Thank you Heechul hyung...

Thank you Heechul hyung...


Donghae and Eunhyuk were best friends. But of course something happened. You will ask what. Well they found out that they developed different kind of feelings for each other. The time was passing but neither one of them had the courage to confess. Until that day, until the day of their first scandal…


“Is it true?” Donghae asked as he tried not to burst out and just yell and punch Eunhyuk “Tell me Is it true Lee Hukjae?”


“……..” Eunhyuk was just looking at the ground without saying anything.


“Say something damn it” Donghae couldn’t suppress his anger anymore.


“What do you want me to say?” Hyukjae whispered and looked at Donghae.


“I don’t know just say something, explain…anything”




“Great, silence again” Donghae said and was gonna exit the room, but Hyukjae’s voice stopped him.


“ YOU LEE DONGHAE” He shouted and felt how his eyes were filling with tears. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”


He couldn’t stand it anymore. Donghae and him were always glued to each other and even when there was something bothering them, they were always together to solve the problem. But now was different. Donghae was cold and angry. They were like completely strangers for a week, but then Donghae felt like he’ll go crazy and here are they fighting.


The reason for their fight?  The reason is a girl. There always been a girl saying that she like Hyukjae. It was HY from Girls Generation, but he never actually looked at her, never actually noticed her or returned her feelings. As long as the things were like that Donghae never said anything but something happened. One day he got home earlier since he was done with his schedule. He sat on the couch and switched on the TV and that’s when he heard it.


Super Junior’s Eunhyuk and HY from Girls Generation are together!!! What a news ladies and gentlemen!!! They are such a cute couple!!!


Something in Donghae broke, he was so angry, sad, desperate…so empty. He was blaming himself. He thought that maybe if he had confessed, now maybe they…they would be a couple…


Oh god, what was he thinking. Eunhyuk would never return his feelings, he would never perceive him like that. That was killing him. He decided that he doesn’t have the right to be mad and tell Hyukjae what to do, so he was just trying to ignore him as much as he could. A week passed, but Donghae was only feeling worse and that day he just couldn’t take it anymore…





“What’s wrong” Eunhyuk asked as calmed a little after his little outburst. “Why are avoiding me and being cold the whole week?”


“It’s nothing, forget it” Donghae said and then felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. It was Jessica. She was Donghae’s friend but Eunhyuk was always jealous when she was near Donghae.


“It’s her, right?” Hyukjae asked.




“Your girl, Jessica” Eunhyuk said and smiled bitterly.


“She’s not my girl Hyuk, she’s just a friend” Donghae said


“Yeah right, like I’m stupid” Eunhyuk whispered so Donghae won’t hear him, but he did.


“Yah!” Donghae raised his voice “Why are you like this?”


“Like what?” Eunhyuk asked and looked straight at Donghae’s eyes. “I’m just saying that you don’t have to lie of you’re dating with that slu…” Eunyuk stopped before he insults Jessica completely.


“Watch your mouth Hyukjae, she’s my friend” Donghae hissed.


“Yeah right, and that’s exactly what I thought too” he smirked.


“Oh, so you angry now, huh?” Donghae smirked too. “You didn’t really look like you cared last week when you were with HY right?”


“Oh god, is that why you’re like this the whole week” Eunhyuk asked “I can be with whoever I want and do whatever I want and you don’t have the right to behave like this Donghae”


“SCREW YOU HYUKJAE, WHO THE YOU THINK YOU ARE, HUH?!?!” Donghae just exploded and he didn’t care anymore he was just too tired to hide his feelings and pretend he don’t care. “SO YOU CAN BE ANGRY AT ME AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO, BUT I CAN’T?!?!”


“YOU KNOW WHAT? DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT, I DON’T CARE ANYMORE. I’M SICK OF THIS. I’M SICK OF YOU DONGHAE!!!” Hyukjae shouted and at the minute he said that, he regretted. “Donghae I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to--”


“It’s fine, I understand…” Donghae said and turned his back so Hyukjae won’t be able to see his falling tears. “I guess that you just don’t want to be my friend anymore”


“No, I…I…”


“No, its ok…you don’t have to say anything” Donghae said and excited the room.


The time was passing. It’s been a month since Donghae and Hyukjae talked to each for the last time. They were still doing their fan service and there were still Eunhae moments, but something was different, something was missing. They weren’t happy and the ELF’s noticed it. There wasn’t happiness, they weren’t smiling like they use to.







“Aish…we can’t leave them like this” Leeteuk said


“Any ideas?” Yesung asked


“I have!” Sungmin said “Let’s lock them together and we won’t let them out until they solve their problem”


“It won’t work Min” Kyuhyun said “I bet that they’ll stay in complete silence and glare at each other until we let them out”


“Haha Kyu is right” Siwon said “Let’s just wait a little more. I mean they can’t live without each other. The only thing that is keeping them like this is the fan service. But now since our concerts are over, there won’t be any fan service--”


“This means that they won’t be able to touch and hug each other” Shindong interrupted  “And we all know that they can’t survive like that”


“I have a better idea…” Heechul said





“Hey, Donghae can I talk to you” Heechul said and Donghae just nodded. They were alone at the dorm and they could talk without anyone interrupting or snooping.


“So, what is it hyung?” Donghae asked after he sat on the bed next to Heechul.


“You know there is one thing you should do, that will help you” Heechul said and gave Donghae a sheet of paper and a pen. “Now write everything that is bothering you and everything you feel and then give it to me. I swear I won’t read it. This is just a way to say everything you don’t want anyone to know ok?”


Donghae nodded and then wrote everything that was in his heart and then gave the letter to Heechul.


“What will you do with the letter hyung?” Donghae asked since he didn’t want anyone to know about the things written in the letter.


“I’ll get rid of it don’t worry, no one will know about it” Heechul said and smirked then left the room.





After few days he had the chance to be alone in the dorm with Hyukjae and he did the same thing with him.


“Haha Kim Heechul, you’re genius” he said to himself “Now you only have to give the letters to those two”




He called Donghae and gave him Hyukjae’s letter.


“Here, I asked Eunhyuk to do the same thing and he wrote a letter too” Heechul smirked “I told him that I’ll get rid of the letter but I lied”


“Thanks hyung but what about my letter?” Donghae asked and he was worried that Heechul gave the sheet of paper to Hyukjae.


“Don’t worry. I would never betray you…like I said a got rid of it”


“Thanks hyung” Donghae said and went to his room.


Right after that Heechul went to Hyukjae.


“Here, I asked Donghae to do the same thing and he wrote a letter too” he gave the letter to Hyukjae. “I told him that I’ll get rid of the letter but I lied. Don’t worry. I would never betray you…I burned your letter” he lied and smirked.


“Thank you hyung” Eunhyuk said and went to his room, curious about what Donghae wrote.





Donghae’s letter


I’m angry and hurt... I want to go to him and tell him how much I love him and that I’m sorry but I’m scared. I’m scared that if I tell him, he’ll hate me. I don’t want that. He’s everything for me, but I guess he loves HY and I hope he’ll be happy with her. I have to stay away from him. Well at least until my feelings for him subside. Then I’ll be able to be his friend again, but now I can’t. It huts too much. I need to say this at least once…


I love you…


I love you Lee Hyukjae…


“That bastard” Hyukjae shouted while his tears were falling uncontrollably. He excited his room and headed to Donghae’s room.



Hyukjae’s letter


I can’t understand him. When we’re together I feel so good. I feel safe. I feel loved. In one moment he’s nice with me and in the other he’s cold. Why is he so angry about that bulls they’re saying about me and HY. Yes, we had an interview together and they asked if we’re together and we said we’re not. Aish I hate the media, they’re always making stories like that…lies…only lies. I could never love someone else. I love only him. I will always love only him. But I can never tell him, he’ll hate me. For him I’m like his brother…his best friend. But I have to say this at least once...


I love you…


I love you Lee Donghae.


“Oh God tell me you’re kidding” Donghae’s eyes widened. He stormed out of his room and headed to Hyukjae’s room. They met half way and their gazes locked instantly.






“I need to talk to you…” Donghae whispered and they went to his room and locked the door. They didn’t want anyone to interrupt them.


“Yeah me too” Eunhyuk said and looked down. His gaze caught the letter in Donghae’s hand and his eyes widened. Donghae traced Hyukjae’s gaze.


“This…this…Heechul hyung…he…” He was nervous and he couldn’t look into Hyukjae’s eyes, so his gaze was traveling everywhere in the room and eventually stopped at Hyukjae’s hand and at the letter there. “Oh god…did Heechul hyu--”


“Why didn’t you tell me?” Eunhyuk asked as the tears in his eyes started rolling again.


“I thought that you’ll hate me” Donghae said with trembling voice as he was trying to fight with his own urge to cry.


“I could never hate you. Don’t you know that pabo, huh?” Eunhyuk started crying harder and ran into Donghae’s embrace.


“Shhh…Hyukkie please don’t cry…please” Donghae hugged Hyukjae tightly and his own tears fell without him noticing it. “Please cam down, don’t cry…I can’t stand it


“Hae this was killing me” Eunhyuk sobbed and burried his face in Donghae’s chest. “To stay away from you, to not be able to touch you…it was the hardest thing ever”


“I know Hyukkie…I know” Donghae said and sniffed Hyukjae’s hair. The strawberry scent he missed so much. This soft hair, this muscular and at the same time fragile body. Oh god he missed them so much.


“I love you Lee Hyukjae”


“I love you too Hae” Eunhyuk said and smiled. Donghae lifted his chin and their gazes locked again. Donghae leaned closer and crushed their lips. The sweetest kiss ever. He felt dizzy, but incredibly happy. Their lips merged together. Donghae nibbled on Hyukjae’s bottom lip and he parted his lips, letting Donghae explore his mouth. Their lungs were burning for air but they didn’t care even a bit. Hyukjae’s hands circled around Donghae’s neck while Donghae put his hands on Eunhyuk’s wait, pulling him even closer. Eventually they pulled away and looked at each other lovingly. There were no words needed. Their eyes were saying enough…


They smiled at each other and mentally thanked the person who brought them together…



Thank you Heechul hyung…




Sooooo, how was it??? :) 

This was my first fluff I usually write t :D :D :D

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arentyoubeautiful #1
Chapter 1: Good job heechul! :) thanks for writing this sweet fic!
Chapter 1: all hail the glorious heenim.
Chapter 1: I love it!! So fluffy~ sweet and cute and just romantic....!!
Chapter 1: Fluff is better than , its so much more innocent and cute and it makes you want to put them in a bubble so nothing can get to them while they're in their own little world.
Loved this fic!!!!!! :)
susumiya08 #5
Chapter 1: heenim u rock!!!! lol that was so fluffy lol wanna see more eunhae!!!<3
kaykaygirl #6
Chapter 1: I LOVE HEECHUL!!!! Eunhae momemt is the best:)
dinocheeese #7
Chapter 1: Ahhh evil hahahaha but good job heechul! Eunhae's forever adorable so I have nth to say about that(; thanks for sharing:-)
Chapter 1: So so sweet !!! Can't get enough of it !!!! Omg , don't know what to say but this story is the cutest thing eva d><b
rossy80 #9
Chapter 1: Perfect solution for haehyuk love story....the great kim hEechul solve it all....
glitterkitty #10
Chapter 1: Awww, cute !
Heechul always have wonderful ideas !