[ A-Blush Member - Oh Kyungri | Leader/Umma ] Congratulations!

╔ A-Blush ╝ TS Entertainment New Girlgroup {CLOSED}


Oh Kyungri ]







Your Username: YukiBoo

AFF Profile Link: Clicky<3
Nickname: Yuki
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Full Name: Oh Kyung Ri
Nickname(s): Kyungasaur, Ria, TokiKyungRi
Birthdate: April 3, 1990
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Languages: Korean(Native Tongue),English(Fluent),Japanese(Fluent),Mandarin(Fluent)
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Personality: Annyeong Yeoreobun! A-Blush's Leader KyungRi imnida!/She grins in excitement./ Umm the thing that you should really know about me is that I am overall, a friendly person. I am very social, and I like to get to know people. I am very open with others, so it is no trouble to approach me. I am usually a happy person, so if you see me with a smile on my face you will understand why. I am very very loving, and understanding with any problems that come up. So don't be afraid to come to me with anything./She smiles softly./ I am considerate of others that I converse with in the company, and I make sure that I spare their feelings. I am very sociable with the company staff, and I like to talk with the fellow trainees. Trainees like me because I am friendly to others,and very helpful with anything that they needed. Around the trainers,I am a very very persistent, and polite to all of their instructions and advice. I am the kind who does not like to give up on the things that I want.So at times, I can be insanely stubborn./She shrugs./I can be that way,and I do fight for what I want./She smiles downward to her lap./ I can take criticism well,and I try to improve on anything that I lack in.
During trainee days, I was a lone wolf. Mostly because, a lot of people were intimdated by me. Well, I don't really blame them for admitting that. However, it was not really necessary that they need to talk about me. I can easily dismiss their petty gossiping, however I can be sensitive to somethings. When it comes to mean people, I can be very cold to them honestly. It is my defense mechanism, and it helps to ward off bullies or anti's malicious comments. Well you got to be strong in order to survive the industry,right?/She smiles softly./ I've been away from my family for a while, and it is not so easy because I was afraid of losing to myself in the limelight of fame. Well fortunately, I have Sehun with me and my link to my family will always be there to keep me level headed./She nods./I am proud of being raised from my family, and they give me important tips on how to be independent and to be the best that I can be. I have a weak spot for children, or anything that relates to family. So I will dedicate every ounce of my performing efforts to my family.
There are times, as to where I want to hide from the public eye. I can be a little distant or deep in thought for some moments. I can put up a front sometimes, infront of bullies or antis. However, when it is something mentally bothering me, I can't really hide it easily. My internal struggles are clearly shown on my face, and it worries my members and my labelmates. When outsiders ask if I am okay, they luckily form a shield around me to keep them from knowing how I am feeling. I don't like to worry fans, and I try to be as honest as I can be. If it feels necessary, I will reveal how I am feeling to my fans in the most mature way possible. I want them to know that I can trust them, and understand when I can't tell them everything. I do cry sometimes, and I can get emotional. So, it can get stressful. I try to roll with the punches most of the times, however there are times where I reach my limit.
When it comes to me onstage, I can turn to either an aegyo-filled cutie pie or a tantalizing siren. I am confident in myself, so my charisma really shows in my prescence. I want to give our fans a performance, and I will not hold anything back. I may do some y moves, or anything along those lines. Just to drive the fans wild./Shrugs./It's all about fanservice right?/She laughs softly,as the staff nod in agreement./ On variety shows, I do like funny humor...so my erted dorkiness will show./The staff started cracking up, and she raises an eyebrow in confusion./Did I say something?/The interviewer answered./You said you are also a ert./She comes to realization, and she starts laughing./Ohhhh!!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!! I probably said to much,but it is true I am a e at times. The girls know it too./She laughs with the staff,and she shrugs./ I am very witty, and I can speak well so I am the go to girl for interviews and such. I am the most daring person in this group, and I will do anything crazy. Even eat bizarre things.....errrmm okay not everything XD. You know what I mean!/She laughs softly./ I like to interact with other idols, and I am very casual with male idols as well. When fans are involved, I like to tease them and make them feel flustered. What's the fun in a boring interaction?/She grins mischieviously./ Off stage? I am just a normal person,that you probably want to kidnap and put in your pocket. People just can't resist me./She grins and does the bbuingbbuing gesture./
Around guys? I am a normal girl, who does not overload on the aegyo. I only do that,when he likes it. I like to tease my guy too, that is if he likes it. I am down with any games, or activites that involve physical contact. The skinship makes everything interesting. If he is lucky,maybe he will get homecooked food from me. I think one way to a man's heart is through his stomach./She smiles./ If a guy pursues me? There will be times that I get shy,but I surely won't let him flock to another girl. Once he is in my radar, I will snag him./She giggles./ I am a lover, and I love spreading that kind of love, so nothing will be kept from him. To my future love, saranghaeyo <3 /She does a heart sign in aegyo-voice./
  • I like the color green <3 It is my favorite color!
  • My favorite clothing in the world is jeans, I have many pairs of jeans.
  • Favorite Food is samgyupsal, my ahjussi used to make it a lot when I was growing up.
  • Favorite number is 8, because it reminds me of infinite and everything else I buy goes up to eight.
  • Favorite place to visit. Well back then,I used to travel so I would say Malaysia. ^_^
  • First thing that I would notice on a guy, would be his smile.
  • Favorite gesture for fanservice, is the heart!
  • My favorite season is Spring!
  • Flowers that I would like to recieve would be roses!
  • Favorite Korean Actor would be Lee Jong Suk from Secret Garden and School2013 *_*
  • I like pop music, and underground hip-hop music.
  • My piano and guitar are my babies, I keep them in my room to practice at the dorm.
  • Sweet people, they will be the first to attract me.
  • Children....I don't know why but they are my weakness O_O
  • Nine Muses <3
  • Secret <3
  • B.A.P <3
  • EXO <3
  • SNSD <3
  • Performing...it is my passion in life :D


  • The color gray, it just seems very dull to me
  • Revealing clothes....it's not me or my style
  • Delusional fangirls...One of my best friends is Hoya, and one girl try to attack me from being around"her future husband." o.O? I mean really,do you think he will marry you some day?
  • Anti-Fans: They have no goal, or no life at all. All they want is to hate on people.
  • Insects- Especially spiders...they scare me O_O
  • Horror movies...don't ask
  • Mean people- They are not worth my time
  • Players-Is it too hard to be faithful to your guy/girl?
  • Gold diggers-no comment -_-
  • scandals-they can take away your career in a snap and they are annoying
  • journalists-seriously I wanted to slap one of them
  • uncle fans-I get that they are loyal fans,but please have some decency around girls that are half your age
  • Snakes.....
  • Being pranked especially when you are the target
  • Performing in harsh conditions
  • Overly dramatic Dramas
  • Winter time...because it is just too cold for me. I like seeing know though ^_^
  • Bratty kids...I like kids but they bratty ones put me off
  • Greed....it is a quality that can destroy you
Normal Habits
  • I tend to laugh like an ahjumma
  • I make weird expressions when I am bored
  • I bite my lip,when I am thinking
  • When I get embarrassed, I do an eyesmile
  • When I get shy,I bite my lip


  • Polite to everyone I work with
  • I pick up calls on time
  • I pick up after myself
  • I use honorifics
  • I cook for the members


  • I am forgetful
  • I am too emotional
  • I bite on my bottom lip
  • I tend to be a bit clumsy
  • I mix up words when I am nervous
  • I cook for the members
  • I play on my guitar and piano
  • I take walks next to han river
  • I like taking candid photos
  • I go to the gym to practice karate
  • Older sister of EXO-K's Sehun
  • I don't like to overuse aegyo
  • I began training at 16
  • I love cooking any types of food
  • My favorite movie is Les Miserables
  • My favorite music is Pop Music
  • American Influence is Colbie Caillat
  • I volunteer in foundations to stop bullying
  • I perfer the quiet country over the noisy city atmosphere
  • I love to support my brother, and bring food for him and the members
  • I dream to have a world tour with the girls
  • Ideal type is a sensitive,goofy guy with kind eyes
  • What I think is y about a guy is his smile
  • My favorite soloist is ALI <3
  • I am a fan of BEG <3
  • I am a big SMTOWNER :D
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Family members:
Oh Sehun | 18 | EXO | Noona-Dongsaeng |
Oh In Hwan | 48 | CEO of Apple | Appa-Appa's Little Yeoja |

Park Jung Hee | 46 | Chef | Eomma- Eomma's Little Baby
Kim Hyo Jung(Hyorin) | 22 | Sistar | Chingu's
Choi Soo Young | 22 | SNSD | Chingu's
Lee Ho Won(Hoya) | 22 | Infinite | Chingu's
Joo Eun Young | 20 | Two-X | Dongsaeng-Unnie
Yang Ji Won | 24 | Spica | Unnie-Dongsaeng
Kim Ji Yeop(Kevin) | 24 | ZE:A | Oppa-Dongsaeng
Ryu Sae Ra(Sera) | 25 | Nine Muses | Unnie-Dongsaeng
Any group or person who you look up to or idolize?: I look up to Lee HyoRi sunbaenim and BOA sunbaenim. /nods./ They show me that they can handle the stage well, without being sleazy or showing alot of skin. They show a good example of professionalism, and poise when they are around hoobaes,or sunbaes./smiles./ I wish I can execute good leadership, and to be more open with the fans.
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Your Character's Face or Appearance in the story: SNSD's TaeYeon
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Stage Name: KyungRi
Nickname in the group?:I am the Strength of the group. I have a black belt in karate, so I am prepared to kick in order to protect my girls from rabid fans. I may be small,but I have a body of mass destruction/nods/
Group Position: Leader, Main Vocal, Lead Dancer
Your own fanclub name: My fanclub name would be Cadets,because they are like people that I care for. I won't abandon them, and I will make a promise to them that I will always stay the same.
How do you treat the members?: My members are like my children,and I watch over them to make sure that no one would get in trouble. You know how judgemental,and intrusive the public can get if you are in a scandal,right?/she laughs softly,with an eyesmile./ I love them with all my heart,and I want to make sure that our working environment is enjoyable. I mean, I trained with them for about six years and they already have a place in my heart./she smiles with affection,in her eyes./They know how much I love them,and they respect my leading technique, so I think our group will go far in the industry./she grins,and pumps her fist./Hwaiting!
Any Show you want the group or members to appear on?: I like running man the most, with Yoo Jae Suk oppa, and Gary oppa. They have hilarious humor, and I think we will enjoy it as well./Nods./Other shows? Maybe hello baby, I think we are capable of taking care of an infant. Considering the fact that we take care of eachother,I wouldn't see that as any sign of difficulty...haahaha!/She smiles again,and with an eager disposition./
Dramas: 01
Cf's: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Musicals: 01
OST'S: 01 02 03 04
In Secret and B.A.P, who is the closest sunbae to you?: I am close with Hyosung eonni, and Yongguk oppa. We are the leaders in our respected groups, and we like to collaborate from time to time. We are the oldest two, so we like to hang out as well during our down time. They give me very important tips on leading a group,because it comes with a big responsibility. I am thankful for them wanting to help me,and I will prove to them that I can be the best that I can be. Bunny Leader Hwaiting! :D
Singing Links: 01 02 03
Dancing Links: 01 02 03
Rapping Links: 01 02 03
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Your Partner or Prince or the person you end up with: EXO's Zhang YiXing(Lay)
Rival: Beast's Jang HyunSeung....This 4D idiot -_-
Password: I need theraphy Lalalalala Theraphy!
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TsunStar #1
Chapter 22: i've updated it unnie,here ^^

Chapter 22: Ah! I don't know what to do~ I really like Jungkook since BTS debut O.o
Oh no!! But he is quite a bit younger then Seul Ki // Can I make her a bit younger?
But then what about Ilhoon? Ah!! What do I do??
You're stressing my fangirl heart ^^
Chapter 22: Nah XD i dun wanna change anything and take your time :D
Chapter 21: Yay! We're back~ I like the sub-units even more now!! And I like Seul-Ki getting a text from Ilhoon ^^ And the hand signals thing and the maknae Kwiyeomi hahahaha
Good good author-nim update when you can ^^
Chapter 21: Comeback time :)
Chapter 20: I love the songs for the sub-units <3333
Chapter 20: Oooooh we are casted in dramas! Our casts are good ^^ And I like the sub-units ^^ Keep up your good work okay XD