The Day Before the Day of Awesome

What a Small World




Thursday, April 25th
Lunchtime :D
The Local College (so uncreative X0)

School the bane of almost every person’s life. Now I saw almost everyone because this was not true in the case of a young man who went by the name of Park Chanyeol. Yes, he loved his time in class so much he aspired to be a teacher when he became an adult, and now that he was one, he could happily say that, that dream came true. Chanyeol taught various levels of his favorite subject, chemistry, to any student who was willing to come into his door. Although as of late the tall man had learned not all, were willing. A perfect example of this kind of situation was in the case of Mr. Kim Jongin. The Happy Virus, as he was so affectionately referred to by his co-workers, overheard the dark skinned teen complaining to another student of his, Oh Sehun about being dragged in to the class. The other argued that it would look good on future transcripts, if they were necessary to have a variety of courses taken and completed successfully. So now, the two were in his current class having an argument in lowered voices as to not draw attention. Class was almost over so Chanyeol let them off the hook for the time being, no sense on calling someone out if they’re only going to be embarrassed for five minutes right.

“No one’s going to black mail you, geez Jongin little narcissistic much?” At least that was the teacher’s official reason, honestly Chanyeol just found the conversation incredibly amusing. When the bell rung the lanky young man pouted slightly staring up at the offending object until he realized his students were all giving him strange looks. Letting out a deep cough, Chanyeol turned to his students with a bright smile that was sure to make them forget about what they saw seconds ago.

“Well, I guess that’s it for today. Remember to study your notes and review chapters six, seven, and eight for the test coming up next weeks.” There were a few groans in complaint, a particularly loud one coming from Jongin, but most of the students simply nodded at the information then briskly exited the classroom. Just as his chatty students were leaving, Chanyeol smile widened, if that was possible, and waved the two off, and from Sehun’s and Jongin’s perspective it was forever the creepiest thing they had ever seen. Once all the students had left the chemistry teacher gathered his papers and briefcase, luckily for him, it was now his lunch break and he always spent it trolling his good friend who just so happened to be a co-worker of his. Poking his head into the guidance counselor’s office, the curly haired young man discovered Joonmyun was sitting at his desk staring intently at some student’s paper work. The Happy Virus’ creepy smile returned to his face as he giddily walked into his friend’s office and plopped himself in the chair opposite of him, resting his feet on the corner and slouched in the chair.

“Ay’ yo’ whadup Joonmyun?” Chanyeol asked practically beaming at the other, the red head across from him rolled his eyes at his friend’s antics and shoved the other’s feet off his desk.

“No, just…no Chanyeol.”

“Aw, come on I thought it was cool.” The taller one wined, adjusting himself so that he was now sitting properly in his seat. Joonmyun collected the papers from his desk, placing them back into their proper file, and then putting that in one of his many filing cabinets.

“You’re not a rapper Channie, just let it go.” The guidance counselor replied, slinging his workbag on his shoulder, and then walked out of his office with Chanyeol behind him. “So where are we eating at today?”

“Well there’s this great little café-”

“I’m not going to spend my lunch watching you stalk some guy you haven’t even said ‘hi’ to.”

“I don’t stalk him! That one guy who sit in the back and stares at the coffee guy, yeah, he’s a piece of work. I at least have the decency to leave a small message of my affections on the check.” Joonmyun nearly choked on his own spit at this point flabbergasted by his friend’s actions.

“That’s almost worse Chanyeol, he probably thinks you’re some kind of creeper.”

“Naw, he’s probably too busy to even notice those notes. The guy is always busy in the kitchen-Oh! That reminds me we are so going to that Club XO place Friday.”

“And why Chanyeol would I do that?” The pair made their way to their second favorite spot, according to Chanyeol. It was a little pizza place close to the college so the walk was brisk. They stole a spot in a comfy booth and began scanning the menus.

“Because you love me?”

“Try again.” Joonmyun said shooting down the other’s response. The teacher huffed as he looked over the menu.

“Guess that means you don’t love me.”

“Ugh, Chanyeol you know I care about you-”

“So that means you’ll go with me to Club XO right?” The red head let out a small sigh, knowing full well he was walking into some sort of death trap of doom, but in spite of all that he still nodded his head; this caused his friend to start clapping his hands like some sort of seal and laugh uncontrollably. After a good long while the taller of the two silenced his laughter, and simply began smiling brightly. “You have no idea, how happy I am, right now.”

“I have an idea.” Joonmyun replied with a small smile on his face, hey they called Chanyeol the Happy Virus for a reason.

Much later that day…like ten at night
The Downtime Café-past closing time

“Oh my poor feet!” Kyungsoo exclaimed dropping his many shopping bags on the floor, and then proceeded to fall on top of one of the chairs placed at the counter.

“Come on Soo, it wasn’t that bad.” The aforementioned young man swiveled his chair just enough so that he could glare at his so called friend. As far as the little chef was concerned he was dragged through hell by Minseok and the brew master’s friend Jongdae. The tallest of the group wore a grin only a true troll would wear while Minseok’s smile was just out of fear.

“Not that bad you two dragged me around the mall for two hours, then we went to the out let mall for thirty minutes, and then you just had to try some thrift stores for an hour and a half. I don’t think I sat down for more than a millisecond!”

“I don’t think we were that cruel, right Jongdae?” The chubby faced young man asked his friend turning to the other with the hopes he would calm his friend down.

“Yeah, we were.” Minseok glared at his troll of a friend before turning back to Kyungsoo who had just finished kicking off his shoes. “Can I have a cupcake?”

“Sure, take one.” Kyungsoo replied making a happy Jongdae appear, the manager skipped behind the counter and carefully pulled out a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting.

“Awesome...alright now that I got everything I needed I trust that I will see you two tomorrow.” Minseok nodded lightly while the tanner of the three groaned making him chuckle lightly only to be cut off by a deadly stare.  Making his way out the door, Jongdae turned so he was now obscuring the exit. “Where again will I be seeing you?” Minseok rolled his eyes at the other, but responded never the less.

“At your club.” Chen’s trolling smile returned to his face once again as he let out another laugh.

“That’s right es.” And with that he left taking a giant bite of the pastry just as the door closed. The brewer chortled a bit at his friend, and then turned around to Kyungsoo who was staring at him puzzled.

“Your friend is weird.” Minseok shrugged, walking past the exhausted young man, and behind the counter where he pulled out two cups placing tea bags in them, and then set up some water to boil.

“Soo, there’s nothing normal about our lives. I mean, really, a cute guy who I know is one of our regulars walks up to me, hands me his number, and then just leaves. Not to mention he called me baozi.”

“Well, you do have pudgy cheeks, they’re cute though.” Kyungsoo said correcting himself once he saw the stare his friend was giving him. At this point the tea began to whistle and Minseok hustled over to the stove turning it off, the grabbed the kettle, and then poured the water into the cups. “So you haven’t called him?”

“No, for all I know he’s a creepy stalker that just wants to keep me in his closet. I bet his name isn’t even Luhan! You on the other hand have those cute little notes on the recites.” The younger male would always blush whenever he thought about those little love letters. Even now his cheeks were a bit rosy; Kyungsoo found the notes every endearing and sweet. However to this day the pair still hasn’t noticed who it writer was. Minseok pinched the other’s cheeks drawing Kyungsoo out of his little world. “I make my case.”

“Luhan could be sweet, a little flirtatious, but I think he means well.” The chef defended, making his friend roll his eyes at the suggestion.

“Sure, but we both know that I’m not that lucky…wow, I’m weird and unlucky. My life is going in an interesting direction.”

“Min, you can’t base all future relationships one douc-doughnut.”

“Doughnut, really Soo?”

“That’s the only thing that came to my mind. I still think you should give him a call.” Both young men pulled the tea bags out of their cups and dumped them in the trash.

“Yeah well, being cheated on doesn’t really open one up to relationships. Sugar cube?” Minseok offered after having already put some in his own cup. Kyungsoo took the sweet substance and dumped two cubes in his tea and started stirring.

“Sorry, Minnie.”

“What are you saying sorry for, not like you cheated on me. Don’t worry though I’ll put myself out there again someday. For right now, I need to enjoy what I have.” Minseok said before he took out a couple of biscotti from the kitchen and dunked one into his tea.

“I understand…as the mom it’s my job to worry.” The two shared a peaceful moment before Minseok looked to the other a bit confused.

“Wait, I’m one of your kids? I always thought I was the uncle or something.”

“No you’re an aunt, duh.”

Later that night (so dramatic)
Club XO

Jongdae strolled into his fine establishment, and was greeted by the lovely sound hypnotic booming bass system. He made his way through the crowd of sweaty people to the bar where he was greeted by the lovely face of his bartender, Byun Baekhyun.

“About time you came in, Jondae. What took you so long?” The dark brunette question as he began mixing the other’s drink together.

“I was helping out Minseok, he’s bringing a friend of his by tomorrow and he was sadly lacking in proper clubbing attire.” Baekhyun grinned at the news, pouring Jongdae’s drink out of the mixing and into a glass then handing it to his boss.

“A club nice, maybe he’ll help me get my mind off that face that left me hanging.”

“I thought all you two did was make out?”

“No, he left Baekkie in the morning after he took him back to his place.” Tao explained taking a seat next to Jongdae making him wince slightly and turn to the bar tender for conformation, when Baekhyun nodded their boss shook his head in disapproval, and then took a swig of his drink.

“Bastard that’s not even proper etiquette.”

“I know right! I thought we were getting along really well too.” The brunette grumbled slouching forward until his forehead rested on Tao’s arm, which caused the panda to start petting the brown locks lovingly. “At least have the curtsey to make breakfast in the morning.”

“Maybe you were bad in bed?” Jongdae questioned causing the Baekhyun to stand up quickly and glare into the other’s soul. Seriously, the manager was actually scared for his life.

“Excuse me, this hot piece of ,” He exclaimed as he gestured to him person. “Brings nothing, but perfection in everything it does and I do mean everything.” Jongdae held his hands up in defense.

“Alright, alright I forget I said anything…tsk, tsk such a diva.” Their boss commented before grabbing his drink and running off to the V.I.P. room in order to get away from the agitated bar tender.

“Damn straight, need to be in order to show off this much awesome.” Tao laughed at his friend’s comment, but nodded none the less. “You’ve been quiet Tao, everything alright?”

“Oh yeah, nothing much happening in my life right now.”

“That’s a shame, hey maybe since were both off tomorrow; we could come here tomorrow to dancing?”

“I suppose, might be nice to let loose. I should get back to my shift, see you tomorrow night?” Baekhyun winked at the panda boy as he walked off to the double doors that lead to the outside.

“Tomorrows gonna be amazing~” He sang before rushing to fill order he had previously been ignoring.


I'm very sorry; it took me forever to post the next chapter. I was having troubles on how to write Chanyeol and then I completely changed the scene. It was a whole ordeal for me anyway, however I went to a comic book convention last weekend and there was this heavenly Kpop store and there was a giant TV and all that was on the TV was Kpop videos...seriously guys my friends had to physically drag me away from the store. But my awesome dad bought me a Nu'est t-shirt which is super y and I'm so happy also nabbed a grab bag full of some pretty awesome stuff :D

Alright enough of my ranting, I love comments for feel free to give them to me :) also if someone could tell me how to add gifs onto chapters I would greatly appreciate it. I collect gifs, but I have no idea how to use them -_-'


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Hahaha! I really like this! It has all the couples I adore except Kailay is new to me. o; Anywas, I can't wait for the next chapter! Really liking how it's going so far. :)
shinee1996 #2
Chapter 2: Interesting couples~ looking forward to the story=]
chankyudoong #3
Chapter 2: Omigosh.... Soo excited for the next chap... Update soon authornim....
Chapter 2: wow I'm loving this so far! I'd love to see jongdae coming onto joonmyun sleazily hahaHAHAH #troll
Chapter 2: Hi~
When you are typing a new chapter or something, on the bar (where the font and the paragraph layout is) there should be a icon that says image when you have your mouse hover over it. Then you click on it and a box will pop up, and the top of the box has URL. then you pick the gif you want and really try to open just one gif in a new window, then copy the URL and paste it in the image box on AFF. press okay and the gif should be there. Sorry for my y explanation. I had a hard time with it as well ^^

Please update soon~!
Andais #6
This was so amusing! Haha keep writing and update soon! I really like how you wrote the characters and their interactions ^^
Chapter 1: it's a very good story :)
candymints #8
Chapter 1: creepy luhan all the way \^o^/
Chapter 1: sekai's antics at cafe mehehehe
sehun's fascination for tao ~~~
kyungsoo with his umma syndrome \o/
luhan with his forever obsession towards minseok <3333
was it a pic of krisbaek's make out that luhan just deleted? WEEEEE I WANTED TO SEE THAT PIC ;;________;;
NOW lemme wait for the club rendezvous XD