Chapter 5

I'm a F00L in Love

Another day, another routine, another same scream from his next class. Kyuhyun’s class.

His fans getting decrease everyday. They’ve gone and leave him. Strangely, he’s not sad at all. Hmm… he still happy because Kyuhyun will sent him a simple smile everytime they’ve met. And it’s the only smile for him. Because that genius guy never give his gentle smile to anyone else, except Sungmin. Take note, it’s really ONLY Ming who made he smiles. No doubt. 

“Here we go, another pabo smile” it’s Eunhyuk who got bored with his buddy.

“Can you stop day dreaming Ming? Just go to him and asked him out. He loves you. Why you must torturing your self?” now Donghae’s turn to give him his speech.

“Hey, don’t push him too hard. Just let it flow. Maybe they still shy” and Leeteuk will be on his side.

Sungmin smile brightly and hug him.

“Why it's not you who sent me the letter, Teukie? It’ll be more easier for me” said Sungmin abruptly.

“What?” but Kangin voice wakes him up.

“Hehehehe.. just kidding, Kangin-ah”

“Don’t worry, you still have time”

“No! He’s not, Teuk-ah” Eunhyuk put his hand to Sungmin shoulder and shake a lil bit before continue his speech, “Ming, your scholarship will gone if you can’t back to your position. Get his heart make him more fall for you and snatch your first place back. It’s fine for him to be second place, not for you” then reality hit him.

He was lost in love for a moment. And he really never thought about his grade after he realize his own feeling.

“It’s kind of sabotage their love, Hyuk-ah. How could you do this to our lovely Ming?” said Leeteuk motherly.

“Teuk-ah, you could do whatever you want in this school. Because you’re rich. And so do you, Kangin-ah. But us? I should pay those high price with my dance skills and trophy. Same like Donghae and Sungmin. My baby should kick more ball and won the championship if he still want to be here. While Ming? All of you know it better, right?”

The silent fill in the air. Sungmin acknowledge it and he should take a plan.

No! He won’t give up for his love and his school. It’s his motto. Keep fight until the last blood drop.

“Then what should I do?” asked Sungmin after he decide that he must make a move.

“Great! Take the lead!” Donghae’s suggestion.

“No! Not yet! We should prepare him, inside and outside” sang Leeteuk with his motherly voice again.

“Aigooo… he’s not your baby doll Teuk-ah” whimper Eunhyuk.

“Donghae-ya, can you make your Monkey shut his mouth up? Or I’ll help you with my sweet punch?” threaten Kangin.

“Mwo? Ya! Don’t you dare or..”


“Guys? I need all of you to help me now?” plea Sungmin to stop the violation.

“Ah, sorry Ming” said those three, while Leeteuk already have plan on his mind to make over his best rival.

“Haaah.. why Shindong must have date with Nari when I need more people to help me?” grumble Sungmin and sighing again when Kangin and Donghae start to fight again.

Now I should watch Raccoon beat Fish?



Wow!!! New lovely subscriber!! welcome welcome!! *hug hug hug*

Kyu : Ehem! Author, why you don't let me talk in here? where's my greatness scene?

Ming : don't worry kyu, you still be great eevn without talking. you have your charm. 

A: ???

Hyuk: it's okay kyu, you can enjoy your game while waiting..

Hae: YA! Help me!!! Kangin Hyung don't want to stop kick me!! Hyuk-ah!!!

A: ???


see you next chapter... \(^0^)/

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 6: i like ur cute corner... funny hahaha
Chapter 27: Ahh.. It's so much fun to read this~^^
cute..funny but a little sad too.... Great!!
rizzorin #3
Chapter 27: hhahahahah~ love this~
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 27: Nice ending, and happy too, love it and see you in lover in tokyo
shinichinarita #5
Chapter 27: Ending! I am enjoying the story.
Thank yooouuuu
Kyu-Min #6
Chapter 27: Awwwww~ I'm so happy that Kyumin had a happy and ending~Yet so sad that it's the end.
I really enjoyed reading this fanfic!
Keep writing Author-nim~
shinichinarita #7
Chapter 26: Yesssssss, update pleaseeeeeeee!
Kyu-Min #8
Chapter 26: When everyone was freaking out about Kyumin, that was hilarious. And Kyumin will have a happy ending right? Why did Kibum follow them out, too?
I really want to know how it ends, but I'm sad that it's gonna be over.

Fighting Author-nim! Update soon~