Just a dream?


"All this time you were in love with me?" 

"Why can't you see that I was always the one who've been waiting for you"

"I think about you everyday. everynight I dreamt of you. "

"we can't.."

"remember when we had a date at  the park?"

"that never happened, that date doesnt exist. it's just a dream" 

"have you ever love somebody , wishing that  you can  give them everything?"


I dont have a clear plan on this ff but I'll see how the flow goes..


(awesome) posters rightfully created by this awesome editer ~~~> http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/395526/s-n-o-w-b-l-o-s-s-o-m-g-r-a-p-h-i-c-s-h-o-p-o-p-e-n-graphics-poster-request-shop-postershop


^ go check it out and request posters, background etc for your own fanfic. it's really AWESOME .


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will you please update again..?
hi there ^^
your first subbie here ^^
this fic seems interesting
*okay, idek, I just love stories about dream too much*
please update soon :)