Anywhere But Here

The Twist
Jonghyun's P.O.V

I walked into the lobby of the hospital holding my stomach for dear life. The world suddenly seemed different. Dangerous.

How was I going to raise my children in this world that looks down upon their parents relationship, upon their birth?

How was I suppose to leave work long enough to have them when I was barely getting transferred to another office?

How was I going to explain it to the company? To my parents? To my friends?

To Key?

How would he react?

We both said we wanted to have kids, but never this soon. Not when we were this young.

We just started our life. He just started his life.

He finally got the internship at Vogue.

Our plans of moving to New York together, getting married in a couple years, buying a big enough home to fit our family, Tamin and Krystal, Minho and Yuri and Nicole and Amber to visit often... The big pool with a slide and diving board in the backyard for the kids to throw parties and invite their friends - eeverything. It was all planned. But now, what? Now what do we do?

My head began to throb from all the questions I was stressing over. Minho noticed and grabbed me from my forearm to hold me up from apparently falling onto a young sickly patient in a wheel chair being pusbed past us by what seemed like her mother.

"Yah, hyung. Take it easy. The early stages of pregnancy are the riskiest for the child- er in your case children. You can't worry yourself too much, it'll effect them too."

I stared at him wide eyed. I was shocked by the fact that he was speaking so seriously about this. It was so surreal now. The heaviness in every part of my body, the intense nausea surfacing again, the results sticking out of Minho’s pocket with highlighter marking leaking out from the white wrinkled paper vaguely.

This was actually happening. I was going to have twins. Me - pregnant. With Key's kids - because he wanted to try topping once, "since he was a man too." I got it, really. It was 2098 and technology and politics were heightened so far fetched that the impossible had become possible.

But seriously! What the hell? Weren't the roles reversed here?! Couldn't the system pick Key? He's the mother figure!

Minho sighed as I covered my mouth and wrapped my arm around his neck leading me to the bathroom. He opened the stall and kneeled down, placing me over the toilet.

"Thank you." I said through a groggy voice as I wiped the thick saliva still dripping from my half open mouth with my sleeve.

"No problem, hyung." He responded simply, rubbing my back as my stomach gurgled followed by a rough bubble pop noise escaping my throat.

Everything went blurry and I laughed at the humor in the scene. I was hovering over a toilet of a hospital building, my hands placed atop the beige cushioned rim with my best friend and half brother right next to me, supporting me.

"What is this?" I asked rhetorically, my laughing becoming abrupt as I burst into tears, choking noises echoing against the tight marble walls around us.

"It's alright, hyung." Minho whispered to me, turning me around to face his chest before he proceeded to burry my face in it causing my sobbing to muffle. "It's alright," he repeated.


The taxi ride home was a rough and expensive one, full of a few stops on the way to vomit in public bathroom and others to fill my stomach with weird combinations of foods in Incheon. As we passed the airport, I stared intensely at the airplanes launching off into the air; a part of me feeling the need to aboard one and just pretend this never happened. Because, quite frankly, I was afraid. For myself, for him, for the kids.

I imagined a life different from what I was being given and it seemed like too much, but when my reflection bounced off from a dim lights in the darkness of the tunnel we just enterered, I looked down at my stomach and all those thoughts flew out the window. I swallowed my pride and accepted the reality - the only thing left now, was telling Key.

What I had miss calculated was the drowsiness that came along with the many symptoms and I awoke to a wet puddle of saliva partly on my cheek and on brand new denim jeans. The smell still fresh on them.

It's nixe of you to wake up now that you ruined my pants." Minho joked.

"Sorry~" I apologized sincerely, I knew how expensive those must have been. After all, my brother's girlfriend had the costliest taste in fashion, always going after Italian brands just for him because she adored spoiling him. "Are we in Gangnam yet?"

"Nearly. Ten minutes from. Enough time to dry these off I'm hoping since Yuri's waiting for me at your house."

I took a deep, long breath and gulped hard. My stomach did a summersault and my heart was beating do rapid and intensely I thought it might be possible to have a heart attack at my age. I figured it happened to young people before, it could happen to me too. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt woozy, I hadn't realized I was having a panic attack; being the first in my life. The taxi driver was quick to pass Minho a brown paper bag and he hurriedly shoved the open side around my mouth.

"Breathe, bro. Breathe." He repeated what seemed like a hundred times as I did my best to in and puff out the air as calmly as possible. I choked a few times at the way he said the slang word 'bro' because, even for an international model, his English was really bad and I had no idea why he thought now would be the best time to use one of the only phrases he knew.

By the time I finally caught my breath accordingly, the taxi driver stopped completely. "We're here." He said smoothly and I could sense the worry in his eyes when they locked mine in his rear view mirror. I could only sigh and give a meek smile before I turned to view mine and Kibum's apartment complex.

I can do this.

"Baby! You're here~" Yuri pulled Minho's arm gently and gave him a kiss on the cheek, checking him up and down as she always did. I never knew why, whether it was signs of another girl's perfume or any track of one whatsoever, maybe stains on his expensive clothes or it could've just been because she really found him that immensely attractive: but it always confused me.

"Hey, what did the doctor say?" Nicole came up to me, worry lines plastered on her forehead.

"Where's Bummie?" I asked.

"He's out with Amber and Krystal, they went out to buy groceries." Taem replied in place of her.

I staggered my way to my favorite large, black and white leathered couch and let my weight fall heavily against the cushions with a deep groan escaping my lips in the process. I was getting so irked by all of this.

"My guess is that the visit wasn't that good?" Yuri frowned.

"I'll tell you about it later, let's go home for now." Minho whispered to her, yet I could clearly hear thanks to his deeply obvious voice. It's not like I even had a problem with him telling her at all, she was practically family since they've been dating for 10 years now. I was positive she wouldn't be against it, she always joked she wanted Key to get pregnant soon so she could take him out and eat everything they wanted, go baby shopping, etc.

"Alright then..." Yuri replied. "I hope you're okay, if you need anything I'm just a phone call away okay? Don't hesitate. Whatever time it is!"

As they left, Taemin and Nicole stared blankly at me: I assume they were wondering if it was their cue to leave as well so I hust nodded absently and they nodded back in understanding.

After a while, the house just seemed so empty, so lonelu - I felt like I needed my Bummie to come and comfort me. I started to think, maybe he wouldn't be against the idea after all, maybe he would be thrilled it wasn't him as he joked. We could probably start over. I smiled as I scrolled through websites of baby clothes and started wondering what gender the kids would be, if they would behave more like me or their dad, and which one they would resemble most, if one would look like me and they other would look like him.

"A mini Kibummie and a mini Jonghyunnie." I said aloud, laughing hysterically at my own thoughts, not noticing the door opening and closing not far from me.

"What do you mean mini me's for us?" He asked with a smile on his face. Krystal and Amber weren't by his side from my guess they separated thanks to their partners calling them.

My heart skipped a beat and I swore I could feel it drop when he appeared next to me. The fear kicked in right then once again, the doubtfulness of his acceptance shook me. Every positive idea I had not many seconds ago flew out the window when he turned his head towards the laptop screen and his smile fell.

"Jjong, we already talked about this. I thought we agreed we wouldn't have kids till after we settled everything down. Don't tell me you're off in your own little world again. I want a family too, eventually, but not right now. I just landed my dream job at Vogue. Please! Understand, I know family means a lot to yiu, especially now that we're both getting older and we're starting a new life where it's acceptable for us to be together. I just can't right now, okay?"

Had this been even just yesterday, I would've completely agreed with him. I wouldn't even be thinking about kids or looking at these sorts of things at all. I wanted a family in the future too, everything he was stating was what I wanted before as well. But that would've been yesterday's thoughts and not today's. Today was different, today I knew what was going on with my body, today I knew a system chose me and Iwwasn't going to deny because it was going to happen with out without his approval.

"I'm pregnant!" I shouted without a thought, not even trying to find a possible way to say it any better or ease into the topic. It was like some maternal instinct I didn't know I even had kicked in and the words he just said to me were offensive against our children because they were ours .

He sighed and looked me square in the eye, "good joke."

A few hours ago, I thought the same. I couldn't even blame him for initially reacting that way, because even in this era, male pregnancy wasn't heard of. Not often anyway, because apparently it had happened before. Unfortunately, it hadn't occurred to me to even ask Minho for the results so I didn't even have proof. Who would believe this sort of things without evidence? I wouldn't have and I'm the one who's pregnant.

My eyes dropped and I noticed a familiar white sheet of paper. I was the results. The idiot actually let it fall out of his pocket. Well, leave it to my brother to lose something important that's not his, because if it was, that paper would be under tight security. I shot up and walked towards it, picking it up, I smiled and let my hand clench it tightly with my unwanted nervousness.

"Here." I said simply.

"What's that?" Key asked, rolling his eyes.

"Your proof."

"What are you talking about?"

He walked towards me and took the paper, as he opened it, his eyes enlarged twice their size. "What kind of sick joke is this? You're taking it too far!" He yelled, his tone demanding a quick answer.

"I told you already, it's your proof!" I became anxious and raised my voice in return. I was telling the truth for crying out loud, I know it was ridiculous but he had to believe me.

"Look, maybe you hit your head todat or you're too tired from all the going on in our lives right now so you brainwashed yourself into believing this mess; maybe you even secretly don't want to leave so this is your way of getting out of it but that's not happening, Kim Jonghyun. I worked too damn hard to earn this opportunity and I'm taking it!"

I watched the now shredded paper fall to the floor of our foyer before he stomped on every piece purposely with heated passion. He made his way to where his Coach boots were andput them on so clumsily they wweren't even completely on. When he reached for the door knob, he turned to me, "and if you think, even if this was real in some alternate universe, it would stop me from doing what I've been working for my whole life you are wrongly mistaken. I will not let you get in my way."


A/N: I'm sorry it took so long for me to update, I've been - without inspiration. But here's a short chapter for you because I know Key's reaction is what my yeobo was waiting for. Now, goodnight. =.=

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studied. now I'm writing it. Let's see how this goes!


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Chapter 2: Please don't stop! I adore the plot and your writing, and I just cant wait to see what happens when Kibum realizes everything is for real.
Chapter 2: Key's an , I like it!!

If I'm ever reencarnated in 2098, I would want my boyfriend to get pregnant... just cuz! lol!

I love it! Well wait for the update anxious :D
Chapter 2: WHAT?!?!?! I thought Key would be nicer than Jonghyun on other Jongkey pregnant stories and would not be as mean as this....but...IM WRONG!! oh my....please update soooooon ~~~
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #4
Chapter 2: OH MY GOD ... O_O
Chapter 2: Ohhhh my good
Im between crying and shouting
This is awesome...
Im speechless....
I hope you update soon
And poor jjong...
babyjoonie0912 #6
Chapter 2: woah! So new Kibum's being badass here and I love it. ^^
Hopefully he will be good to Jjong oppa one day. ^^
Chapter 2: A**hole Key!! Even though he is doing it to my bb, it is so refreshing to see this side of him. -rawr-
Jorbaby #8
Chapter 2: ING KIM KIBUM!!!!!!!!!!! NO This is the first time I have ever said that about him... BUT UGH!!!
Chapter 2: *cries* NOO! Poor Jjongie:(