1.7. Kimchi And A Date

My Life Is A Korean Drama?!


All that studying had paid off and you and Kris aced the examination. To celebrate, your mother proposed a family feast. She even allowed you to invite a friend and you asked Minzy. L. Joe didn't invite anyone over, despite the many friends and fans he had. You wondered why. 

The celebration was on Friday night. Minzy walked straight home with you and L. Joe and when you arrived, your mom was already busy preparing food, but dad was absent. 

"Umma, where's Dad?" L. Joe inquired when he entered the kitchen. 

Your mother frowned and shook her head. "He has to work late today so he won't be joining us."

You weren't perturbed because you hardly knew him, but L. Joe obviously was. "Figures," he muttered and went to his room. 

Caught up in the drama, you almost forgot about your guest. You lead Minzy to your room and you both took off your bags and coats. "So, what do we do in the meantime?" asked Minzy.

"Don't know. Homework?"

Minzy looked at you incredulously. "You're joking, right?" She slapped your arm. "Tell me what happened with Niel."

"Oh, you must really be bored, well…it turns out he knew me and L. Joe when we were kids. And guess what?"


"He's my childhood crush!"

You and her squealed together. "That's amazing!"

Your energy deflated. "But I don't remember him and L. Joe said I'm not allowed to date so there goes that."

"Well that ."


Bored with talking, you and Minzy decided to help your mom out in the kitchen. Referring to these people as your family and friends wasn’t so difficult now because you constantly reminded yourself that this was just a long dream. It was the only thing keeping you from losing your sanity. You just had to live out this drama until you wake up.

When you were in the middle of cleaning what Minzy called “kimchi”, someone knocked on the front door. Your mother left to answer it.  She returned minutes later with Niel in tow.

He bowed and greeted you. You said “hello” back. “What are you doing here?”

“I invited him,” L. Joe said as he walked into the kitchen where everyone had been assembled. “I hope that’s fine, umma,” he smiled at her.

“Oh, that’s okay. Since your father won’t be around to eat with us Niel can take his place,” she said. She returned to the task she was doing before Niel showed up.

Niel stared at you and you stared back at him. L. Joe interrupted by taking Niel away to his room. “Why did he invite him?” You asked when they left.

“Well you did say you, him, and L. Joe were childhood friends. I don’t see anything wrong with it,” Minzy shrugged.

“Guess I’m overreacting.”

Dinner was done after an hour of labor. You stared in awe at the food, but you didn’t know what was what. For the last two days you’ve only eaten rice –the only dish you were familiar with. L. Joe and Niel joined you, Minzy and mom at the table. L. Joe sat across from you while Niel sat next to you. It felt awkward.

“Ahem.” Your mom coughed to get everyone’s attention. She nodded in your direction. “This is to celebrate Y/N’s success in her studies. I’m proud to have two bright and wonderful children. I hope that you may continue to make progress in school and in life,” she finished. Everyone toasted.

Dinner was uncomfortable simply because every time Niel tried to talk with you, you felt like L. Joe was glaring in your direction. You relaxed when Minzy started talking to him and your mom.

“I was thinking we should go see a movie tomorrow,” Niel proposed.

You nodded and smiled. “I would like that.” ‘He looks so cute when he’s excited.’ You remembered what L. Joe said about you dating. “This isn’t a date though, is it?”

Niel blushed and almost choked on his water. “No, just two friends catching up,” he covered.

Out of the corner of your eye you looked to see if L. Joe was glaring. He wasn’t paying attention to you anymore. “Oh, then sure. Text me the details.”

After dinner, Minzy and Niel left together and you helped L. Joe wash the dishes. Your mother was exhausted, so L. Joe kindly ordered her to rest. L. Joe scrubbed the dishes while you washed and dried.

“What was Niel saying?” he asked suddenly.

“He just wanted to hang out tomorrow. I said ‘yes’.”

“Be careful.”

“I will. If anything I’ll call you.”

You heard him smile. When you checked to see if he was smiling he was staring straight at you. “Y/N…” he said, almost desperately.

“What’s wrong, L. Joe?”

He returned his gaze to the dishes. “You can call me ‘oppa’ if you want. Better yet, just call me ‘oppa’ from now on.”

You furrowed your brows in confusion. Why he was requesting this you had no idea, but you complied just to satisfy him.

“Okay, oppa.”




“That’s gross. You’re my friend and she’s my sister. I thought it was pretty obvious nothing was going to happen.”

“I’m sorry if you didn’t like it,” Niel apologized as he rubbed the back of his head. 

Slowly, he approached your lips with his and just when you were about to kiss- “Y/N!” 

Your adopted, overprotective, annoying brother stopped and put you in a position so that you were face-to-face. “I don’t want him to be your first,” he admitted.

You said finally, “I don’t hate you, oppa-“


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I made the previews confusing on purpose xD they are just snippets from the next chapter


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dimplegirl_ain98 #1
Chapter 11: hahaha!!how can i think Kris was angry..and A DATE?? XD
dimplegirl_ain98 #2
Chapter 10: what's happening??Kris angry??update soon..please~^^
Chapter 9: Just let them 2 be together it ain't like their really blood related THEIR ADOPTED FOR GOD SAKES ! L.Joe loves her in a Man and Woman way so i see nothing wrong with that and in that fact if L.Joe leaves his Non-Related sis, She's gonna be heart broken badly also its
not just l.joe Its gonna be BOTH of them whose heart broken
Chapter 8: If he leaves iwill kill you.
Chapter 8: b-but, they're siblings and he kissed her!
Chapter 6: this should have soo many more comments.