[ A-Blush Member - Jung Seulki ] Congratulations!

╔ A-Blush ╝ TS Entertainment New Girlgroup {CLOSED}

{ Be ready for many updates today!!!! I'm gonna reveal our mini album and MVs too! Hwaiting!!! - Jiyu/Rian }


Jung Seulki AKA Soul Ki ]





Your Username: music_dream
AFF Profile Link: Here you go~
Nickname: Kiki
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Full Name: My name is Jeung Seul Ki
Nickname(s): I have two main nicknames. The first one is 'Bun Face' which I got from my friends, because of my round face. And my second nickname is 'Suki' which is an short version of my name, used by my family and close friends.
Birthdate: I was born on the 18th of November 1996
Birthplace: My hometown is Daegu, South Korea. (Have you ever been there?)
Languages: I can speak fluent Korean and Mandarin, and semi-fluent English (enough to survive in America or UK or somewhere like that)
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Personality: I've been told that I'm a friendly and bubbly person, which sounds like a good thing. I like making friends with people and since I've always been surrounded by a big group of people, I like the company of others. People say that it makes me seem kind of clingy, but I can't help it. I feel uncomfortable when I'm alone. Anyway, it's good to have strong relationships with you're friends, right?
Apparently, I have a good charisma that convinses everyone that I'm reliable and a good friend. Which I think is true, since I'm good at keeping secrets. I'm good at quickly understanding other peoples feelings and in a way, I'm quite smart at getting a hang of certain situations.
I am a good team worker. I like to make sure that everyone is involved. I'm a good teammate for anyone. It's my self-proclaimed task to make sure everyone tries their best during a game or activity. I'm practical in this sence, especially when it comes to sports, dance or life. Only in groups can we be the best. That's what annoys me about Ice Princesses. They always act like they're better of alone, but they're not. No one is.
I do have a very relaxed streak in my personality, which spreads to those around me like a wild fire. Well, it can either make everyone else, really relaxed, or really pissed of at me for not doing anything. Even if things are falling apart around me, I would just take my time to fix it. I don't like to stress. Stress messes with your health, so most of the time, I try to pretend it doesn't exist.
I'm also the kind of girl to 'Lie on the green grass, while looking up at the sky'. I like to appreciate the things that other people take for granted. Like the colour of the sky in the morning or the smell of a flower in the evening. Nothing is ever exactly the same twice so, it's nice to look around at things as they are.
But, I am constintly told of my bad traits. One of them being that I'm clingy. And another one being that my cheerful personality can be a bittiering sometimes. Many, many times I have been told to just 'shut up and go away', which hurts but, I suppose I can't make everyone happy can I? (Don't mind me while I go cry in the corner).
I'll also have to admit that I can't lie well at all. Unless a lie has been scripted for me, I always end up telling the truth, when people really don't want me to. There have been quite a few times when I have accidently got people into trouble by giving people all the information they want if they just ask. Seriously, just a warning for you - if you want to stay out of scandels and controversies...GIVE ME A SCRIPT!
Likes: Hahaha! Oh man, we could be here forever! Okay I'll shrink my list a little bit. The main things I like are, music, sports, food that tastes good, sleeping, tea and watching drama's. Oh and my family and friends too but that is obvious.
Dislikes: Not as long... I really don't like food that tastes bad, dried fruit is also terrible, tricky things, losing, diets. Ah! There are not many things I don't like, but anything that ruins what I do like...is pretty much what I dislike.
Habits: Habits habits habits...well let's see. When I think too much, I scratch my head. But I also do that when I'm feeling awkward too. I tug on my clothes when I'm about to ask for something and always end up laughing when I'm trying to make up a lie on the spot. Oh! And if I'm trying to eat quickly, I often just stuff the food in my mouth and forget to swallow it.
Hobbies: What I do in my spare time? I usually practice my dances. They need to be perfect. Other then that, I play basketball with the other trainee's or play the guitar if I can be bothered. I like cooking, so if I can, I like baking snacks for myself and other to eat. I also like to study if I can or just lie outside and watch the sky (because I don't have much of a life).
Trivias: What do you want to know? I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't have many dairy products. Which when I want to eat ice cream. I always seem to lose the game 'rock, paper, scissors'. When I'm sick, I really like to watch 'Boys Over Flowers' it was/still is one of my favourite drama's. I'm not really good at detecting sarcasm and I get the hiccups really easily. One of my favourite idol groups where DB5K and (Oh my Gosh) I really wish they could get back together one day. I studied in the Philippeans for five years where I learnt English. I also really like J-pop and one of my favourite groups are Hey!Say!JUMP! If we where to go to Japan, I would want to meet them if possible. I also like making tea's, I can make medicine tea's and I think I have a tea for nearly every sickness now!
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Family members: Family members huh? Do you want to see photo's? I have them with me here!
(That's a picture I took of my family last summer)
There's my mum at the front with the yellow (she is how I got my round face), my aunt next to her. My cousins at the back, and friend of the family in the blue shirt and my uncle. My Dad left us when I was three, but we don't care anymore. I don't really keep in contact with him anymore. Since I'm an only child, my cousins are like my brothers and sister.
Best-friends: I have picture of them too~
B.A.P's Kim Himchan (OMO he's funny to hang around with and he looks out for me a lot)
Hello Venus's Yooyoung (She is weird...nice, but she does have a weird streak)
And Minhyun of NU'EST (Who often teases me saying that I like him...which I don't by the way!)
Friends: Friends~
Let's see, there's Hayoung who is in Apink (I haven't seen her for a while but we phone often and text each other random photo's)
And Jiyoung who is in Kara (Why do I have so many friends with the 'young' sound in their names?)
U-kiss Dongho (Who I swear doesn't like me...either that or he's just realy cold // But he never tells me to go away so...he counts as a friend. We meet up every now and then if we can.)
And BEAST's Dongwoon (who's family is quite close to my family if you know what I mean but I haven't seen him for almost two years now)


And apart from other trainee's, that's about it~
Any group or person who you look up to or idolize?: I really look up to my sunbae's in Secret and B.A.P of course! And the boy group BEAST. I supported them since their debut, but I admire Dongwoon the most. I've seen his improvement, and I hope that I will constantly improve like he has.
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Your Character's Face or Appearance in the story: Juniel (Do you want some pictures?)
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Stage Name: If I had a stage name, I'd like to be called Soul Ki
Nickname in the group?: I'd be the Moodmaking Choding
Group Position: I'd be the Lead Vocal and Rapper
Your own fanclub name: Locks (So that the name could be Soul Ki and Locks - Since Ki is pronounced Key ^______^)
How do you treat the members?: Like family! We might argue or dissagree on things but I'll still love them and look out for them.
Any Show you want the group or members to appear on?: Weekly Idol and Guru Pop (Those shows are usually very funny)
Pre-Debut: I was in a CF for an Etude House 'Sun BB Cream' and 'Sweet Propose Lipgloss'
In Secret and B.A.P, who is the closest sunbae to you?: In Secret, I'm close with Zinger who gives me encouragement alot and in B.A.P I'm close to Zelo in a Sunbae/Hoobae relationship, but Himchan in a friend relationship.
Singing Links: Juniel
Dancing Links: HyunA
Rapping Links: Lime
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Your Partner or Prince or the person you end up with: I'd like to end up with BTOB's Ilhoon (Is it weird that I have a picture of him?)
{ Ilhoon's pic didn't appear so I had to change it mian! - Jiyu/Rian }
Rival: I don't get on that well with NU'EST's Aron anymore, we used to be close but he changed a lot after their 'Hello' comeback. Minhyun knows what's wrong with him, but he won't tell me. We don't talk much but when we do, we're either insulting each other or speaking very coldly. My sunbae's all tell me to make up with him...but that's easier said then done. Expecially when I don't know why he's like this.
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Password: I need theraphy Lalalalala Theraphy!
Mini message to Eyesmile-Jiyu: If there is something wrong with my application (like you want more links of information) then just tell me and I can fix it okay? ^^
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TsunStar #1
Chapter 22: i've updated it unnie,here ^^

Chapter 22: Ah! I don't know what to do~ I really like Jungkook since BTS debut O.o
Oh no!! But he is quite a bit younger then Seul Ki // Can I make her a bit younger?
But then what about Ilhoon? Ah!! What do I do??
You're stressing my fangirl heart ^^
Chapter 22: Nah XD i dun wanna change anything and take your time :D
Chapter 21: Yay! We're back~ I like the sub-units even more now!! And I like Seul-Ki getting a text from Ilhoon ^^ And the hand signals thing and the maknae Kwiyeomi hahahaha
Good good author-nim update when you can ^^
Chapter 21: Comeback time :)
Chapter 20: I love the songs for the sub-units <3333
Chapter 20: Oooooh we are casted in dramas! Our casts are good ^^ And I like the sub-units ^^ Keep up your good work okay XD