How I Met Your Father


It was another Saturday morning in Choi’s residence. They are on the dining table, except for Kyu who is still busy making another pancake. Siwon is reading a newspaper, his older son, Minho, is reading some kids magazine, while his little brother, Suho, is reading some story book that their Appa buys. None of them touch any gadgets, since any electronic device is not allowed at the dining table.

“Dad,” suddenly Minho breaks the silence.

Siwon lift his head up looking to his son.

“Can you tell me, how you and Appa met?”

Siwon’s eyes are growing by the sudden question. Kyu who is cooking but still can hear them since the dining table is close to the kitchen, frowning his eyebrows.

Siwon close his newspaper, clear his throat. He looks at Kyu once before return to his son, the younger, Suho, is also close his story book and ready to hear what his father might said.

“Well, Appa is a maknae on our group. He came after we debuted almost a year, and we were kinda feel unfair, since we trained for so long and suddenly someone came and become our last member,”

Kyu clears his throat from the kitchen, he might cook but he is also listening to Siwon’s story.

Siwon continue his stories, “but, your appa really had a good voice. I was mesmerized right away when he sang. And we start our life as a group, but your appa didn’t interact with us so good. He really didn’t talk much, maybe it’s because he feels burden after became our member. And, sons, you might say these pancakes are delicious, but your appa really can’t cook back then. He can’t even cook a ramen!”

“Yah! It’s hard to make ramen for a lot of people like that!”  Kyu cut his husband from the kitchen which only earns a giggle from him and his sons.

“Anyway, for almost a year your appa didn’t have any room to stay, so he just moved to one room to another.”

“Why don’t you sleep with Appa, Dad?” asked Minho.

“I can’t. I was already roommate with uncle Leeteuk. But, once I found your appa slept in the living room. His face was so tired, be he was sleeping like an angel, so peaceful. I did feel something there, but I didn’t know that it was love.” Siwon smiles while took a glance to Kyuhyun who is now blushing.

“Back then uncle Leeteuk was kind of hard with the maknaes, so your appa was kind of suffering a lot, he share it most to uncle Ryewook since they are in the same age. Actually, I was hoping your appa will share it with me, but he didn’t.” Siwon took a glance to Kyuhyun once again.

“But however, after we won an award for the first time, your appa finally felt like the part of the group, and uncle Leeteuk was not that hard to them anymore. And..... your appa, who once was a shy maknae, became an evil one,” Siwon smirks to his sons.

“Appa became an evil? I thought you said he slept like an angel, Dad.” Now the younger Suho finally spoke.

Kyu came from the kitchen, sits next to Siwon and rubs his younger son cheek, while smiling, “I am an angel, sweetheart.”

Siwon rolled his eyes, and continue his story, “but we had this one big accident,” he stops for a while, looks at Kyu before continue, “your appa almost dead because that accident.”

“Appa was on accident?” Minho is shocked after knowing the fact.

“Yes. I was so scared back then. I was so scared that I’d lose him, we’d lose him. We were young, and it wasn’t the time to think about dead. So, I was really scared your appa will be really gone, I pray and almost cried every day after the accident. But, because that accident, it makes me realize that what I felt is love. After the accident the members are getting closer than before, we spend more time together. And as long I didn’t have any schedule, I was always took time to came to the hospital. Your appa rest about 7 months, and the day that he was out off the hospital was the happiest day of my day.” Siwon looks at Kyu once again before hold his hand.

“Did Appa know you love him already, Dad?”

Siwon turn to his sons again, “no. I was afraid too to tell him, so I was giving him affection just as hyung to his dongsaeng. But day by day I start fail to hide my feeling,” Siwon laugh a little, “I was kissing and hugging your appa more than other members when we were on the stage, and I was lucky that I once known as an addicted to skinship, so your Appa didn’t soon realized my feeling.

But, your appa did enjoy it. He sometimes kisses and hugs me back. I didn’t know that your appa was also in love with me already. Well, obviously he will fall for me easily, but I was not that sure back then.” Siwon laugh a little while Kyu rolled his eyes, even until years Siwon never get enough of teasing him.

“But after months your appa suddenly became strange. He didn’t reject my kisses or hugs when we were on the stage, but when we were off the stage he will start avoiding me. When I was around him, he will try to find other activity that made him away from he, or he will went to his room and sleep. And finally I can’t stand the way your appa avoiding me. So, one day I came late to the dorm after I was struggling in my bed can’t sleep, because the way your appa avoiding me was the only thing in my mind. I came to the dorm, and confess to him, and without saying anything, your appa, finally, kissed me.” Siwon end his story.

“Woah. What? That’s not the real story!” Kyu looked at him shocked, and turn to his sons once again. “That’s not the real story, boys. The real one is, your dad and me met when I was became the new member of our group. I was so scared that they won’t accept me as the new member because I know they suffered a lot from the training days. And there was your dad, no matter how he hides the fact that he was rich, he still looked rich. I shared more to uncle Ryewook because, yes, he is on the same age of me. And I didn’t share to your dad because he already busy with his drama schedule even before he is famous.” Kyuhyun glare to Siwon before continue, “and after the accident, your dad suddenly became so nice to me. I thought it just because he feels pity of me, but well, like he said, it was actually love. Your dad is known as an addicted to skinship, so he did kiss and hug me in the stage. And I did not enjoy it, it was just because he did it in public, so I had no other option that receives it with smile.”

“Oh, come on Kyu, you did enjoy it.”

Kyu rolled his eyes, “I did not enjoy it. However, I did reply his kiss and hug, and that was the time when... I feel something on him.” Kyu stopped, hide his blush by looking to the ceiling.

Siwon just grinning looking at his husband, even after years, he still feels shy to tell about his feeling. Their sons just giggling by looking his appa.

“And?” Suho asked.

Kyu looked to his son, “and, your dad met a girl once, so that’s way I start to avoiding him.”

Siwon looked shocked, “what? She is just a relative, Kyu.”

“Oh yeah? That one time when your parents and her parents having a dinner together with you and her is just a ‘relative’ thing? It was more like matchmaking for me.”

Siwon looked to Kyu, and then to their sons, who looking to them confusedly, he shook his head, “she is just a relative.”

Kyu rolled his eyes, “and after that like your dad said, he came to the dorm and confess that he love me. And..... I did not suddenly kiss him.” Kyu glare at Siwon once again.

“You did suddenly kiss me. You were crying after I said I love you, and when I asked why you just... You suddenly kissed me.”

“You were the one who moved first, our forehead touch and... You know.” Kyu stopped the detail since their kids are listening to them.

“I just made our forehead touched, but you are the one who start to... it.”


“What? It’s not like you start....” Siwon try to find a proper word to explain, “being impatient.”

“Me? Being impatient??? You were, no, your hands were the one who start all of it.”

“My hands? Your tongue!”

“Siwon! Not in front of them!” Kyu hisses a little bit, and when they turn their heads to their sons, their sons are not sitting in there again.

“Hyung! Wait for me.” Suddenly their head turn to Suho who is already running to catch his brother to the pool.

Kyu looked at Siwon while pouting, luckily their kids didn’t hear any of their ‘story’.

Siwon just smile and reached Kyu’s body, embrace him tenderly and planting a lot of butterfly kisses on his head.

“No matter how I met you, I will always being in love with you.”

Siwon pulled away Kyu just enough to see the boy’s face, “I love you, Cho Kyuhyun. I love our family so much.”

Kyu’s pout turn to shy smile, he then move a little bit to reached the man’s lips. They kiss gently, slow, but Siwon is getting impatient with just lips touch, his tongue start to dance with Kyu’s, and touch all the cavern and making Kyu moans.

When they pulled away for breathe, Siwon smile, give a little peck once again, “see? You are the one who suddenly kissed me.” Siwon said with smirk.

Kyu is pouting again, who only earns him a laugh from Siwon. Siwon pulled him to his embrace once again before he said, “come on, let’s see our kids.”

While still embracing Kyu they walk to the pool, watching their sons play. Well, in the end it’s more like Kyu is watching, Siwon is finally joined their sons in the pool and start to splashing water to Kyu. Kyu who pretend to get annoyed with the splash finally just smile looking to the 3 persons in the world that he loved so much.


I'm kind of having a hard time to decided Wonkyu's kids name. But, thanks to Siwonniefan for the advice!


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Chapter 1: please wonkyu stop to push argue each other who have many teenager topic.lol so thankful ur children have been go away XD no matter what happen with you guys, i am so proud you finally life tgt and happy...
Chapter 1: Aigo... Nice summary of their past...sooo cute when they fight for who started what...hahahah LoL
Chapter 1: so sweet~~
Chapter 1: So sweet as always, my wonkyu <3 Minho and Suho are understanding children didn't they hehe thank you for sharing!
Chapter 1: Soooo sweeet...
Saravy #6
Chapter 1: I thought this was going to be an AU, but it wasn't. Nice!! This was very sweet. I really like shy Kyu. Great job!!
chri5sy #7
Chapter 1: Soooo sweettt
Chapter 1: so sweeet ... :D
Chapter 1: Since how they met is true... Let's hope the happy family will come true as well! hahaha
So cute btw!

You're welcome :D I just shared with you what everyone already knows <3
Chapter 1: i love it... i love it so much~~~~~ happy family ever after xD... thank you for this story ^o^