student.
"I have a favor to ask..."

Jessica nodded. "Sure but you kinda know that you need to elaborate more for me to officially agree."

Heechul gave a chuckle. "Smart girl, you've grown." Jessica returned a smile. Heechul cleared his throat, "I actually have a favor for all of you girls to do" He was very aware of the obvious eavesdropping.

All eyes and ears were on him. The girls were interested. What does the great Kim Heechul need for all girls to help him?

"Do you know Lee Donghae?"

Jessica looked at him. "Who doesn't know Lee Donghae?"

"Well, okay... Do you know his boyfriend?"

Another girl with equally blonde hair spoke up. " Hyukjae?"

Heechul nodded. "How well do you know him?"

The girl, Hyoyeon, smiled. "Hyukjae is the dance club's president and he is like the cutest thing ever!"

"Yup, he's the one."

"Does you favor include him and Donghae, sunbae?" Sunny asked curiously.

"Yes. How much do you know about Donghae?"

Yoona, another member, raised her hand. "I heard he cheated in Hyukjae-ssi for a second time."

Sooyoung, the girl next to Yoona, gasped. "Again?! How could he do that to such a cutie?!"

"I'm guessing you want to get back at him for Hyukjae-ssi's sake?" Jessica asked.

Heechul shrugged. "It's more of wanting to drive him insane."

Jessica smiled a smile that made her known as the ice princess. " I agree." She turned to her group members. "You guys?"

Almost all nodded right away. They wanted to help their sunbae, along with the fact that they were somewhat bored of the university's life.


The next day, Heechul drove to Hyukjae's apartment. The boy lived on his own since his 18th birthday, not wanting to bother his family too much. Of course, his parents help with half of his funds; while, he works hard for the other. Leeteuk always visits since they live in the same apartment complex. This made it convinient for Heechul to visit both Hyukjae and his boyfriend.

Heechul walked into the living room once Hyukjae opened the door. He strided to Leeteuk and gave a swift peck on his lover's cheek. "Hey baby."

"Hi, Chullie!" Leeteuk replied cheerfully. "What brings you here?"

"I actually came here for Hyukkie." Heechul answered. Leeteuk furrowed his eyebrows. Something smelled fishy...

"Me?" Hyukjae asked, surprised to have his hyung be so nice to him. 

"Yes. I want to give you a makeover." 

Leeteuk looked blankly at Heechul. Leeteuk inwardly groaned. He knew the plan now. He wasn't at the least amused but he knew he could do nothing to stop the Great Kim Heechul.

Hyukjae blinked. "Why do I need a makeover? I like how I am."

Heechul gave a slightly scary grin. "In all honesty, you dress like a 12 year old."

"No I don't!" Hyukjae retorted with some power at first but slowly weakened at Heechul's menacing 'grin'. "I just like to be... colorful that's all.."

"My point," Heechul mentally took a breathe to try to convince the stubborn monkey. "Don't you think you're too much like a child?"

"I am a child." Hyukjae huffed. He knew he could never stop his ways of acting. He loved to joke around and be a goofball. He still very much love strawberry milk and plush animals, especially monkeys and fishies.

Heechul sighed. "Hyukjae-yah, I just want to improve your  image. I'm sorry for forcing you..."  He feigned some fake sobs, in attempt to trick Hyukjae.

Hyukjae, being the most oblivious person in the world, panicked. "No! No, I'll try it!"

Leeteuk facepalmed. Why was his dongsaeng so stupid? 

"Great!" Heechul pulled Hyukjae out the door and to his car. "Sweetie! Do you want to come with?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"I hate you."

"I love you <3" 

"The heart's not necessary."


Heechul, Leeteuk, Hyukjae and the rest of SNSD sat in the lounge, feeling slight out of place. "Hyoyeon! Sooyoung!" Hyukjae exclaimed, excited to see someone he knew. 

"Hey there, oppa." Sooyoung replied. Hyoyeon merely waved. Hyukjae gave a cute gummy smile, making the girls have an urge to pinch his cheeks. He looked to see another familiar face. "Sooyeon-shii!"

The girls looked at him. Yuri snickered. "He calls you Sooyeon?"

Jessica glared at her. "Shut up,Yul."

Yuri was amused. "You've never allowed anyone to call you by that, Sica."

It was true that no one was allowed to call Jessica by her real name. However when she first met her tutor for history class, Hyukjae's adorableness rubbed on her and she somehow made a small space for Hyukjae to do what he want. 

"Ah! Aniya!" Hyukjae waved his hands to defend Jessica. "It's my fault for not being able to pronounce her name!"

The girls looked at him weirdly. Who couldn't say "Jessica"?

Tiffany, Jessica's best friend, was curious. "Say her name."

Hyukjae bit his lips. He was horrible at English and was feeling a bit bashful.

Sunny wanted to also hear it and gave him an aegyo."Come on, just say it once, please~"

Hyukjae gulped, he couldn't deny that. "J-Jes-see-kah?"

The girls were silent for a bit but bursted into fits of giggles. That was the worst pronounciation ever but it sounded so damn cute. Hyukjae's cheeks flushed red. He was downright embarrassed. He even saw Leeteuk giggle along with Heechul trying to not laugh. 

"Aigo~ you are sooooo cute!" Sunny exclaimed. 

Yuri chuckled. That was why her ice princess allowed him to say her real name... "I guess that's why you need the makeover."

Hyukjae tilted his head, making him look even more adorable. "What do you mean?"

Sunny giggled. "Because you're too you!" 

"Huh?" Hyukjae wasn't comprehending.

 "You have a flower-boy image. Heenim-sunbae wants you to be more charismatic" Jessica elaborated. 

"How do I fix it?" Hyukjae scratched his nonexistent itch. He didn't even know what a "flower-boy image" was. 

"Lots of work needs to be done so you'll be a little tired." Jessica explained. "First, you'll have to go to the salon down the hall with Sunny, Sooyoung, Seohyun,  and Taeyeon-unni ."

"You have a salon?!" Hyukjae was shocked. How big was this place?! 

Jessica nodded. "Then we'll take you shopping."

"Shopping?" Hyukjae looked down at his lap. "I don't think I have enough money for that..."

Jessica shook her head. "I'll take care of that. My dad owns a clothing branch."

"Bwoh?! A-A C-Clothing Brach?!" 

Yuri butted in. "Yup! My princess comes from a prestigious familly so no need to worry, Hyukjae-ah!" 

Sunny pulled Hyukjae up. "Oppa! We need to get you all pretty!"


It took about three hours when Hyukjae finished with the first step to his makeover. He walked out to greet his audience. Burgundy red hair falling perfectly, complementing his face structure. He had guyliner on making his eyes looking more defined and handsome. 

Heechul walked around Hyukjae. "Not bad."  When hearing the complement, the four girls high-fived each other. 

Hyukjae was then forced to wear literally hundred of clothing when they arrived at Jessica's appa's mall. 

Jessica, Yuri, Hyoyeon,Tiffany, and Sooyoung were in charge of wardrobe. They had arguments here and there but were broken when Heechul had to step in. Leeteuk had to apologize several time for his boyfriend's rash behavior. Leeteuk forced Heechul back to Hyukjae's to sort out clothes that he thought was too unfashionable for him, which were 90% of the whole thing. 

Hyukjae was taught many things he didn't know before. For example, which colors go with which, how to put on guyliner, even how to tie his shoes in a more fashionable sense because he would only wear shoelace-less shoes (Eunhyukkie's a bit of a klutz so...) and so on. 

When Hyukjae was tucked in by Leeteuk at night, his hyung walked to Heechul. "Chullie-ah, do you think this will work?"

Heechul pecked his cheek. "Yes...Can I crash at your place?" Leeteuk rolled his eyes and walked out with a happy Heechul hot on his trail.


Heechul dragged a grumpy Donghae to the uni's campus the next day. "Hyung~ why are we here? I don't have classes till 9!"

Heechul wanted to punch his dongsaeng's pretty face. Donghae was still a to him at the moment. "Shut up, brat! It's already 8:15! Getting up early won't kill you!" 

Donghae rubbed his eyes. He spent his whole Sunday getting rid of his hangover, clearly not remembering what he did two days ago.  He lazily blinked at the shuffling students, who were getting ready for class. He saw a different yet familiar person walking through the crowd. 

All eyes, including Donghae's, were on the male, jaws were dropping while some had a little drowl glistening at the corners of their lips. The male looked so charismatic. His hair made him look badass along with a leather jacket, a white v-neck, and black skinnies. 

Hyukjae was oblivious to the hungry stares. He happily waved at the sight of his boyfriend. "Hi Hae~"

Heechul smacked his palm on his forehead. Yah! Act cool, will you?!

The other students were chuckled at the ironic male. How could someone act like that while having that kind of appearance? 

Donghae snapped out of his daydream. "Baby? Why are you like that? When did you change your hair?" 

Hyukjae was being bombarded by questions that he couldn't quite answer fast enough. "I helped him."

Donghae's eyes screamed why? Because he was a possessive person, not wanting to share his boyfriend. 

"Do you like it?" Hyukjae asked with the most innocent expression. 

Donghae stiffly nodded. Hyukjae let out a squeal of happiness and pecked Donghae's cheek. "I have to go. I'll see you later, neh?" 

Before Hyukjae walked off, Donghae pulled Hyukjae into a sudden kiss, clearly telling others to back off his lover. Heechul smiled. His plan was working.


Hyukjae's popularity skyrocketed. People would sneak fan letters into his lockers. Some were even brave enough to confess their undying love to him even though they clearly knew that he had a boyfriend. 

This pissed off Donghae. Girls would hang on to Hyukjae; while, he would think it was just friendly gestures. Donghae would always glare at them to go away. One time, Donghae had a fracas with one of Hyukjae's fangirls without Hyukjae knowing. Vice President Donghae was called to the headmaster's office and was severely berated.  

More people wanted to see Hyukjae dance. They wanted to see Hyukjae do a y hip- and concentration when dancing, something that wasn't there with regular Hyukjae. 

Donghae was going insane. He loved Hyukjae. He realized how precious Hyukjae was to him even before the transformation. 


On the day of Hyukjae's dance performance, Donghae broke down. He begged Hyukjae to stop being so cute and handsome at the same time. Hyukjae didn't understand but he has never seen Donghae like this before.  

Hyukjae marched upstage and yanked a microphone out of its place, boinking it on his head before successfully getting it off the stand.

"U-um." Hyukjae didn't really know what to say. "I have a confession to make..." 

Hyukjae took in a breathe. "I'm very thankful for all my fans and admirers for supporting me..." The crowd cheered but paused when Hyukjae raised his palm, signalling them to stop. "...but... u-um, I don't mean to be rude but your kindness is a bit too much... I love you all but I only love one person the most and... that's Lee Donghae so I'm sorry, thank you!" 

The crowd looked at Hyukjae. His eyes were squeezed shut, scared that they'll be angry at him, but when he cracked one eye, he saw how all of the smiled warmly at him. The crowd gave an applause, no screaming and angry comments. The audience supported in his love. 

Hyukjae bowed a few maybe more than ten times before running backstage to Donghae. Donghae gladly caught Hyukjae in his arms, swinging him a few times, and ended with a passionate kiss. "Thank you, baby.." Donghae muttered.


Leeteuk looked at the cute sight. "I guess I was wrong for doubting you."

Heechul pulled Leeteuk into a tight hug. "I am the Great Kim Heechul."

Leeteuk flicked Heechul's forehead. "Shut up." And they kissed. 

A/N Yay~ I'm done! Sorry for the crappy writing! Thanks for reading!


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Chapter 1: Heechul the fairy godmother 。,。。
Chapter 1: heechul jjang!!
i love him for making donghae realizes that hyukkie is really precious,,
ELFhyukhae #3
awww my chullie~ i love u hyuk go and say "thank u to our diva
donghae should suffer more!!!! having a perfect boyfriend llike that and cheating?!?!?! ABSURD!
anyway thank you for sharing~
Milielitre #5
Chapter 1: This is very cute, I like the idea. However, it would have been great if Donghae "suffered" a bit longer. But then again, when idea just pop into your head, they're hard to control^^
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 1: aww.... hae, better not cheat on hyuk again kies..!!
Chapter 1: This is very cute~ Don't try to cheat on hyukkie anymore Hae-ah, arraso? :)
EunHae_KyuMin #8
cant wait...hehe...palli post it...(^_____^)