
Anchor (Prequel to Traveller)

T_T I'm sorry it took so long. Please comment and tell me your thoughts!!





--------------- Flashback ---------------

Seunghyun didn’t always understand why Jiyong wanted to wander off so badly.

He thought that people wanted to settle down into the repetitive rhythm of daily life.

That knowing where to go and how to get there was desirable.

Seunghyun maintained that belief. But it was hard to hold Jiyong down. Prevent him from leaving, journeying into unknown lands.

They say, if you love someone, keep them close to you so that they can never escape.

Seunghyun was dead set on doing just that. He couldn’t imagine living without Jiyong.

And Jiyong couldn’t imagine living without the excitement of travelling.

“Why?” Seunghyun would ask him, grasping onto Jiyong’s wrist, his last hope of keeping the boy by his side.

Jiyong would gaze at Seunghyun, desperation showing from his eyes.

“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry” That was always his response. Seunghyun didn’t know what Jiyong was sorry for. So he asked.

“Why do you keep on saying that?” he demanded. “There’s nothing to apologize for.”

Jiyong bit his lip. “I have to go.”

“I have to go.”

The four words that sent Seunghyun cascading into the depths of depression. The four words that had him reeling, fumbling to get a grasp on reality.

“No...” It came out as a weak whisper. Pathetic.

“No.” Stronger now, as he felt Jiyong pulling away.

“NO.” Seunghyun’s voice boomed out through the room, echoing off the walls.

Jiyong flinched. And pulled more persistently.

Seunghyun tightened his grip. No. He wouldn’t let Jiyong flee this time.

A long period of nothingness ensued, where Jiyong glared at Seunghyun, and Seunghyun stared steadily at Jiyong.

With a sigh of defeat, Jiyong collapsed onto the couch.

Seunghyun followed, refusing to let go of the bony wrist.

“Tell me.”

Jiyong hesitated.

Seunghyun pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, silently encouraging him to go on.

“I-” Jiyong started, only to cut himself off.

Seunghyun patiently waited.

“I...don’t know how to explain it. I can’t stop myself from going to all these countries. I just can’t stand the thought of staying in a single place forever.” Jiyong confessed.

“But why?” Seunghyun was confused. “Why wouldn’t you want the security, the safety of being in one place?”

Jiyong’s looked down. “Because...I’m scared. I’m afraid that if I get too close to someone, they’ll abandon me. Security doesn’t exist because people are unreliable.”

Seunghyun was about to interrupt, but Jiyong started talking again.

“I’m scared, Hyunnie. I’m scared that you’ll leave me, and then I won’t have anything left.” He was tearing up now, his chocolate brown eyes glimmering in the dark with unshed tears.

“I’m scared.” Jiyong whispered, over and over. “I’m scared it will happen again.”


Jiyong was truly crying now, his stick-thin figure shaking as heart-wrenching sobs racked through his body.

“Don’t cry.” Seunghyun pleaded. He pulled the boy into his arms, hugging him so tightly he couldn’t breathe.

Please, don’t cry.

A strangled chuckle came out of Jiyong.

“Do you still remember?” he asked. “That was the first thing you said to me.”

He still remembers?

Seunghyun hugged him tighter, and murmured, “Of course. How could I ever forget?”

They remained in that position for a while, content to hold each other in silence.

Eventually, Jiyong’s cries subsided to quiet sniffles, and he drew in a shaky breath.

“Promise me you won’t leave me, ever.” He sniffled. “Please...

“I promise.” Seunghyun replied fervently. “I promise you, I will stay with you forever. So you don’t have to go. You don’t have to set off into the seas again.”

A weary smile flitted across Jiyong’s face.

Beautiful. Breathtaking. Heart stopping.

“You make it sound like I’m a boat or something...” he mumbled “..setting off into the sea and all that.”

Seunghyun kissed Jiyong, lips brushing over his forehead.

“You are a boat.” he smiled. “And I’m your anchor.”

--------------- End of Flashback ---------------

Seunghyun never thought so many memories could flood his brain, all at once. Especially now, of all times, as he lay on the ground, numb from a bullet wound.

The wailing of sirens pierced his ears, the chaotic mass of people fleeing hurt his eyes. But all he could hear and see was Jiyong.

He’s crying. Again. And I’m probably the reason for it.

“No...” Jiyong choked out, fear coursing through his veins. “Stay awake, Seunghyun! Don’t give up! Please...”

Seunghyun knew it was futile. His life was draining out of him, staining the ground, a dark, crimson pool. It was his time to go.

Drawing upon the remnants of his strength, he slowly lifted his hand and cupped Jiyong’s face, cherishing the smooth, soft skin. Knowing that it would be the last time he would have the privilege to do so.

They say, if you love someone, keep them close to you so that they can never escape.

“You know, Jiyong....they say, if you love someone.....let them go.”

The hand dropped, and Jiyong screamed into the night.



Well...? *peeks out from under covers* Please comment!! >.< Thank you for reading!! <3


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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Chapter 1: I read both although because I'm so lazzy I only commented on this one.
I will try made it up with a long comment.
I actually hat sad written fanfiction, i do like some drama but i don't like chrackter dead.
How ever this one is diffrent because its so loely written. The sad part is actually really short and just a hint of it.
And that makes it easy to read but the love who didn't changed a bit after dead and the hint that there will be happy and together in the end it was jusy beautiful and I was actually sad it was such a short fanfiction.
Hopefully you will continue in writing, because I sence some wonderfull unwritten fanfiction here
Love it <3
WenZhen #3
Chapter 1: IT'S SUCH A GOOD PREQUEL OMG YOU'RE MAKING ME CRY SO HARD AND JUST URGHASKLFJSFLKGHSLHKS:DKHA:KHKLFHSKLFHA .urgh. urghhhhh. you are really good at weaving the twists into the storyline goddddd. IT'S SO SIMPLE. AND SO GOOOOOOOOD (||^||)
Chapter 1: Wow... Oh wow.
I am so glad you shared this with us and we were given a glimpse into how it all came to be. For some reason I had a bad feeling that maybe hyun had ended his own life from loneliness possibly. Well I am glad that wasn't the case. Their story is so tragic but at least they will have each other for always.
Chapter 1: perfectly written...
Looking forward to this!! :D
geetopbaby #8
yeay! prequel!
i'm looking for this!
update soon :D