She's MINE now.

Right In Front Of You

Mi Kyong's POV

Junhyung & I were walking around school holding hands. People complimented on how "cute" we were together. Just then the bell rang. We had separate classes, so we had to part. "I love you Mi Kyong!" Junhyung beamed at me. I smiled back at him and went to class. Math. I might get to see Yoseob! Finally! It's been so long. I walked through the door. "Yoseo-" I saw a puffy eyed, pale, and extremely sad Yoseob, sitting in the very back corner. I could tell he's been heavily crying. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Oppa, what's wrong..." He wiped away his tears and flashed a smile at me. Poor Yoseob- smiling even when he seems he can't.

"Nothing. Hi Mi Kyong! I haven't seen you for so long!" I could tell his happiness was forced.

"I missed you Oppa!" I hugged him. "Where have you been?!"

"Busy." Just then the tardy bell rang, signaling class has started. I sat next to him. He looked down into his notebook. I could still see sorrow in his eyes.

Yoseob, talk to me... I've never seen you so devastated. I want my happy, smiley, cheerful marshmallow oppa back.

Yoseob's POV

I looked down into my notebook. Mi Kyong's name was scribbled everywhere, along with broken hearts. I'm in love with her and she doesn't even know it... I thought Doojoon-hyung said she loves me. Why did she say yes to Junhyung, then? "Yoseob, do you need to go to a counselor?" Mr. Park looked at me with sympathy. Yeah yeah, I know, I'm always happy happy Yoseob.

"No, Mr. Park." He looked at me with suspicion.

"Okay then. Class, please open your textbooks to-" I could care less about class right now. Really, all I wanted to do was sit in my room and cry. I put my head down and, you guessed it, cried. Who gives if I'm in class, or if people stare at me.

"Yoseob." I looked up and saw Mi Kyong with a worried face. Mi Kyong, please don't worry about me, just be happy... "Yoseob, you need to talk to me. What's going on? Tell me, please..." Okay, sure Mi Kyong. I'll tell you that I love you and I want you to be mine, and to leave Junhyung.

"Mi Kyong, relax. I'm fine." I smiled at her. A fake smile.

"Yoseob, if you won't talk to me, and tell me what's wrong, I won't be able to make you feel better." Mr. Park scolded us, he told us to stop talking. "Talk to me later." After that, I basically slumped in my seat for the rest of class.

Mi Kyong's POV

I walked home alone today. Junhyung had practice, Yoseob... who knows where he was. I tripped on something. I rubbed my head... ow. It hurt. It whacked the wall. I looked around... flowers and a box. I gasped in awe. "Th-these are Firework flowers..." I whispered to myself. I opened the box. A ring...

I played with it in my hands. Awh... Junhyung got me flowers & a ring! And he left them here for me by surprise! I picked up the bouqet, ring, and ran inside. I plopped on my bed. "Junhyung, saraghae." I smiled to myself. Oh, I almost forgot. I have to talk to Yoseob. I dialed him, number one on speed dial, and waited for an answer. I heard IU's marshmallow begin to play.

"Marshmallow, marshmallow! Annyeong haseyo! It's Yoseobie!" I heard myself interrupt.

"And Mi Kyong-ah! We're having too much fun for Yoseob to answer the phone right now!"

"Leave a message after the beep!" Then I heard us laughing. I remember the day we recorded that voicemail. Why would Yoseob instantly change from his happy state to... That dead, miserable state? I sighed. I decided to call Junhyung instead. I wanted to thank him for his gift.


"Mi Kyong! What's up?"

"I love the gifts you got me! The flowers are BEAUTIFUL and the ring is absolutely amazing!"

"Oh... Uh. You're welcome! Um, Mi Kyong? I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." He hung up. I lied down, and stared at the ceiling.
Yoseob, you're my best friend, and maybe you were right. We'll never be more than friends. I have Junhyung, and I hope you find someone nice too.

Junhyung's POV

What was she talking about? I never got her any gifts. Well, yet. But what flowers? What ring? If I never got her them, but she thinks it's from me, that means someone gave it to her anonymously. But who would do that? I sat and thought for a second. Then it snapped into my head.

Yoseob. None other than him of course. Her best friend. From what she's told me, he must love her. Too bad for him. She's mine. Might as well go along with it, she seems really thankful for it.

The Next Morning

I ran and caught up with her. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Mi Kyong!" She turned around.

"Junhyung-oppa! Hi!" She smiled, and hugged me. She showed me her hand. "I absolutely LOVE this ring you got me! How did you know I love amethysts?" She beamed.

Wow, Yoseob must care for her a hell of a lot. Amethyst rings aren't too expensive, but they're not cheap either. She continued on, rambling about firework flowers or something. What were those? Ah, whatever. I'll just stare at her adorable face and smile. The bell rang. UGH. Stupid bell. Why can't Mi Kyong be in all of my classes? Right, because she's smart and I'm a "bad boy".

"Bye oppa! I'll see you after class, right?"

"Yeah." She kissed my cheek and walked away.

Yoseob's POV

"Yoseob!" I heard Mi Kyong call me, excitedly. She walked toward my desk. "Look at what Junhyung got me!' Oh, great. She doesn't find my gift and now Junhyung got her some- what the hell?! Th- that's my gift! "A ring! Isn't it beautiful?" She stared at it in awe and kept going on and on about it. That... ARGH! I felt anger built inside of me. All that depression is GONE. Junhyung... he took credit. No- not just his fault, hers too, she thought HE got it for her. Please! Knowing his reputation, he wouldn't have done that. Suddenly I realized Mi Kyong was staring at me.

"Oppaaa, why do you look so angry?" She looked confused. I put on some aegyo and smiled at her.

"I'm not!"

"Sure Oppa. Aish, you've been acting really weird and bipolar. Devastated, happy, angry, happy." She giggled. Then she put on a serious face and tone. "Yoseob, we've had a lack of communication lately. Come over later, alright?" I nodded.

"Alright." As much as I still love Mi Kyong, I'm still a little mad at her. First, I hear she likes me. She goes out with someone else. Then mistakes that gift I got her for Junhyung's. I mean, why on EARTH would she say yes to him?! I've never seen them hang out before dating. They were probably damn strangers. 

I walked into her house. "Mr. Kim? Mrs. Kim?" I looked around. I have to greet her parents, of course. Every time I see them I want them to know I'm still a good guy.  Mi Kyong appeared.

"How's my marshmallow?" She beamed at me. I hugged her happily, only to find someone in the background. He was walking towards us.

Junhyung. "Hey, uh, Yoseob, Junhyung. I'm gonna run down to the store and pick up some snacks. My parents are out of town, so just stay put." She walked out of the door. I scoffed in my head. I have to be alone with this loser. He walked into the kitchen. I followed. I wanted to confront him about taking credit for my gift.

"Yah! You pabo!" Junhyung turned around slowly, and raised an eyebrow. "You took credit for my gifts didn't you?" He smirked.

"Of course. Why couldn't I? Why didn't she know they were from you? Let's see, you probably threw it somewhere without a label on it. You make it too easy for me!" I've never felt so angry in my life. Really, I don't know why I'm making a huge deal about this. I just feel angry. I pushed him against the wall.

"You're taking credit! I love Mi Kyong! I do!" He pulled out a gun. Where in the world did that come from?


"SHUT UP!" He yelled at me, his finger on the trigger. "Mi Kyong is MINE now. Maybe you love her more than I do, maybe she's your best friend, but she's MY girlfriend. Don't make things too difficult! I'm not afraid to use this!" I backed away from him. He put down the gun. "Leave before she returns." I was pretty scared. That's a weapon right there. I gathered my things, without a word, and left, not looking back.

"Mi Kyong, one day, you'll realize the truth."

A/N: Guys! Thanks for support lol ^.^ I hope i never confused you guys. Please don't forget, feedback IS welcome ! XD I'm not disappointed with this chapter, but I feel it doesn't make sense & it's kinda just... Everywhere and anywhere. First I have a brokenhearted Yoseob and now I have scary Junhyung with a gun. Am I moving too fast? Should I have put more Junhyung-Mi Kyong lovey dovey stuff first? I'm determined to make a long-ish, decent first fanfic. :D Kk, I wrote too much on this author's note thingy haha. It's 11:40 PM and there's school tmrw, >.< So I'll just head on to bed. Goodnight~
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PikaChew #1
Oh, nyeah :D
When did this happen? I didn't know you ended it....... Oops. FINALLY IT ENDS THIS MONSTER. Yoseob and Mikyong are together, that's all I need. ^_^ I gotta go eat nao.
I loved this story...Im sad that Junhyung died because well he's my bias. :)<br />
WAIT JUNHYUNG DIED? wait.. Where was I .. o-o <br />
the ending was unexpected but it's better to have an unexpected ending than an expected one right??(:
SJ-LikeThis #5
OKAY, this ending is MUCH MUCH better.<br />
I am not disappoint anymore.<br />
<br />
but...why you kill donghae.....why? ಠ_ಠ <br />
;______; he sew puureshius
oh, siigggh of relief, i thought you just ended it like that!!!! o.o <br />
nice story!! ^^
WHOAAAA............... WHAT. THE. . WAS. THAT..... -.-"
SJ-LikeThis #8
I'm so lost.....THATS THE END?! ;o <br />
<br />
PikaChew #9
No one comments on this anehmoar...HAVE THEY LOST FAITH IN YOU!? D:
FACEPALM. That is all.