My Special Snowflake


"Hyuk! Sanghyuk-ah!"

“Oh, hyung, I’m just-”

“Hey, isn’t that Sanghyuk?” My brother’s voice had scared me as he stood behind me, eyes glued to the television.

“Ugh, geez, do you have to come in without knocking?” I replied back with a breathy voice and a hand on my chest.

My brother’s eyebrows knit together. “But…it’s the living room…and there’s no door…”

“Ugh, whatever! What do you need?”

My brother walked around the couch and plopped down next to me. “Nothing,” he shrugged, “I just wanted to know if that was Sanghyuk.”


“On the television!” I turned my head back to the television and saw the members of VIXX laughing, but the camera wasn’t particularly on Hyuk. My heart beat a little bit faster seeing Hyuk with that smile I missed seeing in person.

I nodded my head, dropping my hands into my lap and adjusting the blanket over me. I answered, “Yeah, that’s him.”

“Wow, I almost forgot that your boyfriend left you to become an idol,” my brother snickered before getting up and skipping to his bedroom. I was ready to chase after him for saying that, but I sunk into the cushions instead.

I sighed and muttered, “He was never my boyfriend.” My eyes wandered back to the television that was now showing a pouting Ken. I left the television on, but my attention was now on what I could see from the window. Snowflakes drifted down, slowly making a blanket over the city. The sight pulled my heartstrings as I remembered the times I spent with Sanghyuk.

I had known Hyuk since before middle school. From the moment I moved to his elementary school, we became good friends. Hyuk was a little bit shy and quiet, but the more time I spent with him, the louder he turned out to be. The longer I stayed next to his side, the more feelings I harboured for him.

I laid my eyes back on the television, and it was back on Hyuk. A long sigh escaped my lips as I felt my heart squeeze. Looking back out the window, I felt a shiver go down my spine. Hyuk was somewhere out there, but did his heart hurt as much as mine?




“Hey, hey, hey!”

“Hm?” I looked up from the school work that I was finishing. It was Sanghyuk with a big smile on his face and his tie loosened. “Yeah?” I raised an eyebrow.

Hyuk crouched down and rested his chin on my desk. He let out a sigh and turned his head to me. I dropped my pencil and leaned forward. Our eyes met, and Hyuk grinned, his eyes barely open. “Do you want to come to that new arcade down the street with me after school?” he wondered. He picked up my pencil and began to write on my paper. Please…

I pressed my lips before answering, “Um, I don’t know.” I looked back at my work and the “please” he had written taunted me. “Yeah…I guess I can spare a few hours.” I took my pencil from Hyuk as he was spinning it, and his smile grew bigger.

Hyuk stood up and fixed his tie. “Okay, it’s settled. After school, it’s just you and me.” I returned the smile, and my heart almost stopped. “I’ll take you home, too, so don’t worry.” I would never worry, Hyuk.

That day had been life changing (okay, that might be an exaggeration). I always loved being around Hyuk in any way, and I took every opportunity I had. It was snowing heavily that day, but Hyuk’s presence was warm.

“Oh, it’s snowing,“ Hyuk remarked once we stepped out of the arcade. He turned to me, propping up his bag on his shoulder. He shrugged off his uniform blazer and put it around my shoulders. “You look cold,” he chuckled. I wanted to cry, but I bit my lip and thanked him.

The two of us walked to the nearest bus stop and hopped onto the incoming bus. We were thankful that it came quick. It was freezing outside. Hyuk sat beside me, and my heart continued to beat in an unsteady pattern. Suddenly, he took my hands into his and held them tightly.

“What are you-”

“My hands are cold, and surprisingly yours aren’t.” I faced Hyuk who only had a serious, but soft expression on his face. I swallowed the growing lump down my throat and looked out the window with tears forming in my eyes.

At this point, I had already figured out my feelings for him. I wanted to hold him close to me, and I didn’t want to let him go. He told me that he was moving to Seoul because of his dreams to become an idol. I supported him, but it seemed that I needed someone to support me.

When the bus came to my stop, Hyuk came off with me. The snow continued to swirl around us. It was cold, but I wanted to stay with Hyuk longer.

“Wait for me.”

I’d been thinking about those words. It’s been a little over a year since I’ve seen him with my own eyes. I know, a year isn’t that long, but with the feelings he left me with, it felt like a decade.

“I like you.”

Careful fingers and trembling lips.

“So, please wait for me. I know I’m horrible, asking you to wait for me for who knows how long.”

His fingers were cold, but his breath was hot.

“I’ll wait. I like you, too, so…I’ll wait.”

His lips against my forehead when he pulled me closer were also hot.

Hyuk, I’m waiting for you.


“Did you hear?”

I looked up from my breakfast to see my brother standing, leaning against the table. He held something behind his back, but I wasn’t all too curious to know what it was he was telling me.


“VIXX is playing here in three weeks.”

I put my spoon down and pressed my lips together. Whatever was stuck in the back of my throat was swallowed down as I stared in my brother’s eyes.

I could barely speak as I asked, “H-how’d you know?”

My brother shrugged, standing straighter. “Having a friend as a radio DJ has its perks…here.” He set down a small slip of paper, but when I narrowed my eyes to get a closer look, I could read, “VIXX Concert, 6:00-8:00…-“

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I jumped out of my seat and hugged my brother as tight as I could.

With a strained voice, he said, “I d-don’t think you read it entirely. It’s the fifth row f-from the stage, and you’ll have to g-go alone, is that okay?”

“Yes! I just want to see Hyuk again!” I let go of my brother and sat back down in my seat, trying to calm my beating heart. “Well, not that I don’t want to see the other members, it’s just…”

My brother ruffled my hair as he murmured, “I know, kiddo. Now, finish your breakfast.” With that, he left the room. I picked up the ticket once again and examined it carefully. What if…he’s just…joking…Nonetheless, I let out a squeal and held it close to my chest. If I could tell Hyuk I’ll be there, that would be great.

A week passed by, which meant two more weeks until the VIXX concert. I found out a few of my other friends would be going. They were surprised when they saw I managed to get a seat in the fifth row, but they wished me luck that Hyuk would see me. It was still snowing, and I was still waiting for Hyuk.

A few days later, I was sitting in my room, trying to familiarize myself with VIXX’s songs (as if I didn’t know the lyrics to each one already). More than that, I was wondering how many Starlights would be going. How Starlights would feel if they found about Hyuk and I. How many Starlights might hate it. Ugh, there’s no time to be thinking about that. Rather than thinking about the fans, I convinced myself to prepare my heart for when I’d see Hyuk.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The display name was unknown, and I could tell the number was from out of the city. I was reluctant to answer it, but did it anyway.



I almost dropped the phone upon hearing the voice of the caller.


A bubbly laugh rung through my ears. “Oh, okay, good, you still have the same number.”

I was lying on my stomach, but to my backpack. I closed my eyes as I could feel my heart beating faster. “Y-yeah, even after a year, I haven’t changed it.” I felt like crying. The same feelings as the ones I felt on the day he left were lingering. Hyuk, it’s you.

It was silent for a few seconds before I could hear Hyuk’s breath pick up.

“Hey…so, how’s everything?” Hyuk had this tendency to talk about anything if it got quiet. I don’t think he exactly hated the silence. I just felt like he thought we’d be wasting the time we could spend getting to know each other by talking rather than not.

I chuckled, “Good? I guess. School’s been the worst, but I think the weather is not that great either.” I opened my eyes and looked out the window. It was still snowing. “The snow hasn’t changed.”

“I miss it.”

“Miss what?”

“The snow.” Hyuk was quiet for another moment before continuing. “The snow in Seoul is really cold. When it snows, it feels so depressing, but when it snows there, I feel like it actually gets warmer.”

I hadn’t given much thought to that. After hearing him say that, I realized he was right. Every winter I spent here never felt cold because I wasn’t paying attention to it at all. I had Hyuk with me, and we spent our wintry days together. Maybe that’s why it was so warm.

“Can I ask you?” I let out a slight cough. “Why are you calling me out of the blue?”

The white snow continued to sway in the winter wind.

“I…wanted to know if you’re coming to the concert coming up,” Hyuk honestly answered. The nervousness in his voice was noticeable.

My eyes focused on the white ceiling. “I am. My brother got me a ticket. Why?”

“No, I just…miss your face. That’s all.”

A sad smile formed on my face. I sighed, “I miss your face, too. I miss you, Sanghyuk.”

“I miss you.” Hyuk did the same as he let out a shaky breath. After a short time of listening to the other’s steady breathing, Hyuk broke the melancholic atmosphere. “Well, since we haven’t seen each other in so long, wait for me. After the concert.”

“S-sure. I’ll do that.” I held my free hand in front of me and looked through the spaces between my fingers.

“I’ll text you with this same number, okay?” Hyuk began to laugh. “So, don’t be alarmed, okay?” It was refreshing and relieving to hear his laugh again. “I have to go now.”

“Okay,” I mumbled. “I’m glad you called me.”

“Me, too. W-well, I’m glad I called you.” Hyuk is so cute. “I’ll see you at the concert, okay? Uh, wait, are you close to the stage?”

“Fifth row.”

“Okay, I’ll see you in the fifth row! Bye!”


Another goodbye from Hyuk, but we would be seeing each other soon.




Today was the VIXX concert. More than anything, I wanted to go there quickly and see Hyuk. My brother drove me to the venue where I met up with my friends. They were all sitting together without me, but it was fine because I’d be able to see my favourite maknae up close.

“Ah, I’m so excited!” I exclaimed, latching onto my friend’s arm and shaking it.

She pried my hand off and giggled, “Calm down, calm down, we all know you are.” She leaned in closer and whispered, “Because you get to see your Sanghyuk.” I slapped her arm, but I couldn’t deny it. I couldn’t deny the smile that was already forming on my face.

We were finally allowed inside, and everyone quickly settled into their seats. I didn’t know any of the people sitting around me, but they all seemed like nice Starlights. Some had “Hyuk” signs which made me chuckle. Should I have made one, too?

Six o’clock came a lot faster, and soon, all the members were on stage. If I wasn’t already “Hyuk-biased,” I would have had a horrible time trying to choose a bias. All the other members were gorgeous (not to mention, older boys) and talented. I was surprised Hyuk didn’t find me until halfway through the concert.

I was in the middle of taking pictures until I took a picture of Hyuk staring right at the camera. I held the camera down, away from my face, and Hyuk was still looking at me. This time, his eyes were looking into mine. He smiled, and not only did all the fans go crazy, but so did my heart. I bit my lip and gave him a sheepish smile. It was one thing to have him smile at me, but it was another to do in front of so many people. My heart couldn’t handle it.

Once the concert ended and all the members were off stage, I stayed put in my seat. Everyone began to leave with smiles on their faces as they continued to wave their signs and lights. I closed my eyes, holding my phone. This was all very sudden, but I wasn’t complaining.

My phone vibrated, and I opened my eyes. People were still making their way out of the hall, but I seemed to be the only one actually sitting. I took another look at my phone. It was Hyuk.

“I’m going to give you a set of directions, just follow them,” the text message read. Hm.

Another message came, and soon, more followed. They were a set of directions, instructing me to go out of the hall, down one hallway, take a left at another corner. I was confused despite following the steps properly.

I ended up outside by a few cars. It wasn’t the main parking lot in front, but a secluded area for authorized vehicles. No one was around, and it was dark. I left footprints in the thin blanket of snow on the pavement as my eyes scanned the area. It was a bit scary, but the moon shined brightly.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around me from behind me. “You’re here.” It was Hyuk.

“Sanghyuk…” I held his arms and nuzzled my reddening face into them. My breathing picked up, and so did my heartbeats.

“What’d you think?” Hyuk turned me around, holding me at arm’s length.

I smiled softly before answering, “You were great. I didn’t know you could dance though.” Hyuk laughed, shaking his head in embarrassment.

“Neither did I! But I worked hard and practiced a lot.”

“Well, it definitely paid off.”.

I blinked before studying Hyuk’s face in the moonlight. He looked different yet he looked like the same boy I always knew and liked. I missed him a lot, and I wished I was there to see him go through all this change. I was happy he was finally here though.

“I told you to wait, right?”  Hyuk said as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I nodded, looking away from him. “You know…I was going to ask you all this in the concert, and I’ve been thinking about it so much. I realized, it wouldn’t do any good to the two of us, especially with me being an upcoming idol and all the fans would go crazy.”

“Don’t be too sure,” I mumbled, poking fun at his confidence of having fans.

“I know.”

I looked up at Hyuk. He wore a serious expression. “I know,” he continued. “I love the fans, sure, but there’s only one person I’ve been trying so hard to impress and make her look at only me.” Hyuk’s lips trembled, and I remembered the day he left. I took a deep breath in.

“I want her to only look at me. I want her to only think of me. I want her to only love me.” Hyuk’s eyes were shining in the moonlight. “I want you to only look at me. I want you to only think of me. I want you to only love me.”

“I do.”

Hyuk’s lips parted, and suddenly, they were on mine. His lips were soft against mine. They were hot. The snow continued to drift around us. I wished this moment could last longer.

“Then, be mine.”

“Yeah, I guess it’s the only thing I can do.”

Even though I’d have to spend a number of winters more here alone, I was sure they wouldn’t be cold. There would only be one special snowflake I’d be thinking about. My one and only Hyuk. 




A/N: Oh. My. Goodness. I AM SO SORRY ;; I am so sincerely sorry I haven't updated this since March...f-four months...I'm so sorry ;; I know that personally I get annoyed when people don't update their fics, especially oneshots, in a while if they're not specifically on hiatus or something so...I'm the only one to blame though. I'M SORRY ;; I want to thank those who have actually been subscribed since March and have waited. Thank you so much! I don't deserve such wonderful subscribers, but I'm happy I even do have subscribers. Thank you to those who have even just read it without being subscribed, do leave a comment, or something, haha. I guess this oneshot (since I updated it so late) is in celebration of mine and Hyuk's birthdays? (cos I'm july 4th and he's july 5th) Haha, but anyway, I tried to do justice to the beautiful Hyuk, so hopefully, it was worth the wait (but I odn't really think so ;;). Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!

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sorry guys i'll try my best to update this sometime this week or next week ugh sobs sorry hyuk ;;


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smilehoyaaa #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute fbbfbdb
Chapter 1: Aw beautiful Hyuk fluff! I agree with what you said in the forward there is a surprisingly small amount of non beautiful VIXX oneshots out there but this is one of them. So your a VIXX stan too? Omg I thought my friend and I were the only ones! It's kinda scary how VIXX has blown up every kpop list I've ever had, no other band has done this to this extent. Anyway that's cool that your birthday is close to Hyuk's (mine is the same day as Leo's so I know how you feel) so are you Hyuk's noona or is he your oppa? Anyway I'm done spouting nonsense and wasting time and space. *bows* annyeong! (^_^)v
Chapter 1: <3 this is the best Hyuk one shot I've ever read! (There are so few..) sighhh... It's sad, but there's still that element of hope tree and in the end, it implies greater things for the future~ it gives good feels~

Thanks, author-dongsaengie~ (I'm a 95-liner so now I know I don't have to call you author-nim~ XD)
Chapter 1: OMG YOU UPDATED OMG OMG OMG :D:D:D:D I've been subbed for aaaaaaaaaaaages! :D OMG THIS IS SO GOOD <3 AWESOME JOB AUTHOR!!! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR A FEW WEEKS AGO!!! ^^ I was so excited about a vixx x you story~ and then when this updated I was so happy~ I never thought it would <3 ahhh it was so good~ Worth the wait :D
xiu_pao #5
OMG FINALLY A YOU X VIXX STORY! Ive been waiting so long for one ;3;
I'm so excited for this one ahhhhhhhhhh <3